Saturday, January 21, 2017


In today's world, irrespective of , whether it is Asia , America or Africa every body is very very sensitive & alert about , not to touch their vote bank even if , they had to sacrifice some interests .They just shut their eyes. A real way to do politics.
But there are some strong leaders , who damn the vote bank and take all measures in national interests,  for the people which are in their interest .Donald Trump is probably one of them . Donald Trump , prior to taking oath has well indicated his intentions . 

Likely  Important ingredients of his agenda will be :

To create new jobs for unemployed Americans,To control crimes and criminals , To change the Americans Immigration policy,  To stop illegal immigration., To review H 1-B visa policy , To construct boundary wall along the US-Mexican international border to check illegal entry of criminals and to check almost free arrivals of drugs across the border.

Though this may affects Republican's vote bank but Trump is hell bent to take actions on priority. If so , this is going to be an historical step.

To elaborate a little, few are :

To check illegal immigration  US needs strong borders. Because a country that can't protect its borders can not control crimes & criminals . Americans main problem is from drugs &  to keep US drugs free, strong guarded border is required. Drugs are being pumped inside America from across the border &  criminals are getting the hard cash in return . Only strong borders can control this. So Trump called for securing the southern border and indicated that he believes half of the undocumented residents in America are criminals, murderers and drug lords.

All country try to push their criminals to neighboring Countries , this is a very wrong practice and need to be stopped .When the sufferer country  wants  to send them back to their country, their country says we don't want them. Why ? Now probably Trump will force them back to their country ,as they  are probably murderers and some are very bad people .

Immigration reform, if applied in right sense , then the individuals , who legally get their educations here, should be allowed if they want to contribute to US economy. It makes no sense to sent them out of the country.

Also visa regulations are to be implemented in right sense & spirit. Companies should not be allowed to abuse this H 1-,B system. General views in the society is why American citizens and those living in the United States are  being pushed out of high paying jobs , so that they can be replaced with "cheaper" labor from out side . The H 1-B system should be employed only when jobs cannot be filled with qualified Americans and legal residents .

People pour into US and local citizens lose their jobs. Americans believe when US have gifted people within the country , they should cherish them and allowed to contribute. But instead , corporations  fling  arms wide open to the lowlifes, the not so qualified people who have no intention to contribute to  country.

As per reports , US have at least about 11 million people that came in illegally. They have to go as per Trump in a judicious way. As  illegal immigration has to be stopped as it hurts US economically . As per estimates ,351,000 criminal  are illegal , are in US prisons. This costs US more than a billion dollars a year just to keep these people in prison.

It's also a reality that mostly immigrants  are not  the women , kids or old persons .Very few women children. comes to US. Its only Strong, powerful men probably with ill intention are coming ,who are ,as if they were serving some fighting organisation .They should not be allowed to  come into America  and break laws.Data base all immigrants shall be kept.  Because US don't know if they're ISIS fighters,Illegal immigrants or member of criminal gangs. Probably,US is badly hurt by neighboring countries as all jobs are taken away.

As a leader , he rightly said , there are decent, hardworking & honest  immigrants too, who came here to improve their own lives and their children's lives & who can contribute to US society. But no matter, illegal immigration has to stop. They have to come into this country legally. It's fine if they come in, but they have to come legally.

So the immediate remedial measures required are :Strong borders, reexamination of H1B visa system , stopage of illegal south west Asian immigrants. Americans are experiencing serious social and economic difficulty because of  illegal immigrants who are flooding across US borders. US  simply can’t absorb them.

This is a  true & honest picture as on date . How much could be implemented , only time can say. Good Luck .

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