Friday, December 2, 2016


VLADIMIR  PUTIN , the President of Russia , is one of the  most charismatic , intelligent , bold , shrewd , sharp , richest political leader in the world to day . Probably he is one of the few powerful men who can do any thing he likes to do for his country & and he did so repeatedly.

His brief data and political journey to reach this great position are :

Personality : 64 years old,Smart ,very active, rugged black belt of judo,with sense of greatness .

Studied : At Saint Petersburg State University

Powerful People list : No. 1 in 2015 in Forbes list

Career : started his career from KGB as intelligence officer.

Political Career

Started in 1975  ----

1975 - Joins Russian intelligence KGB. 

1984 - Joins Red Banner Institute of Intelligence,learnt German, English.

1985 - Joined to counterintelligence duties in then East Germany. 

1990 - Assistant rector,international affairs Leningrad State University.

June 1991 - Becomes chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

1991-1994 - Chairman ,Foreign Relations Committee of the city council.

1992 - Leaves the KGB.

1992-1994 - Become Mayor of St. Peters-burg.

1994-1996 - Was deputy chairman of the City Council of St. Peters-burg.

1997-1998 - Become Head of the Presidential Administration and Control Department of the Presidency under President Boris Yeltsin.

July 1998-August 1999 -  Chief of the Federal Security Service.

March 1999-August 1999 - Secretary of the Russian Security Council.

August 9- December 31, 1999 - Acting Prime Minister of Russia.

December 31, 1999 -Appointed acting president after Boris Yeltsin's.

March 26, 2000 - Is elected president of the Russian Federation.

May 7,2000 - Becomes Russia's second president ,Kremlin.

May 24, 2002 - Signs the Moscow Treaty with USA

March 15, 2004 - Re-elected in a landslide victory .

May 7, 2004 - Putin is sworn in for his second term.

April 27, 2005 - Becomes the first Russian leader to ever visit Israel.

October5 , 2005 - Meets with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 

September 5, 2006 - First Russian leader to visit sub-Saharan Africa

December 19, 2007 - Named Time Person of the Year.

March 2, 2008 - Medvedev is elected president of Russia. 

May 7,2008 - Just two hours new Russian president Medvedev names Putin as his prime minister.

September 24, 2011 - President Dmitry Medvedev calls on the ruling United Russia party to endorse Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for president in 2012. Putin in turn suggests that Medvedev should take over the role of prime minister if the party wins parliamentary elections in December.

March 4, 2012 -  Putin wins the presidential election, with just under 65% of the vote a third term as president (not consecutive).

May 7,2012 - Putin  sworn in under tight security.
His new prime minister is the former president Dmitry Medvedev.

December 28, 2012 - In a major move , Putin signs law  bill that  bans US citizens from adopting Russian children. The law also bans US-funded civic groups from operating in Russia.

September 11, 2013 - Putin criticized President Barack Obama and his concept of American exceptionalism. He said , It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. All are equals .

August 6, 2014 - Putin signs a decree that bans food and agricultural imports from countries that have imposed sanctions against his country.
September 28, 2015 - Putin attends the United Nations General Assembly in New York, his first visit to the United Nations and later meets with President Obama. The two leaders discuss Ukraine and Syria .

The journey from 1975 to 2016 was very very difficult that too when  Russia's new economy was in shambles. But he negotiated all curves very nicely ,intelligently  and with success. He took the rein's of of the country at very critical juncture , which was left , after break up of USSR .
He has got courage to deal with any odd situation boldly.

After breakup of USSR , there were tremendous pressure from western world specially USA but he didn't buckle down whether it's arms control treaty or other international issues .International sanctions were forced on russia about two years backafter Crimea joined Russian Federation and war in Ukraine .Russian currency Ruble was put under pressure , and driven Russia into deepening recession, but surprisingly haven't hurt Putin at all .In October, he bombed ISIS forces in Syria and then met face-to-face with President Assad without caring Obama and practically defeating Obama policy in Syria .

During his third term as President, Vladimir Putin has begun to project himself as a conservative, a Russian conservative .He believes in Russia's energy policies and military power to tackle western power with his new found allies China .He plays healthy international politics .
The expression “balance of power” is Putin’s version of conservatism that will define the Russian politics during third and presumably fourth Presidential terms. He is moving ahed to make Russia a formidable Power.

He is fantastic in making strategic freindship of his choice like :

TURKEY : Turkey is a very important country situated in between Black Sea and Mediterranean sea on silk route .It is Bosporus  country separating Asia and Europe. Turkey is a strong ally of NATO playing important role in Syrian crisis . It even shot down Russian sukhoi fighter plane and became enemy of Russia. But now become a good friend of Russia and Putin.

PHILIPPINES : A very important country in South China Sea and once  ally of USA has become very good friend of Russia ad Putin

Hope Russia will flourish further and achieve greater heights under the leadership of Vladimir Putin .

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