Saturday, January 21, 2017


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them. Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.

Example : South China Sea EEZ and maritime disputes

Chinese have also created Dummy Threats to world in the form of North Korea  and Pakistan . North Korea is there  to  threat & contain , Democratic countries like Japan, South Korea and other south Asian countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Coco- Christmas islands.

Where as Pakistan is there  to contain & pose threat to another democratic country India and to train & harbor terrorists in their land so as to export them to south west Asia & to whole world , to destabilize the countries to their gains.

Chinese though oppose nonproliferation and terrorists on various international forum's but on the other hand helping  Pakistan & North Korea to develop nuclear arsenals and missiles technology , a real threat to whole world . Chinese are using these two rough  states as tool to black mail whole international community . Though  they themselves are suffering from terrorists on the other hand opposing UN proposal to ban terrorist. Besides this they are giving all sorts of help and patronage to these two rough states .

Ties between India and China has taken a dip after Beijing opposed New Delhi’s appeal to the United Nations to label Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar a terrorist. Beijing’s move to extend the “technical hold” imposed in April comes a day before it was to lapse, giving Azhar – an accused in the Pathankot Indian Air Force base attack in January – another six-month breather. Earlier to this, China, in collaboration with Pakistan, had blocked India’s bid to ban Azhar. It is on record that 14 out of 15 countries were willing to designate Azhar as terrorist but China, with its veto , again took the decision to block the move.

Beijing’s decision and actions  in the backdrop of Pakistan sponsored Terrorists attack in India  – brings into focus China's sport to terrorism. Though Beijing argued  – that its decision was based on facts and procedures, the latest decision brings into focus the close ties between China and Pakistan, who consider each other all-weather allies.In order to please Pakistan China has blocked a tributary of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet which could cause concern in India as it may impact water flows into the lower riparian countries.

China using Pakistan to counter balance  India's rise. In a fresh international report, it is  said that China is using Pakistan to thwart India's rise as a challenger to its ambition of becoming the sole leader in Asia. According to a report in US Congress , says that in the last ten years, Chinese influence has spread in and around South Asia which is  traditionally seen as India's sphere of influence. 

It further says that Beijing has also sought to get a foothold in the Indian Ocean and check India's influence in that region through its naval presence .“This is why it is using a wholly willing  Pakistan to thwart India's rise as a challenger to China's ambitions. It wants to become as the sole leader of Asia .

The report , also points out that the rise of terrorism in China which is also a major threat to China's own security, thus needs a shift in the country's strategic calculations with respect to terrorism.The China's southern provinces; there has been a significant rise in radicalization of Muslim minorities. For decades, authoritarian regimes in several Muslim majority states bordering China in Central Asia have kept restive regions under control. But soon it may go under control .

Checking India's rise, primarily by exploiting India-Pakistan rivalry is an important agenda for China. New Delhi clearly sees ,this is the main reason that Beijing supports Pakistan on all major regional issues.The  balance of power between China and India currently is in China's favor, and Beijing intends to keep it that way. China's primary mechanism in this regard is its support for Pakistan,” the report said.China is encircling India

Rough state Pakistan with huge nuclear arsenals  makes the nuclear button more dangerous. Measures urgently required  to prevent nuclear armaments from falling into the hands of  terrorist organisations. Pakistan  with its weak democracy, and the Army and ISI undoubtedly nurturing and controlling the Taliban.

All democracies of the world should recognize this menace and pool their resources, economic, military and diplomatic to neutralize this threat.  India and the USA have definitely understood the danger . India must make serious diplomatic effort to impress upon the USA and other democracies of the world with glaring realities that persist in our region. It has been known for a long time that the Taliban was originally an instrument for Pakistan's colonization of Afghanistan. Pakistan has repeatedly double-crossed the American's. 

US also must stop playing double game on terrorists. Because time is running out very fast and it needs immediate action and not preaching . Enough political will ,  interest of self country, own area of influence are the reasons causing US to compromises with the situation or shut eyes .Strange is't !They agree on terrorism even then don't get united to fight it because of self interest. They  close their eyes s long as they are not affected .

Only after terror strikes in France & USA , other laces , that  western countries woke up and  realized the pain of terrorism ,otherwise it was for them like any administrative problems . Now they have started to talk on terrorism. Hope good sense will prevail and joint actions shall be initiated soon before it is too late.

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