Friday, November 25, 2016


U.S. and EU relations with Moscow started deteriorating since 2014 after Crimea joins Russia which west termed as annexation followed by  hostilities in eastern Ukraine .Russia-EU relations again took a dip due to yet another crisis—not Ukrainian crisis but this time the Syrian one . A lot of hindrances and misunderstandings .
A new twist to current crisis begins just as the EU was planning to work on a new formula initiated by Germany and France, on how to improve relations with Moscow. Young Europeans strongly feels , EU needs good relations and cooperation's with Russia irrespective of USA  ,as they are not an US colony . But some old EU members are still against it . Who are Singing  the old song of dangerous  Russia .In fact the main reason in downfall of relationship between Russia & EU started when at the behest of US , economic sanctions were imposed on Russia  in July 2014 on the pretext of Ukraine crisis .

Even with these odds ,European countries are still making  efforts to normalize relation with their biggest neighbour Russia.Russia too wants to normalize it's relations with EU & USA , as Russia is very conscious about their security because NATO is slowly pushing towards it's international borders  or area of influence .Russia is also worried about the sanctions imposed by West and U S A which is harming their countries economy badly .Financial security is also of utmost importance to russia .

Europeans leaders are collectively moving together for opening of fresh talks with Russia to avoid arms race in Europe and to settle the unsettled situation which giving rise to uncertainties and tension in the region . They termed it as positive move .With Fifteen European countries, headed by Germany, have issued a statement , for the reopening of a new structured dialogue with Russia aimed at preventing a possible arms race in Europe, according to the German foreign minister.  

The countries, all belonging to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), have expressed their deep concern over the current situation in Europe and support the relaunch of a conventional arms treaty with Russia as per German Foreign Minister .OSCE  also mentioned Europe's security is in danger . 

It is further said that ties with Russia may be difficult but we need more dialogues. It is unfortunate that , the Fragile trust between Russia & E U has suffered severe setbacks due to recent successive events .Movement of elite forces to borders , with heavy weapon's and missiles have made the situation more Alarming .

Russian President Vladimir Putin is not only very concerned about this but issued  stern warning to EU that Russia will oppose any attempts to break global strategic balance that include NATO missile system .NATO should address Russia's concern immediately otherwise it will be too late.The Conventional Forces  treaty, which led to the destruction of tens of thousands of heavy weapon systems in Europe in 1990's, is no longer being implemented by the Russia as per EU Federation statement .

Russia put  the treaty on hold in 2007 and then fully walked out of it last year. Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the suspension of the treaty following a US decision to locate and relocate missile defense systems in the neighboring Czech Republic and Poland. Further President Putin said that some of the NATO members did not join or ratify the treaty so there is no point in Russia abiding the agreement. Its a clear indication of encircling Russia and tilt the balance of power in favour of EU.

Russia issued a strongly worded statements stating Russia has right to defend against aggressive NATO – on  missile placement in Baltic region .Situation further aggravate  after , as Putin signed a decree suspending the treaty due to emergency circumstances  which was affecting the security of the Russian Federation and required immediate measures,” and notified to NATO and its members of this decision.

Moscow said they are ready for fresh dialogue on the subject but they will not initiate it .The countries that are in favor of fresh talks include France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Spain, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Portugal.The group of the European foreign ministers is planning to meet again on the sidelines of a OSCE  in Hamburg in first week of December 2016 .

Let us hope for the better .

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