Sunday, January 1, 2017


Trump is a real visionary and full of humanity, unbiased .He surprisingly  said I do not get along with rich people. However I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with rich people .A very positive side of his character . Mr. Trump probably you are right ,as you are leader of common people .Common people likes you . Rich peoples are very protective about protecting their luxury life style ,no matter at what cost . They will never sacrifice or allow the monopoly they hold  or the luxuries & high standard of living  to slip out of their hand . 

So as to maintain this they create a hypothetical crisis , threat , scarcity,chaotic situation, fear psycho -- which remains far from truth and reality . Because they have to run their  armament factories & they need orders . They can get orders , if there is a demand .  Demand will be there if two countries fights. Two countries will fight , if the countries are not stable . So first make the countries , region ,area unstable then merrily carry out you business like a true businessman on the bodies of aged persons ,child , women's, helpless people Iike did in Syria .

Shame on those people , who are indulged .Some time  rich countries  creates Fake conditions, fear psycho and artificial threat conditions for selling their products ultimately for self service .Creation of such  FAKE NEWS is like a atom bomb. It does immense loss to society.

A renowned Print Media of west , came out with an irresponsible news , that Russian has hacked US Power Grid system . Later they backed out . In fact  truth & facts forced the said media to backtrack on earlier reports  that Russia hacked US power grid .The media house ,who has carried the story has corrected the article in which it said that Russian hackers had infiltrated in the US power grid at a Vermont utility. The newspaper now modified & said authorities have no such intentions & indications . In fact it was based  on social media claim which reported that Burlington Electric, a Vermont-based power company, raised an alarm after finding malware code on a company laptop. It's ridiculous .

It will be very difficult for common people of Asia , Africa , Latin America to believe that  to meet their own selfish goal  & to put blame on others shoulders these things are artificially created i.e. artificial market conditions , artificial threat conditions e.t.c. .Its a very sad affairs that a world class news Daily without establishing the fact ran most damaging , rampaging, maligned news so casually .Indeed highly irresponsible act .

In fact these news papers who earned in Millions , but shy away to meet the social responsibility .An advise to these dailies will be , first establish the facts then Publish. Media should not play at the hands of  Politicians.

Later , On investigation it was found that it was an hollow news .No evidence of a Russian trace has been released either. Eventually, the  Post issued a correction to its article stating -An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the US electric grid. Authorities said  there is no indication of that , so far available -the statement said. 

Indeed ! What a biased media .Probably it was an anti Russian lobby .A prominent US journalist said “It matters even more because it reflects the deeply irrational and ever-spiraling fever that is being cultivated in US political discourse and culture about the so called threat posed by Moscow,” Greenwald wrote. Meanwhile, people on social media teamed up in slamming the material by the Washington Post as another instance of “fake news.” or PLANTED NEWS

2)Further US President Elect Trump also questions about medias  claim of Russia hacking DNC, says he ‘knows things other people don’t’ . US President Donald Trump said it was possible that somebody else may have compromised the Democratic campaign’s servers .He further said  that he may reveal some previously undisclosed facts .

Another noted personality , Rick Santorum is also unconvinced about the theory that Russians were behind alleged election hacking .Then why it is in the circulation. .West has to come out this artificial fever to remain healthy .

US  President elect ,  reiterated his willingness to have great relations based on ground reality with all  countries, including Russia and China. That is a bold & healthy sign.So Trump  rightly said , US needs to move on to bigger and better things  for better future and need not to involve in kitchen politics. GOOD LUCK.

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