Sunday, January 1, 2017


The new US President   is definitely different from others linearly and laterally also .He wanted to do drastic changes in the policies & in Administration for the benefits of mankind of USA & for the whole world. His postures , features, gestures, are really uniquely unique.Since it is USA , it matters to whole world as well.

To quote his few Twit's *Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do *Trump’s praised for Vladimir Putin saying very smart * for not retaliating after President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian officials from the US in wake of the email hacking accusations.

As he promised during election campaigns that he will withdraw all executive orders of Obama , he did in steps.That in itself  100% indications of major shift in US Policy major possible policy change that is in offing this may itself can change the whole equation of balance of power between west & rest .Now the new relation between US & NATO is going to have major impact on world affairs.May even create new balance of power.

Trump has been very very critical of NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which was a cornerstone of American foreign policy for more than 60 years..YES more than 60 years !! Earlier he has criticized & attacked the organisation as obsolete ,and characterized its members as ungrateful allies who benefits from US. He said America can no longer afford to protect countries in Europe - and in Asia - without adequate compensation, suggesting he would withdraw American forces unless they pay up. A very very correct step .

In one sense, he is simply voicing longstanding US concerns about most NATO members not meeting their goal of spending at least 2% of GDP on defence, while US defence spending is the largest in the world because US has to share their allies burden too. He also stressed the subject in a presidential debate ..

But his stance has sparked great alarm, particularly among Eastern European  countries who already are or will become new members of NATO .These East European countries were earlier with USSR under Warsaw's Pact , which was dismantled after break up of USSR .All East European countries sees NATO as Guarantee to their security , freedom , independence & sovereignty which was not there under Warsaw or USSR . Whole European country  sees this alliance as a major force against possible threat from  Russia.

Present US Admin.along with NATO have created an artificial myth & fear psycho that one day Russia shall eloped  whole Europe so get united against Russia. This is not only wrong , ill motivated but selfish also . In fact to keep Europe united NATO & EU plays an important role .But since Trump wants to have healthy ties with Russia , it is becoming a matter of concern both for EU & NATO  and probably having sleepless nights.

For Russia , Mr Trump has said , he believes he can ease tensions with President Vladimir Putin and has praised him as a strong leader with whom he would love to have a good relationship. Barack Obama too began his presidency calling for a "reset" with one of the US' long-term rivals Russia.. But unfortunately , since then Russia-US ties got strained, no more so , than over the two countries backing rival sides in Syria's civil war.

But Trump side yet to clarify  about what better relations exactly means to, beyond a desire for a joint fight against the militants of so-called Islamic State.But he intends to find out if the Russians would be reasonable . 

It is likely that Donald Trump's trade policies would bring single biggest change , to the way ,America does business with the rest of the world .He has threatened to scrap a number of existing free trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement between the  US, Canada and Mexico, which he blames main reasons for job losses in US. He  even intended to withdraw   from the World Trade Organization. He wants to bring drastic & practical changes for the betterment of US & Americans .He is also in favour of taxing imports, and has talked about imposing additional tariffs on Mexico ,China e.t.c. to reset trade gap.

Even Iran nuclear accord is being  rethought.The Iranian nuclear accord was the "worst deal I think I've ever seen negotiated", said Mr Trump .It would have potentially have a huge impact on the Middle East, with Iran a key player in the Syrian conflict and a rival of Saudi Arabia and Israel, for instance.

It is still not clear how he will  handle North Korea though Donald Trump presidency raised major security questions about Asia. China is otherwise happy that ,with the expected line of foreign policy, as per indications available so far . it will isolate US from the existing network of its friends .China will be more happy if Donald Trump presidency, takes more isolationist US foreign policy.

Japan and South Korea have both been singled out by Mr Trump for relying too much on the US for defence. He has even said they would benefited from having their own nuclear arsenals. Trump simple theme is : Self care is best care .

Climate change : President-elect Trump has since withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement . Mr Trump has promised a renewed push to use coal across the US .He has pledged to stop all government funding of clean energy projects and climate change initiatives.Mr Trump has repeatedly denied the science of human-caused climate change, describing it as "fictional' and arguing that it is a hoax created by the Chinese to make US manufacturing less competitive  !!
Reset of all international policies regarding trade, climate, commerce, communication ,defence , security ,freedom of navigation , power balance ,power blocks , arms control, nuclear polifiration are definitely in offing . All above aspects have already begin to take a new shape. World probably has not seen such drastic , centric policy changes earlier.Time will be the only answer

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