Thursday, July 6, 2017


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The G 20 , group of Twenty is an international forum made up of world's 20 leading economies.It is  made up of 19 countries & EU .It was formed in 1999 to give developing countries a more powerful voice in forming  global economy. The G 20 includes the developing nations as well , including China, Brazil, India and Russia i.e. member countries of BRICS.  BRICS countries represent two-thirds of the world's people, and large share world economy. The success of this G20 meeting are not very much visible but are powerful drivers of the world economy. 

The G 20 meetings are nothing more than a media event and political posturing of the leaders to showcase their economies.  No concrete plan will come out of it, each country will continue to fuss about their own problems, and each will try to blame others individually  for their problems.  Of Course USA will be at focus for all .

Basically it is a summit  where all important world leaders are available for lobbying at least for self interest .It helps to remove some earlier misunderstanding. Important bilateral issues also get discussed on the back drop of this summit

The likely important international issues will be North Korea ,South China Sea ,Syria , Terrorism , Climate agreement e.t.c. Focus will be also on likely first meeting between Trump & Putin. 

One of the important bilateral meet may be held between India and China regarding de-escalation of tension in Indo China Boarder. Indian PM Modi, & Chinese President Xi Jinping likely to meet on sidelines of G20 Summit or in BRICS  get-together in Hamburg

As the standoff between Indian and Chinese troops on the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction continues in the Sikkim sector, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping may meet when leaders of the BRICS nations hold a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Hamburg on July 7, 2017 ,as this meeting will be chaired by Xi  as rotating chairperson.

In the prevailing India China tension ,China had accused India of illegal entry by Indian troops into ‘Chinese territory’ and demanded their immediate withdrawal. Seeing Chinese troops, personnels of a Bhutan Army camp called for help and  confronted the Chinese and told them that they cannot unilaterally change the existing status quo in the tri-junction. Indian Army personnel, who were present in the  area in Doka La in Sikkim on the other side, too rushed to the spot to help the Bhutanese soldiers. However, by that time the PLA had pushed back the Bhutanese and then came to a face-to-face situation with the Indian Army personnel.

The Indian soldiers too made it clear to the Chinese soldiers that they had no business changing the existing unilateral status quo in the tri-junction. There is no Chinese territory between India's border in the Sikkim sector with Bhutan.

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India and China had in 2012 reached an agreement that the tri-junction boundary points between India, China and third countries will be finalised in consultation with the concerned countries. Bhutan too has written agreements with China of 1988 and 1998 stating that the two sides agreed to maintain peace and tranquility in their border areas pending a final settlement on the boundary question, and to maintain status quo as before March 1959.

Following the June 16 incident, Bhutan officially lodged a protest at the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi on June 20. Beijing and Thimphu do not share diplomatic ties. The matter also came up for discussion at a border personnel meeting  between India and China at Nathu La in Sikkim on June 20. Bhutanese govt. issued a press release which stated Bhutan has conveyed to the Chinese side, both on the ground and through the diplomatic channel, that the construction of the road inside Bhutanese territory was in direct violation of the agreements and affects the process of demarcating the boundary between the two countries.

Bhutan said that the status quo in the Doklam area will be maintained as before June 16 at any cost.
Though the June 16 incident is being seen as forcing India's hand to change the status quo in the tri-junction, it is understood that New Delhi has been approaching the matter in a reserved manner so that Bhutan does not come under pressure despite the fact that the road being constructed near Indian defence lines posed serious security threat .

The Indian External Affairs Ministry in a statement said that India has taken up the matter with China at the diplomatic level both in New Delhi and Beijing. G 20 may help in breaking the ice .G 20 summit helped to resolve many such bilateral issues in the pst. It is in the interest of mankind that bilateral or multilateral issues are resolved peacefully and quickly.

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