Sunday, December 11, 2016


Wars , no matter in what form, is a curse on human race .War is synonymous to loss and destruction which are enormous. It is just beyond human capacity to evaluate these losses. Wars are man made. We create wars , we fight ,we die ,we destroy nature ,we destroy human race and what not.In to days modern world  ,war too have their category , may be in different form i.e.

1.Biological Warfare

2. Nuclear Warfare

3.Chemical Warfare

4.Cyber Warfare
Let it be in any form, immense losses and destruction will be there , either to nature or to human being .

Effect of war on Human life and Environment -

1) Bio-attack 

It badly effect  the nation’s livestock  and agricultural and humans , also for long time .  It has enormous carried over effects . Domestic animals are very prone to  new diseases , because of this. Large number of wildlife species get infected , most likely culled  to control the spread of the disease. A huge loss & cruelty .us threat to  humans,it is also a  threat to agricultural ,ecosystems, wildlife , faunas and their habitat's.

2) Depleted Uranium (DU) 

The  radioactive dust affects hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers,  who get exposed to a highly toxic radioactive substance. Those who affected, sufferer's its numerous side effects .In fact, the young children in particular remains at great risk because of  very high half-life period , the effects of DU  on health lasts long .

3) Landmines ( Ref : Cambodia, Vietnam, Africa e.t.c. )

As per  report ,there are millions of  land mines put beneath the ground . Over 20,000 people were injured or killed by landmines  and even greater numbers of domestic and wild animals were killed.A cruel gesture of humans to animals .

The consequences of landmines are felt  even years after hostilities ceases. Besides human life , landmines are a significant contributor to  global environmental crises as deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution  e.t.c

If explodes on cultivated land  ,fertility of land reduces .Soil gets contaminated with toxic element  like TNT , RDX .Wildlife and livestock are a common casualty of landmine explosions  . Many animals like elephant, bears, leopard, tigers get killed or injured.

4) Nuclear

As per WHO , not only human and environment will get badly affected  in case of  a global nuclear war .over one billion people would be killed immediately and  one billion will be seriously injured .Besides this  radiation effects   shall be felt even for onger period  affecting corps , people ,wild life ,water . Many people may die because of starvation.

5) Chemical

During Vietnam war , US military in southern Vietnam , between 1962 and 1971 used highly dangerous chemicals which destroyed around 15% of South Vietnam’s vegetation, and gave rise to serious health problems for the soldiers, civilians and local wildlife.  It contaminated the soil and rivers and passed it into fish a Vietnamese diet.It badly affected human health as well causes cancer and birth defects - & rapid loss of vegetation. 

Effect of war on  Economy and Society

During war , willingly or unwillingly , ignoring all social , national  needs ,expenditures have to be diverted on military to meet it's requirements of weapons and for other related preparedness , ignoring health , education , infrastructure and developments. The military expenditure happens to be non productive .So It's impact on economy is more  and very negative as well . 

The effects of war are devastating and affects all cross section of life I.e. through destruction of environment, loss of property and displacement of people .The loss of human life is among the worst impacts of war. During wars, a high number of casualties occurred both from  the military and civilian population .  War causes the economic decline, high taxation , high prices,scarcity of essential commodities e.t.c . People suffer from poverty and malnutrition .


Probably  none of us have forgotten Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy whose picture become global headlines  ,after he drowned on 2 September 2015 in the Mediterranean Sea in a bid to reach safe home. A sad event shaken the whole world .
This is what , a war can give to us .But we human never learn from our mistakes.
Alan may have died at sea,but  there is no difference between him and the thousands of children now dying in Syria.The tragic plight of Syrian refugees are heart breaking.


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