Thursday, January 12, 2017


In the changed scenario ,China  has become very apprehensive,about the likely Trump attitude and Policy towards China . Probably it wants to sail on two boats, so that  ,at right moment & at right time they can jump from one boat to other for more benefits .Now to whole world, the change in Equilibrium of balance of power  is visible & getting clear , so to china as well. China is well aware , that they are  not having good relations with their neighbors & it would not be wise for them  to add any  further name in this list . The countries with whom china shares its international boarders are with Mongolia, Vietnam , Japan , South Korea ,India. Brunei, malysia , Indonesia .                       

Further china has not accepted International Tribunals decision on south china sea which has badly complicated the situation and  the tension in South china sea is day by day .Due to China's arrogance,wrong stand on South china sea , situation has deteriorated to such an extent that US & China  are face to face .China very well knows that it will not be easy for them to deal with US under Trump.So China started to repair ,refresh ,reorient the existing cold relations under compulsions.

China's main ally is Russia & Russia's Putin's  is a very good friend of Trump . Trump has already said that friendship with Russia is going to be an asset for USA . So if Russia becomes neutral in US China infighting then China will be left alone . At this juncture China can not face US alone without the support of Russia , because US is far far superior & powerful to China .

Mr.Trump has come out very openly against China's illegal construction of artificial islands & their military activities to pressurize littoral states .US said ,Chinese military action and building an artificial island in the disputed South China Sea is illegal.

Internationally China is exposed now .China's island-building in the South China Sea is illegal. areas without honouring  international norms, US said China's economic and trade practices have not always followed its commitments to global agreements. It steals others intellectual property, and is aggressive and expansionist in the digital realm,

It has not been a reliable partner in using its full influence to curb North Korea. China has proven a willingness to act with abandon in pursuit of its own goals, which at times has put it in conflict with America's interests. We have to deal with what we see, not with what we hope,he said. At the same time, he said the US need to see the positive dimensions in its relationship with China as well. The economic well-being of US and China is deeply intertwined, he noted. China has been a valuable ally in curtailing elements of radical Islam. We should not let disagreements over other issues exclude areas for productive partnership,

After Russia , comes India with whom, too,  china don't have good relations on date due to its various anti India stands.China very well knows that India is the next super power in offing , & has gone very close to US . They even signed an strategic Partnership pact with US. So to ease relation with India , china tried to reorient its  relationship with India in their Policy of Asia Pacific Security Cooperation. document on Asia Pacific securities. Though the relation with India is gloomy but they tried to over look it and tried to paint it with pleasant color. a camouflaged act .

In their policy document China has presented an upbeat picture of its ties with India , saying their partnership India has strengthened , but skipped references to contentious issues like India's NSG bid and efforts to get JeM chief Masood Azhar designated as a global terrorist & banned by the UN. This is China's well known double standard. The white paper is titled China's Policies on Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation . The White paper said China and India made "new progress". But its far from truth . Its a time gaining tactics.

It further said the two countries have set the goal of forging a closer development partnership, &  made new progress in exchanges and cooperation in various areas and stayed in close communication and coordination on regional and international issues , Thich is very confusing, & an effort to divert the attention of international community. A clever act .

To draw further the rosy picture  , even dragged the name of Indian PM Narendra Modi's                & given references of  meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang on various multilateral forums, & said, "the two countries have maintained communication and coordination on international affairs and enhanced collaboration in the UN, BRICS, G20, China-India-Russia and other mechanisms".

They have cooperated on climate change, the WTO Doha Round of negotiations, energy and food security, reform of international financial and monetary institutions, and global governance. Such cooperation has helped safeguard the common interests of China, India and other developing countries," it said.To be precise , china just tried to prove how good they are to their neighbors .

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