Saturday, November 26, 2016


Turkish's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan  survived an attempted military coup which caused clashes ,chaos  disruptions and turmoil in  the nation . The Clashes have left at least many dead, and  injured , Abot 3000 rebel soldier's were arrested .The nation's head of state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan who is as known an authoritarian/  dictatorial type  leader , was lucky enough to survive the coup . Earlier too , at least  four times  in the past Turkey's history i.e. in 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997 , through  military coup incumbent leaders taken the reins . We can say a trend rather .
Erdogan  besides arrogant , authoritarian ,dictator type leader ,   is  slightly tilted towards old cultural ,religious follower ,thus  cannot be termed him as secular . However  the  secularist ideologists  iconic Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk  probably has been the driving force behind these take-overs  and coup. In the changed scenario President Erdagaon very clearly said that he is sure of foreign power involved in  this coup  through clerics based in USA and  termed him as coup planner and real face behind the coup. Erdogan brutally criticized NATO for having and keeping sympathy with the coup leaders in his style ..

Now the million Dollar question remains , whether Turkey shall abandon NATO or vice versa . In Turkey a democratically elected government is there and coup planner have to take care of public opinion as well . The general public opinion after coup is that , the lukewarm response shown by NATO is suspecious . NATO , instead of  showing concern & coming to help , started arguing ,asking questions , Clarifications from Turkey Govt., which  indicates that order for coup is from somewhere else , but is of no concern to NATO.

People were forced to believe that NATO's silence is in favour to coup plotter. Literally the double standards of NATO surfaced &  exposed to the whole world , showing , that NATO rules are not same for all its member countries for European's & one for non or near Europeans ( Turkey ). This resulted weakening of Turkey - NATO ties .Speculations  have started that Turkey may leave NATO or may be distancing itself . After gauging the mood of public a belated support came that too half hearted from NATO. This perception of weakening of NATO-turkey ties further fuelled by a summit meeting between Erdogan and  yesterday's not so good friend Vladimir Putin .

This  crisis between Turkey and NATO was over Turkish Vice Adm. who was posted to NATO's Allied Command Transformation  HQ. Turkey issued an arrest warrant on charges that he is affiliated with the  movement's infiltration of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK). Turkey issued a warrant and asked NATO to terminate his posting and return him to Turkey. But to a greater surprise to Turkey and  to whole world , NATO did not reacted and perhaps  ignored the warrant and Turkey’s request as well. NATO did not even relieved Vice Admin. from active duty.

This act of NATO made common people to believe that Gulenist & NATO were & are behind this coup to over throw the elected goverment ..

After the July 15 coup attempt, Turkey issued another warrant for Ugurlu on charges of plotting the coup. He  first applied for asylum in United States then gone on missing list .One after another facts started coming to the surface slowly , clearly indicating 100% involvement of NATO & allies. Probaly it was in line with their operational  style  -- i.e. Overthrow the Governments which are  not of their choice.

Turkey holds very pivotal place in current crisis in Syria which is fighting refugees inflow , the Islamic State, Kurdistan Workers Party .Turkey is a very important country  for power balances in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea.

So the vital question remains  , whether Turkey leaves NATO or NATO leaves Turkey.The answer probably is with Erdogan & Vladimir Putin , whose new found  friendship is  in upswing . Russia would not have asked more than this . A win win situation for Russia .Turkey's relation with NATO  again took a dip , as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned  European Union that Turkey could extend emergency  by at least another three months , A state of emergency  is in place since the failed July coup.

In a a speech in Istanbul, Erdogan launched another stinging attack on the EU after European Parliament took controversial decision .He also threatened to bring back the death penalty -- a decision that would effectively end Ankara`s longstanding bid for membership .He said that he would listen to the Turkish people and not European's parliament.

Erdogan further poked EU stating the state of emergency will be extended  by another three months and then may be next another three months. Said this will be a decision of the government and by the parliament. Erdogan bluntly asked EU and their parliament , are you not aware that you are aiding and abetting terrorism . Erdogan   threatens to tear up an agreement that has substantially reduced the flow of illegal migrants to Europe this year and sign a bill voted by parliament to bring back capital punishment, whose abolition is a key condition for EU membership. If the people want capital punishment, it will to parliament. If parliament says yes, I will sign it. Democracy  is the the national will.

It seems Turkey and EU relations has reached to a point of no return.A new axis is in the horizon I.e. of Moscow - Turkey Tie up : A new equation , a new balance of power which may change the existing political scenario of this region.

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