Friday, January 13, 2017


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law at their will , if it suits them . They are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.  South China sea  maritime disputes  with littoral states is the latest example.
Beijing has been building artificial islands on reefs in waters in South china sea , also claimed by other nations. Satellites Images  shows military defense structures on these islands, which is totally illegal .New nominated US Secretary ,lashed out at Beijing on these issues and also on , such as , theft of intellectual property.  But it is unfortunate that neither China is accepting the ground reality nor international law for free navigation .

China's island-building in the South China Sea is totally illegal as forcibly taking of disputed areas without any regard for international norms,US Secretary of state nominated . Mr Tillerson likened China's island-building to Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. China very cleverly studying the seriousness and depths of troubled water and international mood as well.

But the new US Administration , who will take charge on 20th January , has sent a very clear and strong signals to china and spoke-out clearly & strongly against the island-building & pledged to ensure freedom of navigation in the South China Sea . Several measures like sending naval war ships to contested areas and to block the passage to artificial islands is under process .

China's denial to accept International Tribunals decision on south china sea has badly complicated the situation and  the tension in South china sea is at its peak .Due to China's arrogant & wrong stand on South china sea , situation has deteriorated to such an extent that US & China  are face to face .China very well knows that it will not be easy for them to deal with US under Trump

China's over all action  is  very calculative and in well thought manner. It has started  showing the most modern parts of its air and naval  forces . China's only  (second hand) aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, conducted its first military drill in South China Sea & in Taiwan Strait. Also China recently tested a new prototype stealth fighter, an improved version of the earlier one.  China wants bargaining on south china sea at equal level or from position of strength.

When the whole issue of  south china sea was on volcano top, after the decision of international tribunal , sending  an  aircraft carrier by china in the Pacific along with newly upgraded combat aircraft speaks for itself.   China's military is in hurry for showing off its military power & new equipment's , when there are only few days left in the swearing-in of new US President . It seems China is in great hurry to steal better bargaining strength.

Still china has not buckled down . Of course crying through their official media and  giving hawkish threat to US . It warned & said , Blocking to China from islands , which it has built in contested waters would lead to "devastating confrontation".This angry response came after secretary of state (nominee) Rex Tillerson said that US should would deny Beijing access to new islands in the South China Sea.

China warned that any such action would lead to a large-scale war which will be very disastrous.  It would set a course for devastating confrontation between China and the US. After all, how can the US deny China access to its own territories without inviting the latter's legitimate, defensive responses .Unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish.

It is just a wolf cry of  China , to tell international community , to keep off from South china sea so that they can do their own .China is a habitual offender of breaking international rules & Laws .So exactly US authority too said that China's  have not always followed its economic and trade  commitments to global agreements. It steals others intellectual property, and is aggressive and expansionist in the digital realm also. It has not been a reliable partner in using its full influence to curb North Korea. China has proven a willingness to act for its own goals, which at times has put it in conflict with America's interests.

US understands these acts of china well  & world community hope that US will move ahead to contain china to keep south china  sea as free navigation zone , internationally & tell China that their Nine Dotted  Lines has got no meaning , as per international law .

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