Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Opposition Launched a blistering attack on government's demonetization  scheme. Leaders who had accumulated lakhs of crores of Rupees through corrupt means and are now shedding crocodile tears in the name of poor people .

Our so called great national leaders are unhappy with the withdrawal of the high-value currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 and reduced it to paper scrap by this single move in one stroke.

All Naxals, Hawala Traders , Terrorist organisations , J&K stone pelters , separatists leaders of Kashmir , black marketeers are shocked and confused . The foreign sources through which black money was being pumped to India has gone dry with this action of government.

Then why these funny leaders who did nothing for poor people in last 70 years are crying madly . If somebody ask them , they will reply ,they are very much concerned about the plight of poor people .But the fact is something else. Actually most of the people who are crying , are for themselves only. They are worried how to dispose off huge  accumulated black money.

Scams after scams . Where the black money  goes . To poor ? No .Then why these people's are crying. Because of  their double faced character. One for the people and one for themselves.They stocked huge amount of black money in their houses, go-downs , fields  and other places , assuming that it will be safe.

But this action of government has reduced it to scrap and taken away all  charm from their faces. Now their true face is before the people. Everyone one is in "deep trouble" due to this demonetization move, but no one is ready to reveal the true reasons behind their disagreement.Only those who have black money should be worried .

No doubt common people are facing real cash crunch problems ,which is causing hardships  but it will benefit the society and nation in the long run.

Infact those , who are criticizing demonetization are favoring the enemy of this country . My request to these selfish leaders is , don't try to fool and confuse common public for your own cause.You are just criticizing not even care,whether it is national interest or not. You are just measuring the depth of your vote bank ,  accordingly your act. Indians are ashamed of such peoples.Hope good sense shall prevail and country will march  to new heights.

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