Friday, December 30, 2016


China again took the hopeless decision to block once again the UN proposal to designate Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. China for the third  time blocked the move to list Je-M chief Masood Azhar as a UN designated terrorist, clearly reflects  chinese double standards in  fighting terrorism and that too when China itself is a victim of terrorism.

This decision of china proved how big hypocrites they are in the fighting  terrorism.The international community is well aware that the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed , has been responsible for innumerable terrorist attacks on India including the Pathankot Air Base attack. The helplessness &  inability of the international community to list its leader Masood Azhar is an unfortunate blow to the concerted efforts to effectively counter all forms of terrorism, and confirms prevalence of double standards in the fight against terrorism  internationally.

If We keep on using Terrorism as tool against other country ,The menaces of terrorism shall never end from this world and it will come before us as Taliban ,ISIS, Jaish e.t.c  TERRORISTS are TERRORISTS  . May be in different form in different country at different time.It is now established that one country is using terrorism against other as part of their strategy .A shameful act.

So this act of Chinese of blocking UN proposal to ban a top leader of a Pakistani Terrorists organisation is highly deplorable & regretful .But China still  is hopeful and forecasting better  Indo - China relationship at the beginning of new year 2017.  How could they make such optimistic forecast after being so irresponsible.Probably it is  Chinese characteristic's.

 China actually do not believe in calendar dates to appreciate or depreciate the level of friendship. Only one criteria that needed  to be be fulfilled is , it should serve Chinese interest  . Summing up , Beijing's perception of the outgoing year and its vision of Sino-Indian ties for the next year i.e. 2017 is, as Chinese said that the two nations signed off their most engaging year bogged down only by the old issues .

China is a typical country which is habitual of not following any international norms , regulations , But very sweetly & swiftly issuing threats to any body & every body they choose . Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready  to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence .

Forcefully occupation of vast Indian Area , unlawful claims over Indian areas .But they are 180 ° different when it comes on their own .Chinese president recently said , we shall not compromise an inch of our sovereign land , no matter at what  costs. Contrary to this they are occupying vast land of India in Aksai chin ,Ladakh  , Captured Tibet ,now on move to capture south china sea. They are very sensitive to these issues and wants nobody to needle , but it seems , they have the copy right to meddle ,needle in others business. A hopelessly sick attitude of China .

China’s constant opposition to India’s membership of the NSG, opposition to UN sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammed Chief, Masood  Azahar , and construction of  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pak Occupied Kashmir are highly deplorable. They even afraid  to discus other related issues where they are proven wrong i.e South China Sea , Taiwan ,Tibet, Uyghar Separatist, CPEC e.t.c .  India seeks  better understanding & asked China , to at least respect each other's sensitive issues for building mutual trust.

What , one should do and what shouldn't-- that too china wants to dictate . India's  recent moves to strengthen ties with Mongolia  irritates china .China feel threatened . Why ? Is this not ridiculous. It's really very unfortunate that in this part of world the saying "might is right" is fully applicable , where all international rule/law fails in the south china sea .

China should be taught in language that they understand ."Hit it hard , Where it pains more" -This is true for China- A typical Trump way of dealing China . The Chinese political character & behavior is very odd & complicated.Slowly & slowly Chinese expansionist moves ares becoming a real Danger for whole world .

Chinese open support to rough states like North Korea  and Pakistan  is direct  threat to Democratic countries like India ,Japan, South Korea and other south Asian countries like. Vietnam ,Laos ,Cambodia ,Thailand ,Myanmar ,Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines . Pakistan poses terrorisits threat to neighboring countries and it has Chinese nodding . They train & harbor terrorists in their land so as to export them later to whole Asia and  to whole world so as to  destabilize other countries for their gains

In spite of this , Chinese are so professional in double acts that they even admit & say - It's natural to have differences with India ,but  hopeful of better ties in 2017  .This typical selfish  gestures of china and are to confuse the whole international community ,specially USA .They keep on changing their statements and stands as if standing on a slippery surface , where coordinates keep changing.

To make China understand is not very difficult .One will have to follow Tit For Tat formula .Pay them in the same coin .If you  call and recognize their Uyghar separatist  leaders as , hero , they will soon realize the meaning of Terrorists .But for international community and international press they always intend to prove how innocent , ideal , cooperative they are , towards their neighbors but actually they are the real threat behind every international scene.

They preach nicely and say ,as close neighbors, it is natural that two big countries to have differences, but we keep exploring  ways to resolve them through diplomatic channels. The suggest main theme of China-India relations remains friendship and cooperation . But this is not to be believed. This is their double standard.They say something  , do something & show something  . Though they have again blocked UN move to ban international Terrorist Azhar Mehmood and India's entry to NSG but still hopeful  of better relation in 2017. Why not ! After all this is height of world class hypocrisy which widely prevails now in international politics

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