Saturday, November 19, 2016


A crusade , a colossal move was lunched by  the government almost 10 days back , when it was announced that rs 500 and rs 1000 notes are being withdrawn . Probably it was the greatest move in the history of India. It gave great blow to black money hoarders, hawala agents , terrorist gangs ,and self centered & selfish political leaders and their followers.

All affected selfish & vested interest leaders came out of their den in protest against this move , making public as their shield. They have started shedding crocodile tears for common man , who never bothered for them in last 70 years. In fact with black money they were running a parallel economy very dangerous to country.

The immediate effects of demonetization started coming in and are visible now . 

Notably  in Kashmir Valley particularly -

-J&K Violence has come down &valley is heading to normalcy
-No stone pelting on our Jawans
-Exams were conducted peacefully& successfully in Kashmir
- Hawala business got badly affected .
-Fund problems is causing problems to self-styled leaders
- Food and arms shortages in terrorists camps.

Yes a very very encouraging signs. Most of the Shops , offices are opened  now and Kashmir valley is fast returning to normalcy after four month or 100 days of no business / shutdowns  scenarios.All commercial establishment and fuel stations are working to their normal hours for the first time since the unrest began.  Though this phenomenon was earlier visible when some started opening their shops defying the separatists . But it started with full throttles and got momentum once the effect of demonetization started coming in.

Kashmir's now can breath and live freely ,as terrorists have become ineffective because there is no Hawala money to buy crowd to engage them in antinational activities .Now separatists have become stone faced leaders don't know what to do and how to do . Separatists are now finding it hard to run their business .

Now large number of people's are rushing to Srinagar markets for shopping . The commercial vehicles are plying to normalcy .People's are coming out of their houses in large numbers . Banks are also doing their normal business . Traffic movements have also become normal. People's are enjoying the feel of normalcy and feeling the difference.

Attendance in government offices have also become normal and even  internet services has been restored to some extent after remarkable improvement in situation. Railway services also becoming normal.

The big question is how these things have happened in such a short time , miraculously in a controlled manner. The answer is obvious .Yes due to demonetisation only , as black money has completely dried out and separatist leaders have no more fund to engage or organise the crowd to anti national activities.

Now Separatist don't have money to fuel the situation , probably they are in hell. A great achievement, isn't !

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