Friday, July 14, 2017



Relations between two Asian Powers I.e. China and India have again  become tense due to tense face-off with China in Dokalam at the trijunction of India, Bhutan and China. India and China have been involved in an almost month-long stand-off in Doklam plateau of Bhutan. The ongoing tensions relate to the construction of a road by China in Bhutan’s Doklam region. Bhutan had reportedly protested China’s action, and sought India’s help. Indian Army then moved to this  area of construction and stopped Chinese activities . Experts opined that with the construction of this road, China would have got upper hand to spy on and to isolate the sensitive Siliguri corridor, also known as the Chicken’s Neck.

Amidst this ongoing war of words , other India China related  issues remained.  India earlier complained that China covertly supports Pakistan in their sponsored terrorism act and   is also blocking India's entry into nuclear suppliers group . In an another highly objectionable act ,China is working on  some projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir , like CPEC , which is a disputed Ares and threatens India's  security interests. China on the other hand is very concerned about India’s active alignment with United States and its involvement in  South China Sea.
Dalai Lama is another factor . China is very sensitive on this issue .Beside this history left boarder  dispute between the two Asian giants. Tawang monastery’s historical ties with Tibetan Buddhism is an important basis of China’s claim on Arunachal Pradesh, which lies to the south of the  McMahon Line . It is treated as the de facto border between China and India .The McMahon Line was agreed to by Britain and Tibet in a  in 1914 .

Tibetans spiritual leader  living in exile in India attend with full setup  .A peace march was organised by Tibetans to observe Tibetan National Uprising day in the suburb of McLeod Ganj, the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration in exile, near Dharamshala, India. Tibetans living in exile in India attend a peace march held to observe Tibetan National Uprising day . This became a great concern for China .China was littoraly boiling .

Other sore points were :  Dalai Lama, whose presence in India is resented by China , said Tawang and Arunanchal Pradesh is integral part of India . Beijing raised objection when Delhi allowed then US ambassador Richard Verma to visit Tawang in last October. In December, the Dalai Lama was invited to the Indian president’s official residence, the first such public meeting in 60 years.Beijing showed great anger , for inviting the Dalai Lama to a government-sponsored Buddhist seminar.

In a recent  interaction with the foreign media last month, a Chinese institution named  Tibetology Research Centre  tried to establish Tawang’s links to Tibet by citing that the Tawang monastery was a subsidiary of one of the three major temples of Tibet, the Drepung monastery near Lhasa. Tawang is a part of Tibet and Tibet is part of China. So Tawang is a part of China .It was China's own created theory which was never accepted by India and Dalai Lama . Probably China believes in their Granny's night story that whole planet belongs to China.

Recent  Dalai Lama’s assertion that Tawang is part of India has badly  infuriated China as it is against  interest of the China . Dalai Lama  advocates Tibetan autonomy which India indirectly supports , is really asking independence. By allowing him a official platform,China said  the India government is going back on its promises of not allowing the Tibetan government in exile to engage in activities undermining China’s sovereignty.

Apart from their dispute in the eastern sector, China lay claim to Aksai Chin a area of about 38,000 sq km . They have since managed to maintain peace at the border. Several rounds of talks to settle the boundary disputes haven’t yielded any result .China’s earlier approach was to give up its territorial claim in the east in return for retaining control over Aksai Chin in the west. But as per nature , China now additionally want  Tawang also in the east also . which is totally unacceptable to India.

For China it's easy to negotiate the boundary dispute but for India it's very difficult because India is a democratic country.If India tries to bargain with land mass in the West to land mass in the east ,it will be very difficult to convince the vast population . Because the message will simply go, as India has given up  so much thousands sq. Km of land to China under pressure and surrendered. A suicidal  for a democratic country & government.


Again very recently China said  that if the Indian side takes care of China’s concerns in the eastern sector, the Chinese side will address India’s concern.China is habitual of making false noises to prove wrong thing right. Their strategy is to encroach inch by inch ,again & again .Totally a sick mentality.

Pending  boundary settlement, the clear understanding since 1993 is that both side will work on the basis of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) only.

Hope better sense will prevail. And existing tension will be resolved amicably.

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