Tuesday, July 25, 2017


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European Union (EU) is a group of 28 countries that operates as a cohesive economic and political and power block. Nineteen of the countries use the euro as their official currency.The main emphasis  is to bringing people in Europe closer together. It helps Europeans to buy and sell things to each other. This is done by changing the rules that control trade of each country and have almost same trade and transaction rules between them .It is just like one block and one country. People from EU countries moving around freely inside the Union. Have almost unified defence and foreign policy .

EU & NATO happens to be back bone of US but the new US President do not  attach more importance to either EU nor NATO. He Called these alliances as obsolete . Because , the reasons  for which these alliances were made , practically do not exists to day also threat perception of Russia too do not exists .Further US do not want to take full financial burden of NATO expenditures .Member countries need to spend at least 2 % of their GDP for defence ,which they are not doing .US  has adopted a new policy now that is i s  AMERICA & AMERICANS FIRST. 

Now US Do not care  much for either Europe or NATO. European countries are now a worried lot because USA wants to make Russia as an an ally and friend and wants to work hand in gloves in their fight against terrorism and other regional matters where as the EU depends much upon Russian threat phobia. Now EU is nervous because of good understanding between Trump & Putin .

Everything is not going well within the EU & between US and EU .This is because :

1.US down played the role of NATO & EU.
2.UK's exist from EU under Brexit .
3.Turkey showing inclination to leave EU , already having clash of interest with Germany .
4. Hungry and Poland opened a new front apposing interference in their internal matter by EU


The east European members countries are increasingly opposing  the meddling from Brussels bigwigs in the west. They feel EU is guilty of meddling in other countries internal affair which shouldn't be the EU's concern.

Division within the European Union (EU) have deepened as Hungary backed Poland’s attempts to extend government control over its courts despite resistance in EU's head Qtr. from Brussels. Hungary’s Prime Minister joined the chorus with  Poland to stand against the EU meddling into the state of rule of law in Poland.  The meddling is a offence and this offensive against Poland will never succeed because Hungary said ,will use all legal options in the European Union to show solidarity with the Poles.

Hungary who sides with Poland in this row with EU , tells Brussels not to overstep their authority under instructions of some one else .The Hungarian foreign ministry has declared its open  support to Poland which is under fire from the European Commissioner over its domestic judicial reforms.
We stand by Poland, and we call on the European Commission not to overstep its authority, 

The situation is deteriorating and the  consequences may be that EU may strip Poland of voting rights for going ahed over judicial reforms .Budapest pointed out that Brussels should not act like a political body and criticized it for attempting to interfere in the domestic affairs of other member states .

Earlier, the EU body threatened to sanction Warsaw for its proposed overhaul of the judiciary, citing Brussels serious concerns over the changes currently considered by Poland’s upper house.
If approved, the new measures will empower parliament and the justice minister to appoint judges to the Polish Supreme Court – which Brussels sees as a threat to the judiciary’s independence.

EU may  suspend a member state of certain rights, including voting rights, in the European Council.


Defiant Poland has returned back, vowing to defend its proposed measures in Europe’s highest court. Its foreign ministry said it’s ready for a dialogue, but would not accept any such ultimatum  from Brussels

Now , after Poland and Hungry , the Czech Republic has joined the row with Brussel about   not fulfilling their obligations in accepting Europe’s migrant quota of refugee  as outlined in its 2015 plan. East European countries slammed Brussels for telling them what to do in their own countries and lambasted EU vice President about increasing interference . Austria may join this row as well.

To add fuel to this Le Pen the runner up in last presidential election of France ,offered help to Poland , Hungary , Czech , Austria  in dismantling EU .She said certainly , we can not agree on everything. 

After all, each country is free and sovereign to defend their own interests . She further said,UK Prime Minister Theresa May could also become partner in dismantling the EU .

The  refugee issue is a very big issue . Brussels wants to distribute refuges across all EU countries .But many member countries like Poland ,Hungry , Czech ,Austria opposes it .In turn EU threatens sanction against  countries that do not accept refugees .

This is total madness, this has to stop, said Le Pen. Further EU has to come out of the phobia of Russian threat . How a imaginary threat can keep EU member countries united .

Time will say .

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