Friday, January 6, 2017


IMPACT ON DIPLOMATS : US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has decided not to allow any American ambassadors who are political appointees of President Barack Obama to stay on  beyond Inauguration Day .The decision has left some of the diplomats, who represent the US in countries such as Britain, Saudi Arabia and Japan are in great problem as they may not have planned their future yet.
It also could mean some top US embassies shall be left without an ambassador for months together as Trump may take his sweet time to finds their suitable choice .As per norms  during presidential transitions, politically appointed ambassadors have in some very specific cases  been allowed to stay on the job for weeks or months after the new President has taken office, But they have to go.

In line with this tradition, President Obama asked all political appointees during his period of administration to submit their resignations  before  January 20, so as to make room room for Trump's appointees.

About ambassadors requesting extensions, the Trump transition team informed the State Department that it was not making any concessions . The department began sending notices at least as early as December 21, 2016, to individual ambassadors telling them that they would have to quit their posts in time.

During his long two terms, Obama appointed  hundreds of people , roughly 30 per cent of whom are political appointees, which  require Senate confirmation. That figure is roughly in line with other Presidents in recent decades. Senate.

2) IMPACT ON INTELLIGENCE : Senior US intelligence officials will face serious questions at a Senate hearing committee dominated by the intelligence experts to examine so called Russians meddling in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win. The   Services Committee's On  cyber threats to be also briefed by the CIA and FBI directors along with the director of national intelligence on the investigation into Russia's alleged hacking efforts.

We will obviously be talking about the hacking, but the main thing is the whole issue of cyber security, the committee's Republican chairman, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, said ahead of the hearing. Right now we have no policy, no strategy to counter cyber attacks.

Accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 election by hacking Democratic email accounts have been in the news for weeks. President Barack Obama struck back at Moscow in late December with a sweeping set of sanctions targeting Russia's leading spy agencies the GRU and FSB that the US said were involved.The GRU is Russia's military top intelligence agency.The FSB is the main successor  KGB. But the sanctions against both Russian intelligence agencies could easily be neutralized  by Trump, who has  publicly refused to accept the conclusion that Russia is responsible for the attacks.

Trump earlier this week escalated his criticism of US intelligence professionals, such as without evidence, that an upcoming briefing on the suspected Russian hacking had been delayed  and Trump said, "perhaps more time needed to build a case. Intelligence officials said there had been no delay. Trump also suggested on Wednesday in a tweet that one of Russia's primary targets, the Democratic National Committee, could be to blame for being so careless.

3) IMPACT ON COMMERCE : US President - elect Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to impose steep import taxes on Toyota if it goes ahead with plans to build a factory in Mexico to export cars back to the United States. Toyota Motor intended to built a new plant in , Mexico, to build Corolla cars for U.S.  Trump said not agreed .Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax, Trump said in a tweet, his latest attack on auto manufacturers investing abroad rather than in the United States.indeed a good move , for creating employment .

4) IMPACT ON TRADE : US Trade Representative  has recently said that the successful American challenge at the WTO to India's local sourcing conditions in its solar policy , sent a message to the rest of the world that America would not tolerate any new form of protectionism.  India's  requirements for Indian market is  an estimated $1 billion market. Also China's illegal duties on US poultry is worth an estimated $1 billion .

Challenging India's local content requirements in solar energy was not just about increasing solar panel exports to India, but was intended to send a message to governments all over the world that the United States would not Further tolerate this new form of protectionism to exclude US products from their markets, contrary to their WTO commitments. 

It mandates that a solar power producer compulsorily source a certain percentage of solar cells and modules from local manufacturers in order to be able to benefit from the government guarantee to purchase the energy produced.A WTO panel ruled last year that India's domestic content requirement for the solar sector is inconsistent with its treaty obligations.

Ironically, America and the European Union themselves have taken anti-dumping measures against cheaper Chinese solar panels in order to protect their own industries. India expected to add around 5.5 gigawatt of solar capacity in near future making it the fourth-largest solar market globally.

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