Friday, July 7, 2017


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To day's overall situation in the world is very alarming , probably in transition phase. A new world order is emerging and a new set of Equilibrium is required i.e.Balance Of Power.  Balance of power between two or more groups , is , practically a state of equilibrium  between the competing forces.

Now all eyes are set on Trump-Putin dynamics as they meet for first time at the back drop of  G 20 summit at Hamburg , Germany .

Donald Trump has given enough indications & said he wants to find ways to work with Vladimir Putin.The US President   is definitely different from others linearly and laterally also .He wanted to do drastic changes in the policies & in Administration for the benefits of mankind of USA & for the whole world. His postures , features, gestures, are really uniquely unique.Since it is USA , it matters to whole world as well.

US President Donald  Mr.Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are ready to grab this situation , for the first time in person meeting on Friday .This promises to be the most highly anticipated meeting on the eve of the G20 summit.Trump  said he wants to work with Mr.Putin  .But recent differences made this  goal made even more difficult on issues over Russia`s actions in Syria ,Ukraine, and alleged Moscow meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Every facial expression and body language will be analysed as much as any words the two leaders utter as the world tries to understand how well Trump gets along with Putin a hard core far sighted politician .Kremlin would definitely like to see more than a U.S. postures and not just  walk away saying that he has wonderful meeting with Mr.Putin . Kremlin and team always look for the advantage.

Several hot issues like meddling in US poll , Ukraine , NATO advances  to Russian Boarder , Trade sanctions ,Arms control are pending for settlement.

Though Moscow has already denied any interference and Mr.Trump too said his campaign did not collude with Russia .It was probably other people and/or countries, and I see nothing wrong with that statement. Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure,Trump said at a news conference, before slamming Democratic former President Barack Obama for not doing more to stop hacking.

Former US Presidents too had good relations with Mr. Putin .Earlier Mr. Bush found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy leader . Mr. Bush said in 2001,  I was able to get a sense of his soul . Mr. Bush took Putin was a true ally – especially after 9/11. He also hosted Putin on his Texas ranch and  in Maine. 

This may be a great start for American foreign policy . US president preparations for this meeting  will be simple and straight forward, shall seek short-term U.S. objectives without seeking any big breakthroughs. 

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Trump earlier gave encouraging remarks like : Well, I have no relationship with him other than he called me a genius, Mr. Trump said last February in South Carolina.  Maybe we'll have a good relationship. Maybe we'll have a horrible relationship," Mr. Trump said last October . World politics may take a new turn after this meeting.

Whole world is hopeful.

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