Saturday, July 15, 2017



To day again world community acknowledged Chinese arrogance and dual standard  . Though China claims , it's unprecedented peaceful rise is no way any threat to international community instead helps to maintain peaceful environment in whole world and is win win situation for all  but it is not true.

Chinese lie is now  fully  exposed internationally due to an event at India China Bhutan border. A recent  tension has built up on the international  border between India &  China  at  Dokalam after  Chinese army road construction team  unilaterally attempted to construct a road in the region very close to chicken neck i.e. siliguri corridor month  ago ,which was strongly opposed by India & Bhutan .The Area is very sensitive from Indian & Bhutan's point of view. This is new Sikkim stand-off of 2017 .This face-off  is at an altitude of around 10,000 feet in the Sikkim section. Indian Army took position and  not going to cave in under any pressure from China.  Aggressive China did not anticipated that India will step in such a strong manner to defend Bhutan's territorial sovereign integrity.

China is already in forcefully occupation of vast Indian Areas since 1962  and still in habit of making  unlawful claims over Indian areas now and then  .But they are 180 ° different when it comes on their own .Chinese president recently said , we shall not compromise an inch of our sovereign land , no matter at what  costs. Contrary to this they are occupying vast land of India in Aksai chin &Ladakh. They have already captured Tibet , now eyeing on south china sea. They are very sensitive to these issues for themselves and wants nobody to needle , but it seems , they have the full right to meddle ,needle in others business. A hopelessly sick attitude of China .

Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . They are land greedy and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for others.

But this time India responded in aggressive manner .A real Tit for Tat policy adopted . Probably China did not anticipated  such strong Indian response in Doklam .The Chinese Foreign Ministry and its state-owned media reacted very predictably in very high pitch to the Indian action with strong rhetoric, including reminding India of  Indo-China war in 1962.

It has become an eye opener for whole world . The European Union from Brussels exposed China lie in a article  and said an aggressive China did not anticipated India stepping in such a strong manner to defend Bhutan`s territorial and shall stop chinese move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp in Zornpelri, according to  vice president of the European Parliament.

Beijing`s lie of assuring the international community that its peaceful rise would not in any way threaten the established world order, but instead promote a peaceful international environment do not stand here & got totally exposed to international community .

As per EU observation China has been following a foreign policy to infringe and  interfere on internationally accepted norms. Recent example is Doklam  tri-junction A politico-military impasse   involving China, India and Bhutan was created on June 16 , due to China`s unilateral move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp . Bhutan`s objection to these construction activities by China in the disputed Doklam area, was  conveyed through diplomatic channels.

China's this  plan did not succeed ,as China only gambled and anticipated that Bhutan would not be able to retaliate through force, and believed that the construction of the road would be completed quickly  giving it a clear strategic advantage. However, all didn`t go as planned. because of  quick  movement of Indian troops in that area .Chinese action in the Doklam plateau can be seen as a part of the china`s recent tendency and attitude to unilaterally change the ground situation in the areas that are disputed.

In past too China violated international law and rules .  International tribunal based at Hague ,delivered their judgement  on SCS stating  that , the vast majority of Beijing's extensive claims of maritime rights and resources in the South China Sea were not compatible with international noms & rule. China`s deliberate move to disrupt the status quo in the disputed area is South China Sea by ignoring the maritime territorial claims of Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines in the region by expanding its strategic outreach in this area is totally unlawful . Beijing was furious and suffered this  humiliating massive legal defeat internationaly. But to surprise, China arrogantly  said it is nothing more than a piece of waste paper. 

China`s propaganda machinery was working over time to blame India for this border stand-off .Now China is insisting that it would not hold any dialogue on the matter till Indian troops withdrew from the area .

China  should  realize that its unprecedented economic and military growth must go hand in gloves with international rules & norms to assure a `win-win` and `shared destiny` for whole world.

China has territorial disputes with 22 countries .14 countries have their common border with China rest are at least 1000km away from China border.

Hope better sense will prevail.

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