Sunday, January 8, 2017


The House of Representatives passed an important  resolution  three days back condemning both the United Nations Security Council for voting to condemn Israel over its settlement activity and the Obama administration for allowing the resolution to pass.

The House has duel support for the resolution i.e. of Democrats & Republicans with 342 members voting in favor of it. A total 80 member's did not back the measure, 76 of whom were Democrats .A majority of Democrats, 109, voted for the resolution condemning UN, and all but four Republicans supported it.

The motion, House Resolution, was introduced by Reps.of , the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, respectively.

The measure was in response to U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, which passed the international body last month and condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 

The United States could have prevented its passage by utilizing its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council, but instead willingly abstained from the vote, allowing the resolution to pass unanimously. The Obama administration’s abstention broke with decades of U.S. policy to defend the Jewish state at the U.N. from what critics have called anti-Israel measures.

A very sharp criticism came from the US house itself against Obama Govt.This government, our government, abandoned our ally Israel when she needed us the most -House Speaker  said on the House floor. These types of one-sided efforts are designed to isolate  Israel. They are not for peace. They make it more difficult .

Israel came out strongly against the U.N.’s move, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry after the resolution passed. President-elect Donald Trump also criticized  the Obama administration for its action of abstention .

I think allowing governments to bully Israel in the U.N. was a mistake, no matter who’s in power. This is an overall view in US .

The US House  passed motion describing the U.N. resolution as a one-sided measure  & unfair to Israel that will encourage the Palestinian leadership to avoid direct negotiations with the Jewish state.

It further said the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 undermined the longstanding position of the United States to oppose and veto United Nations Security Council resolutions that seek to impose solutions that are one-sided and anti-Israel, reversing decades of bipartisan agreement,” the House resolution states.

US resolutions said that the U.N. vote undermines the prospect of Israelis and Palestinians resuming productive direct negotiations and contributes to the politically motivated ill timed & I'll motivated  against Israel . 

President-elect Trump has promised to improve the U.S.-Israel relationship when he takes office on Jan. 20. After the U.N. vote, he expressed his displeasure via various Twitters.

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