Saturday, July 8, 2017


Image result for TERRORISM A THREAT TO MANKIND - G 20 su

The world summit at G 20 , the group of Twenty , is an international forum made up of world's 20 leading economies  & most industrialized nations. It  includes the developing nations as well , including China, Brazil, India and Russia i.e. member countries of BRICS.  The success of this G20 meeting are not very much visible but are powerful drivers of the world economy. 

The G 20 meetings has become a media event where  political posturing of the leaders is more prominent to showcase their economies.  No concrete plan has ever  come out of it, each country will continue to fuss about their own problems  and each will try to blame others individually  for their problems. But  USA remains at the focus for all .

It is a summit  where all important world leaders are available for lobbying at least for self interest .It also helps to remove  earlier misunderstanding between two countries . Important bilateral issues also get discussed on the back drop of this summit

Indian took this opportunity to highlight world Terrorism and said  global response to terror is very weak and urged the world leaders to make concrete efforts against those providing all sort of help & safe-havens to terrorists.

India presented a 10-point agenda to fight terrorism at the summit of the powerful G20 nations  and said , the international response to deal with the menace has been very decisive and it  needs "concrete efforts" not just lip service .

It was highlighted that some  nations are using terrorism to achieve their ulterior political gains.  Such countries, who  support terrorism, must be banned from the G 20 Summit as well .It's high time that for fast adoption of  Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and effective implementation of UNSC  resolutions is required .  

Pakistan based LeT and JeM terrorist groups are just other side of the coin of ISIS and Al-Qaeda .Their names may be different but ideologies are  same. India  presented  a 10-point agenda to fight the menace of global terrorism .

Image result for TERRORISM A THREAT TO MANKIND - G 20 su

1. List of terrorists must be exchanged between G20 countries.
2. Legal processes like extradition must be simplified and expedited to bring the terrorists to justice.
3. Fast adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
4. Effective implementation of UNSC resolutions and other international processes.
5. Exchange of best practises and collective efforts in G20 towards de-radicalization programmes.
6. Closure of various sources of terror funding by exercising international law.
7. Just like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a Weapons and Explosive Action Task Force (WEATF) be formed to close the supply of weapons to terrorists.
8. Concrete efforts among G20 nations on Cyber security against terrorist activities.
9. Formation of national security advisors (NSAs) on Counter Terrorism mechanism in G20.
10. Countries which support terrorism must be banned from G-20 Summit.

Mentioning  Pakistan-based terror groups like LeT and JeM with ISIS  and al-Qaeda  . India  today made a strong pitch for global ‘deterrent’ action against countries that support terrorism for their political goals.It is important to deter countries that supports  terrorism and  closure of terror funding sources by exercising the international law. De-radicalization programmes will put the efforts in good direction.

Like  Financial Action  a Task Force for Weapons and Explosive control need to  be formed at international level  to close the source of weapons to terrorists .Internationally nations are less networked link  in dealing with the menace while the terrorists are better networked . Concrete cooperation among the G-20 countries with focus on cyber security is required .Also exchange of national lists of suspected terrorists at joint forum is required  against such terrorists and their supporters . Legal recourses like extradition for effective action against terrorists need to be expedited.

India , the most affected nation like Israel took up the stand and presented the issue of Terrorism very boldly in front of world leaders and asked to wake up before it's too late like Syria or Iraq.

Only hand shake & lip service will not do any good . We will have to fight together .


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