Sunday, July 16, 2017



Balochistan, is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, forming the southwestern region of the country. Its provincial capital and largest city is Quetta adjoining Iranian province of Sistan .

Balochis wants to be an independent country at its own right because the Khan of Khalat signed an agreement with the British that Balochistan could remain independent like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma .This agreement came after India rejected the offer from Khan of Khalat to join the Indian part of the partition. But Pakistan couldn’t keep their greed under control and invaded Khalat, killed his family  and forcibly got an instrument of succession signed out of him. Pakistan is playing the same stunt in Kashmir even now .

The people of Baluchistan have since been treated as second class citizens in their own country and have been abused for their natural resources by Pakistan and also by China in the name of infamous CPEC. The Balochis had a  long struggles for independence from Pakistan and still on . But when & if they gain independence, it would like  to join India than to remain independent because Pakistan will play same  all  dirty tricks  to cause chaos in Balochistan as in Bangladesh.

The stable and huge economy of India instead  can take responsibility of  Balochistan to make it  a prosperous state.If so happen ,then by seeing the prosperity of Balochistan , after their  independence, other states in the Union of Pakistan may  alsofollow the same line and to break free from Pakistan and join the Indian Union.Baloch demands are very genuine . They  want greater autonomy, increased royalties from natural resources and provincial revenue  which will take them to independent nation.

Exiled Baloch freedom fighting leaders  recently said that they would approach friends like India to seek their help for their cause freedom struggle. Exiled leader ,Amir Ahmed Suleman Daud, officially known as His Highness the Khan of Kalat, welcomed India's  intervention in favour of Balochistan recently.

Baloch are hopeful because  India is one of the major powers of this region, the biggest democracy in the world.After a very long time they heard  from India about their concerns  , a good  move of India for them. India and Balochistan have no direct relationships since the takeover of the Kingdom of Balochistan by Pakistan.

Back as per history ,It is due to various reasons, one of which was political pressure from EU due to their clash of interest  and as they want their own influence over the foothold in the Middle East or Central Asia . So they tried everything and block the motion in the Kingdom of Balochistan which wanted to accede to India like Kashmir. So using their relations with  UK/US and so on .Pakistan invaded and captured Balochistan since it is an untapped mineral rich region similar to Afghanistan. This is a history now .

Initially the political and ruling elites of Balochistan were not happy against India for not accepting their accession but over time they realized the truth  - especially after the incredible oppression and atrocities committed  by the Pakistani military  on them over the years and the political pressure put on India by UK and the US after 1971 Bangladesh Independence. Even after facing inhuman atrocities committed against their wemen , children , youths  Balochis are still fighitng hard  to get freedom and create their own state.

The Pakistani Military/Government is gradually losing their battle in this region. But in order to  justify to  their people and  to the whole World  they send their team of officials to spread rumours like India is sponsoring the separatist movement and every thing  just in line with newpropaganda as they are spreading  about the Kashmir issue. This helps their political elite to keep their public in fools paradise ,after all  Pakistan wants to save their face.

The Baloch freedom fighters look to India for support due to Indias  relations with Pakistan & also  they  go to many international political organizaitons and to NGO's including the UN to explain their cause.With the rise of this issue in various  Social media and at other forums the whole issue of Balochis problems is picking up in India and Abroad.


Eventually, when the Balochistan get's separated , India may happily intervene and form an official relationship similarly as they did  when the Pakistani military commits the same kind of tortures and mistakes they did to Bangladesh.

The issue is quite complex - since many Balochi's and small parts of former Baloch  territory are part of Iran and Afghanistan - who are India's friends and India can settle these issues . Balochistan is like the Kurdistan of South Asia. Most of it is located in southwest Pakistan, southeastern Iran and southern Afghanistan. Baloch separatists in Pakistan will naturally go to India for support. But Baloch separatists in Iran are neutral since Iran  an ally of India. However the main insurgency group in Iranian Baluchestan, Jundallah, is suspected of being armed by the U.S. In all eventuality the Balochis just want their homelands back .

It's a very complicated issue and without US & EU active support & involvement the it may not get the expected momentum.

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