Tuesday, July 18, 2017


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Chinese theory of  might is right , is internationally  not acceptable and it is not working  too  . All UNSC members need to ensure that the international rules are followed.

China flaunted international law and rules many times  by virtue of their might and even said , international tribunal arbitration on South china sea is nothing but piece of paper . Height of arrogance !

International tribunal in Hague , overwhelmingly backed the Philippines in the case of disputed waters of the South -china sea .It ruled that area  claimed by China in SCS  are not correct and does not comes  under it's territorial claims. Tribunal said some of the disputed waters in question are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines and  china  had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in those waters by interfering with its fishing and petroleum exploration and by constructing artificial islands.

The control of  SCS is very important for international trade . China asserting sovereignty over maritime areas that span 3.5m square kilometres but these area are also being claimed by Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei,  Philippines and Japan. Washington got deeply involved in to this and  backing those against China and conducting regular  military patrols. As per survey the South China Sea  has major  oil and gas reserves and is a route for about $4.5tn  in international trade. Also these area are rich in  fisheries and controls lanes  half of all commercial shipping. 

Even after so much of noise and tension  ,China has started  well intended ,well planned military muscle flexing acts in South China sea like placement of military personnel's , missiles launchers & aggressive patrolling .China is hell bent to prove to the US that it is just their normal activities & want good bilateral relations with all its neighbours.

In this process , in a very calculative and well thought manner it has started  showcasing the most modern weaponry of its air and naval  forces. China's only  (second hand) aircraft carrier Liaoning already conducted its first military drill in South China Sea. It  recently tested a new prototype stealth fighter, an improved version of the earlier one.

When the whole issue of  south china sea was on volcano after the decision of international tribunal , sending  an  aircraft carrier and nuclear submarines by china in the Pacific along with newly upgraded combat aircraft speaks for its arrogance .

In show of strength China's military is in hurry for showing off its new acquire military equipments visa vis power . It seems China's hurry for such show offs are for better bargaining only.
America is opposing china in South china sea tooth & nail and also oppose China's construction of artificial islands in SCS .US insists , that decision of international tribunal to be honoured and freedom of navigation to be maintained .Recently  US said  it stands firm on its commitment towards the rules-based international order and the importance of dialogue  and  asked for agreed mechanisms to de- escalate and to resolve such differences as per international law .


Besides South China Sea ,the border skirmishes between India is another flash point and cause of worry for whole world .  Time and again due to one or other reasons such incidents are repeated by China  . World very well knows about Chinese arrogance and dual standard  . Though China claims , it's unprecedented peaceful rise is no way any threat to any international community instead helps to maintain peaceful environment in whole world and is win win situation for all  but it is not true totally fake .

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Chinese lie is now  fully  exposed internationally due to an event with India on India China Bhutan border. A tension has built up on the international  border between India &  China  at  Dokalam after  Chinese army road construction team , unilaterally attempted to construct a road in the region very close to chicken neck i.e. siliguri corridor , a month  ago ,which was strongly opposed by India & Bhutan .The Area is very sensitive from Indian & Bhutan's point of view.

This is a new Sikkim stand-off of 2017 .This face-off  is at an altitude of around 10,000 feet in the Sikkim section. Indian Army too took up position and  not going to cave in under any pressure from China.  Aggressive China did not anticipated that India will step in such a strong manner to defend Bhutan's territorial sovereign integrity.

Whole world is worried that if the situation's are not brought control  & if flares up , it may lead to a devastating war between two Asian giants.India has earlier proven itself to be willing and able to resolve all issues through arbitration, through negotiation, through dialogue and diplomacy, and it is  also expected that China should also  show the same spirit .

Otherwise its implications would be very grave. India & China are very responsible military and nuclear powers &  both countries understand  their obligations to international community . They have to manage the  tensions and to de-escalate it  as well .

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