Tuesday, January 24, 2017


The 70 year old businessman and former reality television star , now  a new political star, was sworn as the 45th president of the United States, who promised  to put  America first. He said to Americans that this is your day , this is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country . The oath of office  is an oath of allegiance to all Americans. 


A surprise to world market - China's foreign exchange reserves fell by US$ 320 billion last year, It  is as per Beijing announcement. This is , as authorities sought to support the yuan against a soaring dollar , which is encouraging capital outflows.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


In today's world, irrespective of , whether it is Asia , America or Africa every body is very very sensitive & alert about , not to touch their vote bank even if , they had to sacrifice some interests .They just shut their eyes. A real way to do politics.


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them. Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Thank god he is not politician .There is distinct advantages when a non politician become President .Why so ! If a politician become president then his style of functioning would be : based upon old existing , expired strategies , which  will have little relevance to present days situation of 2017. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


An old obsolete myth of artificial threat perception , which was it being carried since second world war till recently , by anti Russian camp , intentionally , seems to come to an end , probably in Trump era as Mr Trump openly stated that he wants Russia as friend and not foe.

Monday, January 16, 2017


An unholy , dangerous , selfish game of indiscipline, double standards are always played by powerful Countries to influence the national scene of other country by interfering in their internal matters secretly , like National elections . This in turn , altogether changes the working course of that nation . 

The main objectives of influencing the election of a particular country is to ensure that their choice  candidate wins  election , so that they always remains in the core of decision making  of that country &  it acts as puppet government at the hands of their masters , who  influenced their  national election.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


After Hillary Clinton’s stunning ,devastating loss  to Mr Donald Trump, Democrats were all out to prove to their followers that it was not their normal defeat but a defeat forced on them by their opponents by taking out side help. They try to raise doubtful , baseless doubts , even considered the court option & arranged public discontent . These can be called as unwanted 'inflammatory' exercise in the democratic set up . It's really unfortunate . 

Every defeats are to be accepted sportingly any gracefully. After loosing US presidential election ,it looks , as Democrats’ will never  get another chance to fight election or win election again . They are all out to project that election was unfair ,Trump is politically weak in front of Russia & to prove that Trump and his administration is  unpopular , as much as possible .  Also intentionally to make Mr  Trump more politically toxic , thereby weaken his ability to deal real things .

Democrats Deadly blame game started by highlighting  Mr Donald Trump’s friendliness with Russia  and his refusal to condemn its interference in the 2016 election in unequivocal terms .This has become the single most important issue of the transition period. Democrats are also propagating that , Trump’s inner circle were in constant contact with Russian intelligence during the campaign; and that Trump made a quid pro quo deal with Russia. This to make Trump’s presidency appeared to hang in the balance, even before it took off .

As per sources a  meeting between the Russian and US leaders could pave the way for a new chapter in Moscow-Washington relations .A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Mr Donald Trump can become a new beginning for US-Russian relations,. Trump is making a normal political & diplomatic move not a big bet on a meeting with Putin.

This meeting could become a new starting point in relations between Russia and the United States, despite lot of pending crucial issues .But whatever it may be the out come,it is sure that  the Obama's Sanction Policy Against Russia  is going to Torn into Pieces shortly . as Mr Trump has repeatedly expressed readiness to build positive relations with Russia indicating ,USA  would definitely consider lifting newly-imposed sanctions on Russia at proper time.

Donald Trump said he was prepared to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin after taking office & further said he may lift sanctions on Russia after a period of time only if Russia cooperate & helps the US to achieve it's key own goals.such as fighting violent    extremists . Mr Trump suggested he may scrap the punitive measures altogether.  However sanctions on Russia would remain at least for a period of time

Mr Trump, who sees an opportunity to cooperate with Moscow in fighting Jihadist groups such as the so-called Islamic State group, has expressed admiration for Mr Putin. He only reluctantly accepted US intelligence's conclusion that Russian hackers acting on Mr Putin's authority interfered in the US elections.

As per new incoming US administration, the longstanding US practice of not recognizing Taiwan diplomatically , will be negotiated i.e.one China.

This will  have impact on Russia as well because China is a close ally of Russia & Mr Trump can deal china with upper hand if Russia remains closely with US

Mr Trump has already irked China by accepting a congratulatory phone call from Taiwan's President after he won the election, changing decades of diplomatic precedent in which the White House has never made direct communication with the island's leader.Trump clearly said  that one china policy is negotiable where as Beijing considers the island to be a breakaway province to be brought back within its fold, by force if necessary.

In fact Trump way of responding to Taiwan President is absolutely correct , because when US can sell Taiwan $2 billion of the latest and greatest military equipment but  why can't they accept a phone call.Mr Trump has threatened to get tough with what he sees as unfair Chinese trade practices, and suggested that the "One China" policy could become a bargaining chip in other disputes. 

Here too the indirect support of Russia shall play an important role . Same condition for South China Sea as well.

The US intelligence agencies allege that Mr Putin ordered a covert operation to interfere in the election to benefit Mr Trump against Democrat Hillary Clinton. The probe which Democrats are pressing very hard will be carried out by a panel , supported by both Democrats and Republicans where officials of both Barack Obama's outgoing administration and the incoming government of Mr Trump will be testify.

Hope  things will settle down shortly.

Friday, January 13, 2017


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law at their will , if it suits them . They are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.  South China sea  maritime disputes  with littoral states is the latest example.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


In the changed scenario ,China  has become very apprehensive,about the likely Trump attitude and Policy towards China . Probably it wants to sail on two boats, so that  ,at right moment & at right time they can jump from one boat to other for more benefits .Now to whole world, the change in Equilibrium of balance of power  is visible & getting clear , so to china as well. China is well aware , that they are  not having good relations with their neighbors & it would not be wise for them  to add any  further name in this list . The countries with whom china shares its international boarders are with Mongolia, Vietnam , Japan , South Korea ,India. Brunei, malysia , Indonesia .                       

Further china has not accepted International Tribunals decision on south china sea which has badly complicated the situation and  the tension in South china sea is day by day .Due to China's arrogance,wrong stand on South china sea , situation has deteriorated to such an extent that US & China  are face to face .China very well knows that it will not be easy for them to deal with US under Trump.So China started to repair ,refresh ,reorient the existing cold relations under compulsions.

China's main ally is Russia & Russia's Putin's  is a very good friend of Trump . Trump has already said that friendship with Russia is going to be an asset for USA . So if Russia becomes neutral in US China infighting then China will be left alone . At this juncture China can not face US alone without the support of Russia , because US is far far superior & powerful to China .

Mr.Trump has come out very openly against China's illegal construction of artificial islands & their military activities to pressurize littoral states .US said ,Chinese military action and building an artificial island in the disputed South China Sea is illegal.

Internationally China is exposed now .China's island-building in the South China Sea is illegal. areas without honouring  international norms, US said China's economic and trade practices have not always followed its commitments to global agreements. It steals others intellectual property, and is aggressive and expansionist in the digital realm,

It has not been a reliable partner in using its full influence to curb North Korea. China has proven a willingness to act with abandon in pursuit of its own goals, which at times has put it in conflict with America's interests. We have to deal with what we see, not with what we hope,he said. At the same time, he said the US need to see the positive dimensions in its relationship with China as well. The economic well-being of US and China is deeply intertwined, he noted. China has been a valuable ally in curtailing elements of radical Islam. We should not let disagreements over other issues exclude areas for productive partnership,

After Russia , comes India with whom, too,  china don't have good relations on date due to its various anti India stands.China very well knows that India is the next super power in offing , & has gone very close to US . They even signed an strategic Partnership pact with US. So to ease relation with India , china tried to reorient its  relationship with India in their Policy of Asia Pacific Security Cooperation. document on Asia Pacific securities. Though the relation with India is gloomy but they tried to over look it and tried to paint it with pleasant color. a camouflaged act .

In their policy document China has presented an upbeat picture of its ties with India , saying their partnership India has strengthened , but skipped references to contentious issues like India's NSG bid and efforts to get JeM chief Masood Azhar designated as a global terrorist & banned by the UN. This is China's well known double standard. The white paper is titled China's Policies on Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation . The White paper said China and India made "new progress". But its far from truth . Its a time gaining tactics.

It further said the two countries have set the goal of forging a closer development partnership, &  made new progress in exchanges and cooperation in various areas and stayed in close communication and coordination on regional and international issues , Thich is very confusing, & an effort to divert the attention of international community. A clever act .

To draw further the rosy picture  , even dragged the name of Indian PM Narendra Modi's                & given references of  meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang on various multilateral forums, & said, "the two countries have maintained communication and coordination on international affairs and enhanced collaboration in the UN, BRICS, G20, China-India-Russia and other mechanisms".

They have cooperated on climate change, the WTO Doha Round of negotiations, energy and food security, reform of international financial and monetary institutions, and global governance. Such cooperation has helped safeguard the common interests of China, India and other developing countries," it said.To be precise , china just tried to prove how good they are to their neighbors .

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Obama’s gestures while in the remaining days of White House, towards Russia, looks to be totally uncalled for , biased and  full of frustration . If we go by the success & failures records of US foreign policies in last one year, it will be difficult to list down its achievements, which is clearly overshadowed by its failures.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


The House of Representatives passed an important  resolution  three days back condemning both the United Nations Security Council for voting to condemn Israel over its settlement activity and the Obama administration for allowing the resolution to pass.

Friday, January 6, 2017


IMPACT ON DIPLOMATS : US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has decided not to allow any American ambassadors who are political appointees of President Barack Obama to stay on  beyond Inauguration Day .The decision has left some of the diplomats, who represent the US in countries such as Britain, Saudi Arabia and Japan are in great problem as they may not have planned their future yet.

Thursday, January 5, 2017



The 8th November, 2016 was the great day in the history of Independent India since   1947 . On this auspicious day a crusade , a colossal move was lunched by Prime Minister of India. A great and brave move against Black money. Hawala agents , Terrorist gangs and Self centered & Selfish political leaders.It was a great surgical strike against these gangs.

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Trump is a real visionary and full of humanity, unbiased .He surprisingly  said I do not get along with rich people. However I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with rich people .A very positive side of his character . Mr. Trump probably you are right ,as you are leader of common people .Common people likes you . Rich peoples are very protective about protecting their luxury life style ,no matter at what cost . They will never sacrifice or allow the monopoly they hold  or the luxuries & high standard of living  to slip out of their hand . 

So as to maintain this they create a hypothetical crisis , threat , scarcity,chaotic situation, fear psycho -- which remains far from truth and reality . Because they have to run their  armament factories & they need orders . They can get orders , if there is a demand .  Demand will be there if two countries fights. Two countries will fight , if the countries are not stable . So first make the countries , region ,area unstable then merrily carry out you business like a true businessman on the bodies of aged persons ,child , women's, helpless people Iike did in Syria .

Shame on those people , who are indulged .Some time  rich countries  creates Fake conditions, fear psycho and artificial threat conditions for selling their products ultimately for self service .Creation of such  FAKE NEWS is like a atom bomb. It does immense loss to society.

A renowned Print Media of west , came out with an irresponsible news , that Russian has hacked US Power Grid system . Later they backed out . In fact  truth & facts forced the said media to backtrack on earlier reports  that Russia hacked US power grid .The media house ,who has carried the story has corrected the article in which it said that Russian hackers had infiltrated in the US power grid at a Vermont utility. The newspaper now modified & said authorities have no such intentions & indications . In fact it was based  on social media claim which reported that Burlington Electric, a Vermont-based power company, raised an alarm after finding malware code on a company laptop. It's ridiculous .

It will be very difficult for common people of Asia , Africa , Latin America to believe that  to meet their own selfish goal  & to put blame on others shoulders these things are artificially created i.e. artificial market conditions , artificial threat conditions e.t.c. .Its a very sad affairs that a world class news Daily without establishing the fact ran most damaging , rampaging, maligned news so casually .Indeed highly irresponsible act .

In fact these news papers who earned in Millions , but shy away to meet the social responsibility .An advise to these dailies will be , first establish the facts then Publish. Media should not play at the hands of  Politicians.

Later , On investigation it was found that it was an hollow news .No evidence of a Russian trace has been released either. Eventually, the  Post issued a correction to its article stating -An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the US electric grid. Authorities said  there is no indication of that , so far available -the statement said. 

Indeed ! What a biased media .Probably it was an anti Russian lobby .A prominent US journalist said “It matters even more because it reflects the deeply irrational and ever-spiraling fever that is being cultivated in US political discourse and culture about the so called threat posed by Moscow,” Greenwald wrote. Meanwhile, people on social media teamed up in slamming the material by the Washington Post as another instance of “fake news.” or PLANTED NEWS

2)Further US President Elect Trump also questions about medias  claim of Russia hacking DNC, says he ‘knows things other people don’t’ . US President Donald Trump said it was possible that somebody else may have compromised the Democratic campaign’s servers .He further said  that he may reveal some previously undisclosed facts .

Another noted personality , Rick Santorum is also unconvinced about the theory that Russians were behind alleged election hacking .Then why it is in the circulation. .West has to come out this artificial fever to remain healthy .

US  President elect ,  reiterated his willingness to have great relations based on ground reality with all  countries, including Russia and China. That is a bold & healthy sign.So Trump  rightly said , US needs to move on to bigger and better things  for better future and need not to involve in kitchen politics. GOOD LUCK.


The new US President   is definitely different from others linearly and laterally also .He wanted to do drastic changes in the policies & in Administration for the benefits of mankind of USA & for the whole world. His postures , features, gestures, are really uniquely unique.Since it is USA , it matters to whole world as well.

To quote his few Twit's *Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do *Trump’s praised for Vladimir Putin saying very smart * for not retaliating after President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian officials from the US in wake of the email hacking accusations.

As he promised during election campaigns that he will withdraw all executive orders of Obama , he did in steps.That in itself  100% indications of major shift in US Policy i.e..one major possible policy change that is in offing this may itself can change the whole equation of balance of power between west & rest .Now the new relation between US & NATO is going to have major impact on world affairs.May even create new balance of power.

Trump has been very very critical of NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which was a cornerstone of American foreign policy for more than 60 years..YES more than 60 years !! Earlier he has criticized & attacked the organisation as obsolete ,and characterized its members as ungrateful allies who benefits from US. He said America can no longer afford to protect countries in Europe - and in Asia - without adequate compensation, suggesting he would withdraw American forces unless they pay up. A very very correct step .

In one sense, he is simply voicing longstanding US concerns about most NATO members not meeting their goal of spending at least 2% of GDP on defence, while US defence spending is the largest in the world because US has to share their allies burden too. He also stressed the subject in a presidential debate ..

But his stance has sparked great alarm, particularly among Eastern European  countries who already are or will become new members of NATO .These East European countries were earlier with USSR under Warsaw's Pact , which was dismantled after break up of USSR .All East European countries sees NATO as Guarantee to their security , freedom , independence & sovereignty which was not there under Warsaw or USSR . Whole European country  sees this alliance as a major force against possible threat from  Russia.

Present US Admin.along with NATO have created an artificial myth & fear psycho that one day Russia shall eloped  whole Europe so get united against Russia. This is not only wrong , ill motivated but selfish also . In fact to keep Europe united NATO & EU plays an important role .But since Trump wants to have healthy ties with Russia , it is becoming a matter of concern both for EU & NATO  and probably having sleepless nights.

For Russia , Mr Trump has said , he believes he can ease tensions with President Vladimir Putin and has praised him as a strong leader with whom he would love to have a good relationship. Barack Obama too began his presidency calling for a "reset" with one of the US' long-term rivals Russia.. But unfortunately , since then Russia-US ties got strained, no more so , than over the two countries backing rival sides in Syria's civil war.

But Trump side yet to clarify  about what better relations exactly means to, beyond a desire for a joint fight against the militants of so-called Islamic State.But he intends to find out if the Russians would be reasonable . 

It is likely that Donald Trump's trade policies would bring single biggest change , to the way ,America does business with the rest of the world .He has threatened to scrap a number of existing free trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement between the  US, Canada and Mexico, which he blames main reasons for job losses in US. He  even intended to withdraw   from the World Trade Organization. He wants to bring drastic & practical changes for the betterment of US & Americans .He is also in favour of taxing imports, and has talked about imposing additional tariffs on Mexico ,China e.t.c. to reset trade gap.

Even Iran nuclear accord is being  rethought.The Iranian nuclear accord was the "worst deal I think I've ever seen negotiated", said Mr Trump .It would have potentially have a huge impact on the Middle East, with Iran a key player in the Syrian conflict and a rival of Saudi Arabia and Israel, for instance.

It is still not clear how he will  handle North Korea though Donald Trump presidency raised major security questions about Asia. China is otherwise happy that ,with the expected line of foreign policy, as per indications available so far . it will isolate US from the existing network of its friends .China will be more happy if Donald Trump presidency, takes more isolationist US foreign policy.

Japan and South Korea have both been singled out by Mr Trump for relying too much on the US for defence. He has even said they would benefited from having their own nuclear arsenals. Trump simple theme is : Self care is best care .

Climate change : President-elect Trump has since withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement . Mr Trump has promised a renewed push to use coal across the US .He has pledged to stop all government funding of clean energy projects and climate change initiatives.Mr Trump has repeatedly denied the science of human-caused climate change, describing it as "fictional' and arguing that it is a hoax created by the Chinese to make US manufacturing less competitive  !!
Reset of all international policies regarding trade, climate, commerce, communication ,defence , security ,freedom of navigation , power balance ,power blocks , arms control, nuclear polifiration are definitely in offing . All above aspects have already begin to take a new shape. World probably has not seen such drastic , centric policy changes earlier.Time will be the only answer