Wednesday, July 19, 2017



Terrorism is one of the biggest global threat .Terrorism has been affecting lives allover the world.No nation is secured from this threat .The US President has very openly came out it as Islamic Terrorism.

But Islamic teachings are against suicide and killing of innocent people but Al Qaeda and  ISIS interpreted this in a very  different way and made a new & separate forum to gain undue power ,money and control over innocent peoples under a new brand name which is  known as Islamism to justify their heinous crimes of terrorism .Osama Bin Laden founded Al Qaeda on this ground. But even after his death in 2011, Al Qaeda still persist & more recently new group emerged as ISIS .

The terrorists can be characterised as a group of people who threatened masses & society by  using  illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain selfish political, economic, religious , social goal through fear, coercion, intimidation or threat .

Day by day  world is experiencing  increase in terrorist attacks.The main terrorist based countries are Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria,  Syria, Libiya , Yemen where from terrorists are exported to different countries with different names . The  main terrorist groups responsible for the most of the attacks around the world are  Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda , Jaesh e Moh , Lashker e  Toiba. The common factor amongst them are act of brutality , terror & religion .

India has been advocating and making untiring efforts at all international forums to fight terrorism together , without defining your terrorists or my terrorists , good terrorists or bad terrorists. Also to identify the nations , organisations ,forums who give shelter ,render financial help ,supply arms ammunition .

Ultimately  India's voice was heard by at least US .After a long wait US finally  listed Pakistan among the countries providing safe havens and shelter to terrorists

Terrorists group are identified as  like the LeT and JeM who are  continuing  to operate, train, organise and fundraising inside Pakistan . Terrorist groups are working hand in gloves with  Pakistani military and security forces .

Pakistan infact is  a liaer and always try to confuse the whole world . They just show off , that they are fighting terrorism and also a great sufferer , just to obtain aid and funding from international community  .But it is not true , instead , behind the curtain they give shelter ,render financial help ,supply arms ammunitions , run training camp for them .They did not take any substantial solid  actions  against any terrorist organisations so far like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) , Haqqani network based at Pakistan . The disturbances in Afghanistan is due to the Afghan Taliban or Haqqani .

US now acknowledges that India is continue to  experience attacks either through their sleeper cells or from across the border from  these Pakistani sponsored terrorist organisations in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country .

The Indian government is also closely monitoring  the domestic threat from transnational terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent . which made threats against India in their terrorist propaganda.

The US State Department said that numerous terrorist groups, including the Haqqani Network (HQN), the LeT and JeM continued to operate from Pakistani soil . Although LeT is banned in Pakistan, LeT's wings Jamaat- ud-Dawa (JuD) and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FiF) were able to openly engage in fundraising, including in the capital .


LeT's chief Hafiz Saeed (a UN-designated terrorist) continued to address large rallies, although in February 2017, Pakistan proscribed him under relevant provisions of Schedule Four of the Anti-Terrorism Act, thus severely restricting his freedom of movement .

Pakistan's National Counter terrorism Authority published its own list of banned organisations that placed JuD in a separate section for groups that are "under observation" but not banned. Pakistan  military operations to eradicate terrorist safe  havens are not effective , but  their impact on all terrorist groups was uneven . Pakistan is using Terrorism as a strategic state tool .

In its report US  said , India and the United States pledged to strengthen cooperation against terrorist threats from groups including al-Qaeda, the ISIS, JeM, LeT and D-Company (Dawood Ibrahim's group), including through greater collaboration on designations at the UN.

US has identified in their report that other safe havens are Afghanistan, Somalia, the Trans-Sahara,  Southern Philippines, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Columbia and Venezuela.

The United States and India need to work  together if truly they want to eradicate terrorism .

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