Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Image result for terrorism a threat to humanity

India has been a victim of terrorism for a very long period.There are many terrorists organisation that are flourishing across the Indian boarder with foreign funding and training   . Mostly they are Pakistan sponsored and are ready to spread unrest any time in any part of the country. They get all out support from their masters in Pakistan. No body can forget the 26/11 Mumbai attack in which more than 200 people had lost their lives. It is very unfortunate that now a days many countries are using terrorists as strategic tool  to disturb other countries.

Who are these terrorists and why do they resort to violence ? In fact  they  are the young men who are trapped by being brain washed by radicals with money and other means and  by misinterpreting the religion.

They are twisting the ideology by misinterpreting concept of religion. The brains of these young people are washed completely  in the name of jihad .They are told to kill the innocent peoples. They are also  being shown false dreams.Sometimes these young people are enticed by money, other times they are told that God would greet them for such heinous crimes and the whores would welcome them in heaven. Now ISIS has become a great threat for the whole world. It is mushrooming in Syria, Iraq and other Middle east countries.

Their minds are filled with venom which is evident from their brutal actions such as beheading the innocent people, massacre etc. In the latest terrorist attack in France around 90 people were killed. The terrorist used the truck to crush the people celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice.  So these uncivilized people are using various methods in killing the innocent people. As per reports  ISIS is showing its presence  in India as well. But it is also true that Indian youths are very wise enough  & shall not become its easy prey.

Image result for terrorism a threat to humanity
To fight terrorism tooth & nail , India needs support of international community & a robust friend  .Israel probably  the one . ISRAEL always stood by India to fight terrorism in any form . India-Israel strong ties is going to  have great impact on terrorism & their sponsors .India  Israel  ties have seen rapid growth since the establishment of full diplomatic relations.But the turning point is , the recent visit of Indian Prime Minister to Israel .This has given a great boost to it and   setup an milestone in the path of eradication of terrorism . Indian PM Modi rightly said: We shall fight terrorism together to achieve Common objectives of economic prosperity and to secure our societies .

He said our main focus will be on making our ties even more stronger by using technology and innovation to meet our developmental  priorities and aspirations &  to expand our academic, scientific ,research, and business links also. Shall  put in place a robust security partnership to respond to shared threats to our peace, stability and prosperity, he stated. Indian and  Israeli Prime Minister has crafted and built a clear action agenda to realize  these objectives. 

Referring to people-to-people links between the two countries, Modi said that Jews have thrived in India for thousands of years after the first of these people landed on India's south-western coastline.

India and Israel are sister democracies, both face common challenge of Terrorism . It is a common challenge . Our first goal  is to defeat the forces of terror which is on rampage through out  the world and threaten many countries. We must stand together in this battle. We have to defeat terrorism.There is nothing like good terrorism or bad terrorism, your terrorists & our terrorists.Terrorism dont have any religion.

India and Israel shared a common bond of democracy, creativity, a deep respect for each other t and a boundless optimism for future .Israel has emerged as the most trusted ally of India and both countries have not only government to government contacts but also people to people contacts.

India has Pakistan as a neighbor who uses terrorism as strategic tool  , at the same time has Israel as r trusted friend and ally .Israel has always helped India at the time of crisis. On many occasions, it has provided crucial intelligence inputs to India. India and Israel today elevated their ties to the strategic partnership level, vowing to do more together to combat growing radicalization and terrorism while emphasizing  for strong action against those financing and providing sanctuaries to terror groups.

Be it the questions of war against terrorism or fight against the poverty or the struggle for technological progress, both countries are working hand in gloves and shoulder to shoulder. This is beneficial for both. Israel has technology and India has the market and technical man power . So, from the space to defence and agriculture to culture relations between these two nations are strengthening socially and sentimentally day by day.

With so much of commitments ,closeness and determination to work together  to fight terrorism , one can very well hope for better days .

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