Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Obama’s gestures while in the remaining days of White House, towards Russia, looks to be totally uncalled for , biased and  full of frustration . If we go by the success & failures records of US foreign policies in last one year, it will be difficult to list down its achievements, which is clearly overshadowed by its failures.

Few notables failures are like : Philippines Thrashings of US , Dumping an old trusted ally like Israel , re-emergence of Russia as a power in South west Asia i.e Syria , OPEC decision to cut the oil production , Russia's increased presence in Black Sea through Crimea , weakening of US hold on South China Sea & last but not the least Turkey , who virtually left US camp and moved to Russia.

The recent measures of sanctions, expulsions taken in hurry against Russia are simply to cover up to Democrats failures & probably a gesture in despair. It’s a bad gift being given by Obama to Trump Administration. It has taken by the world community in very bad taste. The recent sanctions are also an indication of the Obama Administration's failure to isolate & weaken the Russia.

A senator said that the sanctions is a measure of vengeance, hatred and retaliation. Nobody ever expected such a bad exit of President Obama . It seems nothing has worked out for Obama  as he wanted to. Another angle may be that, Obama was very much jealous of Putin’s success.
Everyone guess and hope that Donald Trump’s victory has the potential to uplift U.S.-Russian relations, but whether such a realignment will actually take place or not . U.S.-Russian relations have never been normal since Second World War and are founded on a complex history and clash of ego of their veteran leaders. In fact the foundation of US foreign policy was laid on : to isolate Russia , to spread hatred against Russia , weaken Russia on hypothetical ground .

It is expected that there will be a clear cut bargaining or a DEAL. One should not forget that both Trump & Putin are seasoned great bargainer and a perfect deal maker. US may seek Russia's neutrality in South China sea and related issues where as Russia may seek US neutrality in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Crimea, Black Sea e.t.c. It will be an give and take bargaining .As far as cooperation is concerned it will be in the areas of OPEC , ISIS , Syria e.t.c. 

But Moscow’s major gain will be end of sanctions policy against Russia.
Trump will make a good Win Win deal with Putin beneficial to both the countries without bothering for the core issues which have been  the main reason of  conflict in the U.S.-Russia relationship for the last five to six years . The issues were Independent Soviets states, Human rights, NATO expansion, and Russian influence in Europe. Deal makers don’t generally agree to something for nothing.

What happens next depends largely on what Russia will offer in return. Another possibility is Russia may play China Card in dealing with US. Whatever it may be, in Trump’s bargaining vision ,for a relationship with Russia, there will be notable changes to the current bilateral relationship which will have decisive impact on international  relationship .

In fact US was blocking indirectly ,all moves by Russia to improve relationship with Europe because it was in their interest to keep Russia isolated & weak so as to prolong the imposed sanctions . A very selfish diplomatic attitude ! When Italy , Germany , Austria showed some positive inclination towards Russia , US raised eye brows . A hypothetical & false  threat perception was intentionally created & maintained to keep Europe, EU , NATO united .Had the money for this diverted to Syrian refugees , African child, the soul of Christ , Mother Teresa would have been very happy. But in politics who cares . 

Let us hope for the better days.

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