Thursday, January 19, 2017


Thank god he is not politician .There is distinct advantages when a non politician become President .Why so ! If a politician become president then his style of functioning would be : based upon old existing , expired strategies , which  will have little relevance to present days situation of 2017. 

Making NATO further strong , more cooperation between US & NATO , more deployment of troops , adopting more confrontational attitude in Iraq , Syria , Afghanistan ,& Iran , more deployment of nuclear missiles - as show of strength , to support Sunni Muslims , to making yet another  suicidal involvements in Libya , Egypt , Iraq. Adopting policies of  conventional , cautious, arrogant & centrist attitude.

Where as a non politician President like Mr Trump , priority would be totally non conventional , non colonial , non aggressive & economical as well , with aim to save tax payers money like : 

Make a important foe a solid friend and ally (Russia) there by saving huge amount in Arms & deployments of troops.

Enemy to be clearly stated & defined i.e. Islamic radicals , ISIS and not Russia .Not to  give much importance to NATO & EU . Shall not spend huge money on safety of Europeans. Let the Europeans make their own safety , why US should spent for  their safety . No visa shall be issued to countries who are exporters of Terrorists. Shall not waste energy and money on imaginative threat of Russia but shall fight with Terrorists, Radicals , hatred , oppression , public health , Drugs menaces.

A hell of a difference as it looks like.

Mr. Donald Trump will be the only US president ever with no political or military  experience. An most inexperienced president in American history , from George Washington to Barack Obama — there has never been a President - elect ,who has totally  lacked both political and military service experience. Donald Trump will change this , as it going to be that .

All previous US presidents from 1789 to 2016 , who were in the White House have an average of 13 years in public office and 5.6 years of military service. Donald Trump’s is zero figure on both the heads.

Mr Trump is a champion of entirely different personality who neither have public service records nor was in military . Thus reveals an even clear division between Trump and his predecessors . Now, a man who is truly inexperienced is in line to take over Obama’s duties.

Strangely enough, though Trump’s lack of public service and military man image , but it  labelled him as an outsider , which in turn  have  contributed to his election: Polls have shown that most Americans, especially Trump supporters got fed up with typical government style of working and developed distrust in the government.

Thank God, Trump is not a politician , but at least he is a great fighter who will not waste tax payers money and shall take care of masses. Hope good days are ahed for the Americans and for all international community as Republicans control House and Senate

To summarize in short his likely policies would be : to employ a national security strategy of peace through strength  as the nation’s next President and shall  boost military spending while re-evaluating the country’s longstanding and existing international alliances like NATO , EU , RUSSIA e.t.c. His high priority would be counter terrorism , military planning , Intelligence , forging new alliances .

Trump  signal his desire for a new era of U.S. international relations. Former foes have been regarded as friends, such as his positives comments toward Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Longtime alliances , such as European leaders are worried on how to respond to his recent remarks questioning the European Union’s purpose and labeling the 67-year-old NATO peacekeeping alliance obsolete.


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