Sunday, January 15, 2017


After Hillary Clinton’s stunning ,devastating loss  to Mr Donald Trump, Democrats were all out to prove to their followers that it was not their normal defeat but a defeat forced on them by their opponents by taking out side help. They try to raise doubtful , baseless doubts , even considered the court option & arranged public discontent . These can be called as unwanted 'inflammatory' exercise in the democratic set up . It's really unfortunate . 

Every defeats are to be accepted sportingly any gracefully. After loosing US presidential election ,it looks , as Democrats’ will never  get another chance to fight election or win election again . They are all out to project that election was unfair ,Trump is politically weak in front of Russia & to prove that Trump and his administration is  unpopular , as much as possible .  Also intentionally to make Mr  Trump more politically toxic , thereby weaken his ability to deal real things .

Democrats Deadly blame game started by highlighting  Mr Donald Trump’s friendliness with Russia  and his refusal to condemn its interference in the 2016 election in unequivocal terms .This has become the single most important issue of the transition period. Democrats are also propagating that , Trump’s inner circle were in constant contact with Russian intelligence during the campaign; and that Trump made a quid pro quo deal with Russia. This to make Trump’s presidency appeared to hang in the balance, even before it took off .

As per sources a  meeting between the Russian and US leaders could pave the way for a new chapter in Moscow-Washington relations .A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Mr Donald Trump can become a new beginning for US-Russian relations,. Trump is making a normal political & diplomatic move not a big bet on a meeting with Putin.

This meeting could become a new starting point in relations between Russia and the United States, despite lot of pending crucial issues .But whatever it may be the out come,it is sure that  the Obama's Sanction Policy Against Russia  is going to Torn into Pieces shortly . as Mr Trump has repeatedly expressed readiness to build positive relations with Russia indicating ,USA  would definitely consider lifting newly-imposed sanctions on Russia at proper time.

Donald Trump said he was prepared to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin after taking office & further said he may lift sanctions on Russia after a period of time only if Russia cooperate & helps the US to achieve it's key own goals.such as fighting violent    extremists . Mr Trump suggested he may scrap the punitive measures altogether.  However sanctions on Russia would remain at least for a period of time

Mr Trump, who sees an opportunity to cooperate with Moscow in fighting Jihadist groups such as the so-called Islamic State group, has expressed admiration for Mr Putin. He only reluctantly accepted US intelligence's conclusion that Russian hackers acting on Mr Putin's authority interfered in the US elections.

As per new incoming US administration, the longstanding US practice of not recognizing Taiwan diplomatically , will be negotiated China.

This will  have impact on Russia as well because China is a close ally of Russia & Mr Trump can deal china with upper hand if Russia remains closely with US

Mr Trump has already irked China by accepting a congratulatory phone call from Taiwan's President after he won the election, changing decades of diplomatic precedent in which the White House has never made direct communication with the island's leader.Trump clearly said  that one china policy is negotiable where as Beijing considers the island to be a breakaway province to be brought back within its fold, by force if necessary.

In fact Trump way of responding to Taiwan President is absolutely correct , because when US can sell Taiwan $2 billion of the latest and greatest military equipment but  why can't they accept a phone call.Mr Trump has threatened to get tough with what he sees as unfair Chinese trade practices, and suggested that the "One China" policy could become a bargaining chip in other disputes. 

Here too the indirect support of Russia shall play an important role . Same condition for South China Sea as well.

The US intelligence agencies allege that Mr Putin ordered a covert operation to interfere in the election to benefit Mr Trump against Democrat Hillary Clinton. The probe which Democrats are pressing very hard will be carried out by a panel , supported by both Democrats and Republicans where officials of both Barack Obama's outgoing administration and the incoming government of Mr Trump will be testify.

Hope  things will settle down shortly.

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