Sunday, July 9, 2017



Prior to one to one meeting between Trump & Putin at Germany Hamburg at G 20 summit ,all facial expressions and body language was under scanner for political analysis . Not only this but as much as any words  these two leaders would utter ,the whole world was anxious  to know and to understand how well Trump would gets along with Putin - a hard core far sighted politician ..

Ultimately expected meeting was held , that too with all positive chemistry for a longer period than expected .All analysis about the body language , hand shaking , words uttered indicates it was a success .A great sigh of relief for whole world. Because today's overall situation of the world is very alarming , probably in transition phase. A new world order is emerging and a new set of Equilibrium power is in the horizon i.e.Balance Of Power.  Balance of power between two or groups , is , practically a state of equilibrium  between the competing forces.

Trump-Putin dynamics is going to have great impact on world politics . Donald Trump has given enough indications earlier too that he wants to find ways to work with Vladimir Putin.The US President   is definitely different from others linearly and laterally also .He wanted to do drastic changes in the policies & in Administration for the benefits of mankind of USA & for the whole world. His postures , features, gestures, are really uniquely unique.Since it is USA , it matters to whole world as well.

It’s an honour to be with you, Trump said and Putin returned the gesture in their  first official meeting at G 20 .The US  and Russian President held first easy going highly anticipated sit-down face to face meeting on sidelines of summit in German city

US president said , as per  journalists who were briefly allowed in to witness initial part of the meeting. :It’s an honour to be with you.The Russian president replied: I am delighted to be able to meet you personally Mr President  ,  I hope as you have said, our meeting will yield concrete results.In characteristically confident fashion . Trump said he and Putin will held very, very good talks.The meeting was later joined by Rex Tillerson, the US secretary of state, and Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister which is taking place against an inauspicious backdrop.

At the end of the meeting great words were said .President  Trump said we look forward to a lot of very positive things to  happen for Russia, for the United States and for everyone concerned.  Trump offered no details about what issues had been discussed so far, describing them only as “various things”. Putin was similarly vague, telling reporters  that they were discussing international problems and bilateral issues . Putin described the fact that their meeting it self  a positive sign ,as Phone conversation is never enough. 

Russian government sources further indicated that the talks focused  on the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts, the war on terror, strategic security and bilateral issues. Likely hot issues included North Korea’s successful ballistic missile test and likely further use of chemical weapons by the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad .

As officials gathered around a table, Trump stretched out his hand to Putin and then patted his elbow as both men smiled. Trump then casually patted Putin on the back as they stood side by side.The US president called on Russia to join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defence of civilization  itself. 


But because of so much prominence to Putin Trump meeting , there was some frustrations in the camp of the German host, Angela Merkel, because her carefully prepared summit agenda, including a investment for Africa got overshadowed by the hype surrounding Trump and Putin.

At the end , definitely , world can feel sigh of relief after warm hand shakes , pleasing exchange of words and positive body languages. Hope world tilt towards  peace and non-violence and hope Trump and Putin will come even closer and work hard toward creating global peace.Everyone would only benefit , if Russia and the US establish good and honest  relations with each other

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