Monday, July 10, 2017



India has  been a victim of terrorism for a very long time like Israel . There are many terrorist organizations that are very active across the boarder of India.  Out of these many are Pakistan sponsored terrorist organizations who  are ready to spread unrest any time in any part of the country. They get financial support from their masters in Pakistan. No body can forget the 26/11 Mumbai attack in which more than 200 people had lost their lives.

To fight terrorism tooth & nail India needs support of international community & a robust friend  like Israel . Israel always stood by India to fight terrorism in any form . India-Israel strong ties is going to  have great impact on terrorism & their sponsors .India Israel  ties have shown rapid growth since last few years .But recent visit of Indian Prime Minister to Israel , has given a great boost to it .  India Israel's Common aims are  economic prosperity by  sharing  technology and innovations   and to secure societies from terrorism . Focus  on sharing & using of technology and innovations  meets  both countries developmental  priorities and provides productive scope to expand academic, scientific and research, and business links . Since decades, efforts were on to frame this relationship that ultimately will transforms the landscape of economic engagement."

On people-to-people links between the two countries,  Jews have thrived in India for thousands of years after the first of these people landed on India's south-western coastline. India and Israel are sister democracies, face common challenges.

Like India for  Israel too Terrorism is a main challenge  which has to  be defeated . Terror is on rampage throughout  the world and threaten both countries. India Israel should  stand together firmly  in this battle to defeat terrorism. India and Israel shared a common bond of democracy, creativity, a deep respect for their  past and a boundless optimism for future .

Today, Israel has emerged as the most trusted ally of India and both countries have not only government to government contact, but also people to people contact.The Indian experts believes that if we have Pakistan as neighbour, we have Israel as our trusted friend and ally .

Israel has always helped India at the time of need & crisis when others denied .On many occasions .It has provided crucial intelligence inputs to India.Like in 1999 Kargil war . Israel has technology and India has the market and vast technical manpower . From  space to defence ,agriculture to culture  relations between these two nations are deepening .One is going to supplement other.

Israel is developing satellites, India is providing launching support to it. If India is wasting 70 per cent of its water in the drain, Israel is using each drop of water,  .Here Israel  can provide foolproof water supply system.

Recently India & Israel signed a $4.3bn worth of deals, a  real push for closer economic and defence  ties .A range of strategic pacts envisaging investments worth $4.3 billion Indian and Israeli companies .Israel is ready to meet all all defence strategic needs with technology under Make in India program.

Due to emerging terror threats from its  neighbourhood, India has decided to procure 10 missile-armed drones from Israel & the government approving the USD 400 million deal. The procurement of armed Heron TP drones from Israel is a crucial acquisition that will enhance India’s cross-border military strike capability and will give an edge over the opponents.  India is facing threat in its immediate neighbourhood, so the procurement of missile armed drones shall boosts the modernization drive of  weaponry of the Indian Air Force.


The heron drones are similar to the Predator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are capable of reconnaissance, combat and support roles. India already has a fleet of unarmed Heron and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) which it operates for surveillance and intelligence gathering. The addition of the latest armed UAVs will add it's capability  in taking down terrorist camps or individual targets in hostile territory.India Israel is also exploring joint production of drones  which would contribute to Indias ‘Make in India’.The India-Israel relations is now taking a big  leap  which is now more visible in its  strategic ties . To move further India & Israel has set up joint technology innovation fund worth $40 million for research in industrial development. 

The two countries will focus on the development of defense products that includes the transfer of technology from Israel, with an eye on 'Make in India' initiative. Earlier this year, Israeli companies signed arms deals with India totaling over $2.6 billion. Bilateral trade also is expected to surge from the current $4-5 billion to $20 billion in five years, the statement said.

The main weakness of India is on technical front , as their R&D wing is weak enough .So there is much to learn from Israel as how to make R&D a pillar for Indian  economy and defence .When many countries including Russia ,US are not very encouraging sign  in transfer of technology ,Israel is readily sharing it's technology .China should fear from this friendship.

China shall definitely take note of this

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