Monday, January 16, 2017


An unholy , dangerous , selfish game of indiscipline, double standards are always played by powerful Countries to influence the national scene of other country by interfering in their internal matters secretly , like National elections . This in turn , altogether changes the working course of that nation . 

The main objectives of influencing the election of a particular country is to ensure that their choice  candidate wins  election , so that they always remains in the core of decision making  of that country &  it acts as puppet government at the hands of their masters , who  influenced their  national election.
By doing so , the master country  gets a government of their choice  and they can have full favor from the puppet government as desired .It serves the overall interests of master country !

But it is always not necessary, that by interfering in other country's election , it  could change the election result . But some times it happens too ,when a loosing candidate finally wins  election & worthy and wining candidates loose election.This is very very harmful , as this totally changes the direction of life style ,  national progress and other social activities of the country ..

Why ! Americans are outraged by the allegations,as reported in media that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an intelligence service to hack email accounts of the Democratic National Committee to affects the election results. How one country, like Russia, would try to influence elections in another sovereign country like the United States!  How unprecedented! .

It is quite unfortunate that based upon such media reports , which may be fake , motivated , ill intentional , the Obama administration has expelled Russian diplomats, hinted at more  economic sanctions, and promised further retaliation using America’s world-class arsenal of cyber weapons .
Why this cry , outbursts , actions and sanctions against Russia . Can USA confirm or oath or guarantee to world , they had neither interfered in other Countries national election nor affected it's results.This is called double standard . One rule for self and another for others.

The question remains to  be answered by  USA about  US meddling in the presidential elections of other countries. When USA was engaged in this sort of meddling',  then what effect it had on Russia? It is nothing new , most of the countries are engaged in  cyber espionage against others like Russia , the United States including China and Israel and European countries.

But the million dollar question would remains , whether it had affected the election result or not.
Many  observers & leading political leaders agree that even if the recent hacking allegations of US election against Russia turn out to be true, it  did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election. that is , the results of the vote had not been affected in any way . All report showed before,  that  , there’s no evidence of any impact on voting machines .It is only Democrats face saving exercise from the devastating defeat.

By contrast, American meddling and financing of the 1996 presidential election in Russia clearly played a pivotal role in turning Boris Yeltsin a pro west candidate from a candidate with single-digit approval at the beginning of the year into a winning candidate with an official ( disputed) 54.4% of votes cast in the second-round run off later that same year .In that  Russian poll  the most popular candidate Gennady Zyuganov lost the election , where as most unpopular pro west candidate won the election. HOOKS  CROOK'S ?

Forget about dirty games played so far . Let a new chapter be written in US -RUSSIAN relationship. US President-elect Donald Trump is open for a better relationship with Vladimir Putin and Russia, which will be beneficial for both Washington and Moscow .It is a healthy sign .

Now the time has come after second world war ,to look afresh at Russia US friendship  .A bold person ,a bold desire , a bold steps are required to accomplish this . . Fortunately  the US  president-elect.  is willing and daring enough to approach to this tricky relationship the US has with Russia today with fresh eyes, and at least be open to a better relationship with Vladimir Putin and with Russia .

Hope better days are ahead .

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