Wednesday, January 18, 2017


An old obsolete myth of artificial threat perception , which was it being carried since second world war till recently , by anti Russian camp , intentionally , seems to come to an end , probably in Trump era as Mr Trump openly stated that he wants Russia as friend and not foe.
East European countries were in great  hurry to join NATO & EU , after break up of     USSR ,with  the presumption that their safety , security , prosperity , self honor shall remain intact only under the  EU & NATO umbrella. EU is group of 28 European  countries which include east Europeans countries also , who earlier were under USSR umbrella . But after break up of USSR they  come out openly against  Russia ( formerly USSR) and immediately applied for EU membership . 

They all were under the psycho fear  that Russia will again try to take them under its influence.  In fact this fear  psycho was created by  west Europeans along with US , by  utilizing their powerful propaganda machinery . The main craze of joining EU was to have  secured big market , strong currency , assurances of export share , good financial support ,strong currency ,secured boundaries ,Closeness with rich people & its benefits , less expenditure on defense ,strong bargaining power, industrial growth e.t.c.

The  leading countries who are more concerned about  EU's was Germany , Italy , France mainly because more big is the group more it serves their national interest .To keep this large group of nations united they created a fear psycho that Russia one day shall attack them and make them slave .Threat of Russian bear ! which actually does not existed .

An artificial threat perception was intentionally created for ensuring unity among the member nations  .It this en-devour they  got full support of Europe 's so called defender USA . In fact EU & USA combines become a formidable force and start dictating the world . Further more EU & USA were running their own war industry in the veil of artificial threats . Europe & USA are the highest exporter of military equipment's in billions of dollars .

If there is not two power groups , if there is no war or tension  , if there is no instability then where they will sell their arms and equipment's.Their factories will be closed , GDP will get reduced , more unemployment will be there. So for their own benefits , an artificial atmosphere of tensions was created. If these tension are eliminated there will be no war , no refugees (e.g. Syria ) and humanity will be served .

Mr Trump understand this feelings of the masses well , that's why extended hands of friendship towards Russia .A bold step indeed.

However , Trump Shocks European Leaders and the whole world, with his Indifference to EU, NATO .But Russians are very happy probably  getting every things that they wanted on platters.Recently Donald Trump expressed doubts about the way NATO operates and said he didn’t really care either way whether the European Union stays united or not. 

All Europeans leaders are badly  nervous because Trump called NATO as “obsolete” and said he thinks more countries will follow Britain to leave the EU. German reacted immediately and said let us stick together. We Europeans have our fate in our own hands,Italy too reacted said I don’t share Mr Trump prediction that there are other Brexit-type departures from the E.U. on the horizon.French  reaction also came as  that only solution is - Europeans to remains united together.

If Trump is really serious about what he said, it could be a dramatic shift in Washington policy to deals with European allies when U.S. leaders have long seen the E.U. as beneficial to the United States for both economic and national security reasons.

Trump confirmed his presidency would usher in a major shift in the U.S. relationship with Europe. Trump said that the U.K. was very smart in getting out of the E.U., which he described as “a vehicle for Germany. He said others will leave the European Union because people want their own identity. It looks Trump is neither interested in EU nor in NATO though US was the main force behind EU ,& NATO .A totally changed scenario .Now EU & NATO does not matter much to US .

Whole EU nations are stunned & nervously  reacted  and shown defiance to Trump remarks .Besides NATO, Trump also indicated that , he is least interested to whether the EU stays together or not .A sharp break from the Obama Administration , which encouraged even Great Britain to remain in the EU.

Though Obama tried  ,Britain should not leave EU , President elect  Trump predicted usefulness of  British exit from the EU & would go for close bilateral relations  with Britain . Britain took these remarks very positively but Germany , France ,Italy are very disappointment .

Probably Trump wants healthy business , competition & growth so as to reduce the tension and war like situations . A noble ,bold attitude & healthy approach.

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