Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Image result for chinese high arrogancy with their neighbours

India has called for a sensible and pragmatic conversation between India and China on accommodating each other's concerns & sensitivity to  ensure peace on LAC i.e. line of actual control .Any attempts made to change the status quo unilateraly shall  not be tolerated .

Bare lip service by China at international forums shall not met any end. The  problem with china is  their over confidence of being a Super Power . This is absurd .Indian Foreign minister some time back has very clearly told to China’s  that if you are sensitive to your issues , we too are sensitive to our issues. If you respect our concerns we may also respect your concerns. It can not be one sided game .

India's sensitive issues which china never respected :
1. Arunanchal  Pradesh Issue - China is in habit of poking every time on any damn issue  I.e. whether it is  issue of visa to state player ,   visit of any VIP or dignitaries , military exercise or whatever it may be.
2.Constant opposition to India's  NSG bid.       
3. Opposing  UN sanctioning against Jaise e Mohammad
4 Unauthorised construction in Pak occupied Kashmir i.e.CPEC.   
5.South china sea oil exploration with Vietnam
6 Supporting Pakistan sponsored Terrorists.                            
7.Opposing India's bid in UN for permanent seat   
8 .South China Sea - Oil exploration with Vietnam.

On the other hand ,China always preached India that they should be careful on their following   sensitive issues. 

1.Don't talk to Taiwan.
2.Don't speak about Tibet
3 Don't give aid to Magnolia.
4 Don't allow Dalai Lamas visit
5 Don't allow Uighar Separatist leader to visit India .                   

Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for others.

Recently tension built up on the international  border with China  at  Dokalam after  Chinese army road construction team  attempted to erect a road in the region very close to chicken neck i.e. siliguri corridor three weeks ago ,which was strongly opposed by India & Bhutan .The Ares is very sensitive from Indian point of view. This is new Sikkim stand-off .

Looking at the possible threat , Indian contingent has settled their  with tents to meet any eventuality .A steady line of supplies for  Indian Army has been established to gets ready for long haul in Doklam

Even as China has intensified its rhetoric against India amid stand-off at the Sikkim sector, the Indian Army is ready for a long haul in holding onto its position in the Doklam area near the Bhutan tri-junction, pitching tents and strengthening its position. More Indian soldiers were  deployed in the disputed area at the border , is an indication that they are unlikely to retreat unless it is reciprocated from China's side as well.  This face-off  is at an altitude of around 10,000 feet in the Sikkim section. Indian Army is not going to wilt under any pressure from China.

At the same time India is confident of finding a diplomatic solution to the dispute, citing resolution of border skirmishes in the past through diplomacy.

Though China has been aggressively asserting that it was not ready for any "compromise" and that the "ball is in India's court", the view in the security establishment here is that there cannot be any unilateral approach in defusing the tension.

Both the countries have a mechanism agreed in 2012 to resolve such border flare ups through consultations at various levels. But The mechanism has not worked so far in the current case as the stand-off near the Bhutan tri junction, triggered by China's attempt to build a road in the strategically important area, has dragged on for over three weeks.
New Delhi has already conveyed to Beijing that such an action would represent a significant change of status quo with "serious" security implications for India. The road link could give China a major military advantage over India.

Image result for chinese high arrogancy with their neighbours

India argues that since it is a tri-junction involving three countries, India also has a say in this issue, specially in the backdrop of 2012 agreement . Bhutan has no diplomatic ties with China. But as a close friend and neighbour, Bhutan enjoys diplomatic and military support from India.

The era of 1962 no more exists .It will be like living in fools paradise by under estimating India

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