Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Sitting duck ! Yes -- The senior citizens and middle class are  sitting duck for the government. This  section of people  can be fooled , pressurized at  will , without  any fear . Reason - neither they are united nor organised . Don't have any  representations in the decision making body. No patron or patronages or political backing who can stand and fight for their causes.

Middle class in it self is a very misleading term  and is relative in nature and can not be defined on fixed scale . It is also difficult to set a bench mark , based upon its savings or earnings .Whatever it may be , they are the most & big sufferers because  of government policies .Sharp rises in day to day social needs like education and healthcare costs in the last two years have hit India's  middle class very badly . Government did not mind to tax even on Pension savings earnings. 

A  shameful act on the part of the govt.

It has become practice or style of functioning of  the govt. that , in the name of country ,they take vote or any stand without bothering whether it will further tax the middle class/senior citizens or not  
Day by day they are reducing bank interest on deposits , least caring  how the middle class shall cope up with the market inflation.

The govt Pension has now become peanut's . Pensions are fixed and  inflation rates are high . This is applicable at least to PSU's pensioners . A Hopeless situation is 't .Contrast is the picture for upper and rich classes .They are enjoying , as government do care for them , specially for the politicians. Some glaring examples are :

A committee of members of Parliament have recommended a 100 per cent hike in salaries and allowances for themselves, and the logic is as they say , they deserve a raise in view of their "good conduct " ?? Committee has suggested that the salary of MPs to be raised from Rs 50,000 to a lakh a month and a constituency allowance from Rs 45000 to 90000. If the committee's proposal are accepted, the total compensation package for an MP will go up from Rs 1,40,000 to 2,80,000. They further justify it by saying hike is justifiable in view of inflation .

Government apathy is also visible in the income tax Area where  less than 10% of the population are covered under tax net.Why not , middle class is there to take the load of the nation ?

This type of disparities can happens only in India , the land of Lord Buddha where it is  said Live & Let live . To day it has become Let me live & you Die. 

To day every things are overshadowed by corruption . Now the saying has further modified & has become - Let me enjoy others may live. Rising prices of essential  commodities , educational costs , housing costs , services ,  food and beverage costs ,have made the life of middle class  and senior citizens miserable .Thus expenses are outstripping earnings.

Even after these miseries there is no end of  unbalanced behavior of the government which continues to harass & squeeze the middle class & senior citizens further. Most alarming act & fact of  government is , as stated , continuous cutting down of bank interest rates on savings which badly affected this  section because senior citizens are basically dependent on bank interest gain on their savings which is slowly drying . It seems govt. attitude towards this is like deaf & dumb .

The helpless senior citizens/middle class of India still live with a ray of hope , in illusion , that one day govt will wake up to address their problems before it is too late to say -

I am a traveler lost on my way  , would you please tell me ,who I am !- Applicable to Indian senior citizens

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