Wednesday, July 19, 2017



The US - NATO  tried to ignite a Russian-Turkish conflict as a strategic move to destabilise the area for their own power game and interest .The NATO in a full calculated and  planned way  made all attempts to set ablaze Russia Turkey relations in all front in order to divert  Russians attention from Syria where NATO - US are playing their strategic game where Russia was a obstacle in their Grand plan .They set the stage ready for the Russia Turkey show down and drama . .

Full fall Out Details happened as planned :

-Russia blamed Turkey for disturbances .Turkey denies Putin's claims that ISIS oil flows through its     territory and its plane was downed to protect supply .
-Russia bansTurkey Food imports,Travel,tours- thereby made an heavy impact on Turkies  economy .
-Turkish Stream' pipeline  and  $20 billion power plant was about  to be be suspended
-A day after Putin accused Turkey of trading with ISIS, Turkey makes similar claims against  Russia
-Russian President has said Allah has decided to punish Turkish Leaders .
-Turkey and Ukraine conducted joint Naval exercise in Black Sea
-Russia’s campaign in Syria has convinced Turkey to seek friends elsewhere.
-Turkey summoned Russia's envoy after a Turkish border guard was killed by sniper fire coming         from a  Kurdish-held part of northwestern Syria, where  Russia was active.
-Russia said Turkish  pilot could have avoided downing the Russian Su-24.

After a long period of dynamic development between Russian and Turkish relations, bilateral cooperation started rolling down , downhill the hill after the Turkish Air Force downed a Russian military aircraft in the Syrian airspace on November 24, 2015. For seven months bilateral ties were virtually frozen. 


Western strategists meticulously planned to cause a military rift &  conflict between Russia and Turkey . To follow this , there was an attempted coup against President Recep Erdogan   to devastate the Turkish economy and turn it into a country on the verge of civil war & territorial disintegration  . If Russia and Turkey enter into a war, the Western European countries, specifically UK would have benefited  from such a conflict immensely .

However, better sense prevailed , Erdogan and Putin decided to stop this destructive trend for mutual benefit .In June 2016 in a message to the Russian president the Turkish president expressed his desire to normalize relations and apologized for the death of the Russian pilot. Thereby situations started  changing without further deterioration . Turkey decided to  increasingly participate in the  Eurasian structures projects with Russia and China and moving away from western  NATO's Atlanticism,  .

Thus improvement in relationsis followed slowly :

-Erdogans apology to Russsia
-Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Russia to meet Vladimir Putin in an historic visit. On August 9, 2016, Putin and Erdogan met in St. Petersburg for the first time since the crisis in bilateral relations. At the meeting they agreed to restore cooperation in all areas.
-Despite holding opposing views on NATO and the Syrian war, Russia and Turkey held joint naval exercises in the Black Sea, where military drills have already heightened tensions.
-Later on Putin met with Erdogan on the eve of the G-20 summit in the Chinese city of Hangzhou on September 3, 2016. The leaders discussed the restoration of full-scale bilateral cooperation and exchanged opinions on the Syrian issue.
-Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan meet again in 23rd World Energy Congress in Istanbul, October 10, 2016 .Thus warming up started .

The Russian and Turkish presidents since then formally have said that relations between their two countries have normalized after  falling-out over Syria in late 2015. Russian tourism in Turkey & Turkey's export to Russia have also increased and on the rise. A good sign for both economy .

Thus western power miserably failed to wedge war between Russia -Turkey and to spoil relations to a point of no return  because of clever , shrewed &,intelligent  statesmanship of Vladimir Putin . Instead Turkey is thinking of leaving NATO . Purchase of S-400 anti missiles system from Russia is a Signal  about Turkey's leaving  NATO .

The good relations between Russia and Turkey would solve the issues of stability and prosperity in the Balkans region probably against the wish of NATO force in Europe. Erdogan also emphasized that he is taking all actions to normalize the traditionally friendly relations between Turkey and Russia, so as to jointly react to regional issues  ,crises and counter terrorism.

Turkey is Russia’s main foreign trade partners such cooperation  would add prosperity to people of both countries and ultimately will bring equilibrium of power in this area .

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