Friday, November 18, 2016


Since our Prime Minister declared war on black money, few political leaders have become desperate and are on roads to oppose  government .They are running pillar to post ,as how to stall the whole process.They are not leaving any stone un turned in an effort to force the govt. to roll back the decision. Very unfortunate .

Only good thing that has happened is, now it has come to surface  , that who are in support and who are against demonetization .The leaders who are  opposing demonetization ,  they themselves  promises during election time that, they vow to fight against corruption and black money if elected .What a hypocrites they are .

In Parliament too ,they are crying without any logic or suggestions. Why ? Because their self interest is at stake. YES it is so . They are making hell out of this situation .They went to even President , Supreme court to seek support. They are not allowing even Parliament to function. How hopeless these leaders  are.

But the most strange thing, that has happened , is on Street. In front of public , a political leader holding a constitutional post burnt a Rs 2000 note.He even threatened  government that ,there may be revolt if this process is not withdrawn . Sorry to say ,why our constitutional heads allow these persons to act in  Anti national way. They actually confuse the whole nation specially our youths. Our President and election commissioner should take note of this , for immediate action , against this unconstitutional act.

Though they say, they are concerned for people but actually they are not . They are simply concerned for themselves and their black money .

The immediate effects of demonetization , as visible are :

-J&K Violence has come down , no stone pelting on our Jawans
-Exams were conducted peacefully and successfully in J& K
-Distribution of election tickets by various political parties has  stopped
- Political Yatras before election is no where now in Punjab & UP
- Hawala business badly affected
- Food and arms shortages in Naxals camps.

Even International communities are praising this demonetization move by India .Bill Gates hailed this move of demonetization , saying it will help to quicken the digitization process . Also said ,pains are temporary but the gains will be lasting.He further said ,India is pushing towards digitization in a big way. The scale of the country means that once India gets through , the amount of digital innovation will be greater than anywhere else in the world. Even world Bank President praises India's move .

But where our leaders stands :

-They say something , do something , show something.
-Once  who were the champions of Lokpal now opposing  it .
-They are supporting of JNU mugs for their political cause..
-They are supporter of Afjal Guru
-They became hero of Pakistan after army surgical strike
-Question Indian constitution
-Question Indian army's bravery
-Became sympathiser of terrorists killed
-Burn the Indian currency in public e.t.c. .

The crusader,Anna Hazare too lauded  Center for its bold  and revolutionary decision of demonetizing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes , saying it will curb black money.The previous governments never showed the will to crackdown on black money. The present dispensation has taken a bold step and this will strengthen the democracy, he said.

Pointing out "discrepancies" in funding of political parties, the veteran social activist said the next course of action for the government should be to "clean up" the election process.
Let us hope better sense will prevail , and India will move ahead. We all should support government, for betterment of country.

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