Friday, December 30, 2016


China again took the hopeless decision to block once again the UN proposal to designate Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. China for the third  time blocked the move to list Je-M chief Masood Azhar as a UN designated terrorist, clearly reflects  chinese double standards in  fighting terrorism and that too when China itself is a victim of terrorism.

This decision of china proved how big hypocrites they are in the fighting  terrorism.The international community is well aware that the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed , has been responsible for innumerable terrorist attacks on India including the Pathankot Air Base attack. The helplessness &  inability of the international community to list its leader Masood Azhar is an unfortunate blow to the concerted efforts to effectively counter all forms of terrorism, and confirms prevalence of double standards in the fight against terrorism  internationally.

If We keep on using Terrorism as tool against other country ,The menaces of terrorism shall never end from this world and it will come before us as Taliban ,ISIS, Jaish e.t.c  TERRORISTS are TERRORISTS  . May be in different form in different country at different time.It is now established that one country is using terrorism against other as part of their strategy .A shameful act.

So this act of Chinese of blocking UN proposal to ban a top leader of a Pakistani Terrorists organisation is highly deplorable & regretful .But China still  is hopeful and forecasting better  Indo - China relationship at the beginning of new year 2017.  How could they make such optimistic forecast after being so irresponsible.Probably it is  Chinese characteristic's.

 China actually do not believe in calendar dates to appreciate or depreciate the level of friendship. Only one criteria that needed  to be be fulfilled is , it should serve Chinese interest  . Summing up , Beijing's perception of the outgoing year and its vision of Sino-Indian ties for the next year i.e. 2017 is, as Chinese said that the two nations signed off their most engaging year bogged down only by the old issues .

China is a typical country which is habitual of not following any international norms , regulations , But very sweetly & swiftly issuing threats to any body & every body they choose . Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready  to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence .

Forcefully occupation of vast Indian Area , unlawful claims over Indian areas .But they are 180 ° different when it comes on their own .Chinese president recently said , we shall not compromise an inch of our sovereign land , no matter at what  costs. Contrary to this they are occupying vast land of India in Aksai chin ,Ladakh  , Captured Tibet ,now on move to capture south china sea. They are very sensitive to these issues and wants nobody to needle , but it seems , they have the copy right to meddle ,needle in others business. A hopelessly sick attitude of China .

China’s constant opposition to India’s membership of the NSG, opposition to UN sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammed Chief, Masood  Azahar , and construction of  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pak Occupied Kashmir are highly deplorable. They even afraid  to discus other related issues where they are proven wrong i.e South China Sea , Taiwan ,Tibet, Uyghar Separatist, CPEC e.t.c .  India seeks  better understanding & asked China , to at least respect each other's sensitive issues for building mutual trust.

What , one should do and what shouldn't-- that too china wants to dictate . India's  recent moves to strengthen ties with Mongolia  irritates china .China feel threatened . Why ? Is this not ridiculous. It's really very unfortunate that in this part of world the saying "might is right" is fully applicable , where all international rule/law fails in the south china sea .

China should be taught in language that they understand ."Hit it hard , Where it pains more" -This is true for China- A typical Trump way of dealing China . The Chinese political character & behavior is very odd & complicated.Slowly & slowly Chinese expansionist moves ares becoming a real Danger for whole world .

Chinese open support to rough states like North Korea  and Pakistan  is direct  threat to Democratic countries like India ,Japan, South Korea and other south Asian countries like. Vietnam ,Laos ,Cambodia ,Thailand ,Myanmar ,Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines . Pakistan poses terrorisits threat to neighboring countries and it has Chinese nodding . They train & harbor terrorists in their land so as to export them later to whole Asia and  to whole world so as to  destabilize other countries for their gains

In spite of this , Chinese are so professional in double acts that they even admit & say - It's natural to have differences with India ,but  hopeful of better ties in 2017  .This typical selfish  gestures of china and are to confuse the whole international community ,specially USA .They keep on changing their statements and stands as if standing on a slippery surface , where coordinates keep changing.

To make China understand is not very difficult .One will have to follow Tit For Tat formula .Pay them in the same coin .If you  call and recognize their Uyghar separatist  leaders as , hero , they will soon realize the meaning of Terrorists .But for international community and international press they always intend to prove how innocent , ideal , cooperative they are , towards their neighbors but actually they are the real threat behind every international scene.

They preach nicely and say ,as close neighbors, it is natural that two big countries to have differences, but we keep exploring  ways to resolve them through diplomatic channels. The suggest main theme of China-India relations remains friendship and cooperation . But this is not to be believed. This is their double standard.They say something  , do something & show something  . Though they have again blocked UN move to ban international Terrorist Azhar Mehmood and India's entry to NSG but still hopeful  of better relation in 2017. Why not ! After all this is height of world class hypocrisy which widely prevails now in international politics

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


China has started  well intended ,well planned military muscle flexing acts in South China sea like placement of military personnel's , missiles launchers & aggressive patrolling .China is hell bent to prove to the US that it is just their normal activities & want good bilateral relations with all its neighbours.

 In this process , in a very calculative and well thought manner it has started  showcasing the most modern weaponry of its air and naval  forces. China's only  (second hand) aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, already conducted its first military drill in South China Sea. It  recently tested a new prototype stealth fighter, an improved version of the earlier one.

When the whole issue of  south china sea was on volcano after the decision of international tribunal , sending  an  aircraft carrier by china in the Pacific along with newly upgraded combat aircraft speaks for itself.   China's military is in hurry for showing off its new acquire military equipments visa vis power . It seems China's hurry for such show offs are for better bargaining only.

These are the one of few steps in the recent years- of long build-up by China's military, as Beijing seeks greater global power status to match its economic might and asserts itself more aggressively in its own backyard  i.e. Pacific area.

Irrespective of what world thinks ,China's stand on Taiwan is still same that ,it's a  part of its territory awaiting unification, , even though the two sides split in 1949 .

Taiwan is badly alarmed by various provocative instances and show of strength by china and put it's force on alerts .Taiwan said , that , time to time provocative measures taken by China increases  tension in the whole south china sea and  which is increasing day by day . Show of strength has always been an integral part of Chinese diplomacy and they are quite habitual of this , so  it is all intended one . Keeping this in view America recently announced sell of defence equipments worth 1.2 bn dollars.

China is well aware that America is far superior to china , whether it's  technology or equipment  and at no point of time it can claim military superiority over Taiwan's main protector Washington, which has 10 aircraft carriers in service and a network of naval bases all around the globe. So probably for China, its going to be bargaining tool and nothing else . The presence of the Liaoning is above all "symbolic" and this second hand Soviet built  Aircraft carrier is Lioning is of no strategic importance simply  a pressure tool.

Although the US spending on military is far more than China , but Beijing's growing assertiveness in strategic regions like the South China Sea is a cause of concern.But the uncertainty surrounding Trump's policies has set off waves among Washington's allies in Asia.

In recent years Beijing has strengthened its claims on the South China Sea one sidededly and fuelled regional tensions by expanding tiny reefs and islets into artificial islands providing with military facilities. But It is  Opposed by all littoral states -Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan , who  have not accepted Beijing's claims ,while Washington has repeatedly called on China to uphold freedom of navigation, sending ships and aircraft to pass close to their nose.

China in order to manage &  dramatizing the whole situation in South china sea is doing everything. New in this chapter is fly of nuclear-capable bomber in South China Sea .By hooks or crooks China wants to pose and act as a big brother in this area .

The dramatic show of force was meant to send a message  that china is a force to be reckoned with .Even more concern for the Washington is , China has started to ship advance missiles i.e. surface-to-air missiles to disputed  islands in the South China Sea.

China's unlawful, forcible one sided deployment of advanced surface-to-air missile system in desputed island is a very aggressive posture. The disputed   island in the Paracel Island chain in the South China Sea, also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam. In last  October, a US Navy destroyer sailed close to Woody Island as freedom of navigation operation where as chinese called it as "provocative."  It was the fourth such operation by the U.S. Navy in the past year. Now this year too  in July 2017 US repeated it.

China has cooly constructed over 3,000 acres of land atop reefs in the South China Sea in the past few years. It now has three runways and has sent bombers and fighter jets to a number of them. World is like a silent spectators and this exactly what china wants .

China is a typical country which is habitual of not following any international norms , regulations , But very sweetly & swiftly issuing threats to any body & every body they choose . Chinese  move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready  to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Chinese are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is , to expand their area of influence .South China sea is one.

It's really very unfortunate that in this part of world , the saying "might is right" is fully applicable , where all international rule/law fails. UN should step in boldly in a deceive way , otherwise it will be too late .


Hit hard where it pains more - True for China- A Trump way of doing with rivals .In general term it can be called as TIT FOR TAT policy. Probably China understand this language only.The Chinese political character & behavior is very complicated.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


To day's overall situation in the world is very alarming , probably in transition phase. A new world order is emerging and a new set of Equilibrium is required i.e.Balance Of Power.  Balance of power between two or more groups , is , practically a state of equilibrium  between the competing forces.

 In international relations, it refers to , holdings among countries or alliances to prevent any one group, from becoming too strong to force , enforce it's wishes upon the other group to take undue advantages , gains ,favours and dominate , at its will . This is however the most dangerous condition, which every body wants to avoid . Because , when other group start resisting it , war flares up , which may put whole world in danger .

The present crisis like Syria , Yeman ,Libya, South China Sea , Ukraine ,Crimea , Trade war are very disturbing which is neither good for world economy nor for the human being at large .As it happened in Syria ,millions of families were destroyed and displaced , millions of homeless people had to flee from there houses as refugee .People's were killed  irrespective of  whether they are child like Kurdi , wemen or old aged people . Hopelessly in the terrorists camp of  ISIS  women were sold like , as if not human .

These are blots on human face & on humanity . Situation is so tense that because of any misunderstandings war can escalate any time  . Recently there were exchange of threats between Israel and Pakistan , here both are nuclear ststes. In most part of the world tension exists in different forms like in Europe & Black Sea area .

 In Eastern Ukraine  , NATO and RUSSIA are fighting a proxy war which may flare up at any time .One country in order to contain others imposing Trade sanctions on others , which creates an uneasy Trade climate , whose chain reaction may cause further damages . Recent coup in Turkey is a current  example of this power game. Recent UN resolution on unauthorised settlements by Israel  in Palestinian area , may transform into a new battle area.To add further , Putin's frustrations over U.S. support to NATO and European Union expansion to East Europe , which threatened Russia..

In these disturbing scenario only human and humanity , nature are the sufferers and defeated .which gives rise to Global recessions like situation like in 2008 -10 .So we need to get off of these things and must learn to live and prosper together , without  eating others shares & area .

To have this we need a very good understanding between two super Power groups i.e. US & Russia.

Recently Russia said  they have modified their nuclear Arsenals & now new President elect Trump also said USA will pay full attention towards  modernization and improving  their nuclear Arsenals .Where it will leads to  and where we stand .Are we sitting on volcano .We should discuss and work out , where we wants to lead the world.

In changed scenario of 2017 , we need to have perfect understandings between two power groups i.e. Trump and Putin , to see a happy and prosper world  - having trade boom ,development , ecological balance, controlled carbon signatures,  improved enviroment and this can happen with mutual trusts of both the countries only.

It is expected that  global growth next year will accelerate up to 3% . But this will depend on positive impulse from healthy financial conditions in the Trump led US and other parts of the emerging world like India ,Indonesia ,China , Japan ,UK ,Russia e.t.c US economy-is expected to grow  by 3.5 % . Probably US economy will lead the world to prosperity .

US ,INDIA ,CHINA ,JAPAN ,GERMANY  economy are just like powerful Engines ,which will give momentum to world economy .RUSSIAN economy - too  is returning to growth trend  after the recession . The Russian President also stressed that Russia has no intention to isolate itself from rest of  the world and shall be part of the global economy.

The fall in oil prices and the subsequent ruble crisis pushed the economy of the world’s largest energy exporter into the longest recession in two decades. With 38 percent of the budget revenue coming from energy, the government has based the 2017-2019 budget plans on oil at $40 per barrel.Russia’s Urals export blend has traded above $50 since the OPEC agreement .If the oil prices remain at this level, country's budget will get an extra boost .

So the world is watching with curiosity ,how the Trump & Putin  relations shall work.More positive vibes between them , means better world order ,less war , better environment ,no recessions ,trade booms , arms control , no arm race - which leads to better happy healthy world.

Russia has started giving goodwill gestures to new US administration &   said , we face serious global and regional challenges, which  countries  will have to face in coming years, so the relations between two super powers i.e. Russia and the U.S. will remain as an important factor in ensuring world peace ,stability and security of the modern world .

Russia  hopes , that  new President of the United States of America ,  will choose a positive path by acting in a constructive way &  to take positive steps to restore bilateral cooperation in different areas . Also level of collaboration on the international scenes  shall also improve .Putin further  recently said to US in a message to Trump “Please accept my sincere wishes to you and your family of sound health, happiness,  well being, success and all the best.”

Trump too returned good will gestures to Russia. Trump indicated  his longstanding goal of warmer ties between the two Cold War countries. The most important thing for Trump is international equilibrium.

As we know  , view of new US government shall be very important in dealing with world affairs . The Signals emitting  & remark available so far from  Trump camp are very positive in nature,  as far as Russia is concerned .As per Trumps aides , the long-term interests of both countries calls for a world of new equilibrium which is increasingly  going towards multi-polar and globalized world .

Trump camp increasingly  believes Russia as an essential element of any new global equilibrium, not primarily as a threat to the United States. This is great .Further  Ukraine needs to be embedded in the structure of European and international security architecture in such a way that it serves as a bridge between Russia and the West, rather than as an outpost of either side. Similar feelings goes for Middle East and  elsewhere.

Overall , the Trump side feels , to have larger gains , we need to be prepared to accept the ground realities  in Syria, Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine, then only we can have a better relationship in the interest of whole world.

Regarding China, Trump intend to change the existing trend of Chinese dictatorial attitude i.e Taiwan ,Tibet ,South China Sea , Trade imbalance e.t.c. so Trump need to maintain a strong NATO, though he is not convinced about it's usefulness . But Trump's desire for warmer ties with Russia has been one of the more consistent stances he's taken, and he could find a nice alignment in the nice letter of Putin.

So olive green gestures are already there for the new US government , rest time will itself speak.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


After independence the Indian economy was growing at snail's speed without any decisive direction or target to achieve , it was routine import and export business which was totally shadowed by socialism, social cause ,protectionism , import substitution , socially  motivated policies of India after the end of British Raj . But Slowly this has become story of past. Those days economy was being  eaten away by extensive complicated bureaucratic regulations, protectionism, public ownership,  monopolies, high level of corruption , no transparency and slow growth and non international competition. 

But Since 1991 , the  economic liberalization , economic reforms , free market economy took the front seat which lead the country towards a market-based economy.Year 2001 to 2008 were crucial years of transformation .By 2008, India had established itself as one of the world's fastest growing economies.

Any Countries financial health/ economy  is judged by GDP .Gross Domestic Product is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year. In Nominal method (GDP- nominal) no markets exchange rates are used for conversion. To make it more meaningful comparison, PPP i.e. purchasing power parity ,is used to compare economy and incomes of people by adjusting for differences in prices in different countries i.e. GDP(PPP)

After steady fast growth of 70 Years after Independence , India became a bigger Economy than  UK based on GDP , as per report published recently .

Few Details : India has became one of the fastest growing service sectors in the world with annual growth rate of above 9% since 2002, which contributed to more than 56% of GDP  in 12-13 . India became a major exporter of IT services, BPO services, and software services with $170 billion worth of service exports in 2013-14. It is also one of the fastest-growing part of the economy.

The IT industry continues to be the largest private sector employer in India. India is also the third largest start-up hub in the world with over 4,000 technology start-ups in 2014-15. The agricultural contribution is , as the largest employer in India's economy , which played major role but contributes to a declining share of its GDP as 18% in 2013-14. even though India stands second in farm output.

The Industry sector has continuously held a vital constant share of its economic contribution as 28% of GDP as in 2013-14 .The Indian auto mobile industry is also one of the largest in the world with an annual production of 21 million vehicles mostly two and three wheelers in FY 2013-14. India has $600 billion worth of retail market in 2015 and this is also one of world's fastest growing E-Commerce markets.

India's two major stock exchanges namely  Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India, had a market capitalization of US$1 + trillion and US$1.5 + trillion respectively at of end 2015, which ranks 11th & 12th largest , in the world respectively according to the World Federation of Exchanges.

Trade -Gap:  Exports$272.4 billion (2015 ) vs Imports$409.2 billion (2015) This gap is not the good   sign of economy and this gap need to be closed immediately.

The dramatic shift , which put India ahed of UK in terms of GDP  was due to India’s rapid economic growth over the last 25 years .It is matter of great pride & satisfaction that India overtook UK & becomes 5th largest GDP after USA, China, Japan & Germany. India to maintain the lead .But another reason  of India overtaking UK is due to about 20% decline in the value of Pound in last 12 months. Otherwise in normal course ,  it was expected that by 2020 Indian economy  would overtake UK in GDP term .Thus blessings in disgrace .

The international financial condition is fluctuating in nature .It depends upon many many factors .The economy of Greece is an example . EU is giving financial bail out package of billions of dollars to enable Greece to come out of red . The economic condition of Italy also not good . The middle class is just fighting for their bread , even selling their house hold materials to support family .Because of pounds depreciating value and BR-EXIT the GDP (Nominal) of UK to touch all time low of 1% or so .This Infact helped India to improve it's position in international ranking .

World economic conditions are regularly surveyed , monitored and forecasts are released as reflection of truth of financial health for all Governments and to international community . This not only help in future planning for growth but also create  atmospheres for  investments also. Till recently Russias and Iran's economic condition were not good but now its improving.  China's economy though has slowed down slightly but still strong. India too has very strong economy and is not affected much by international pulls because of huge and biggest middle class of the world , who are very saving friendly. Not only this in India the  average population is young i.e. maximum people are below 35 years .So India is well equipped to absorb international financial shocks .Yes of course international remittance  by NRI also play it's role.

The international economy is changing & fluctuating as is evident since last many moths and years. Sometime it goes ups  & sometimes go down .As per IMF :in 2016, Top ten countries in nominal GDP are : United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom*, France, India*, Italy, Brazil and Canada. Where as in PPP term terms top ten countries are : China, United States, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, United Kingdom and France. In both methods, United States and China occupied first two place. US is the largest economy of world on nominal basis where as China is largest on GDP(ppp) basis.( *The position got interchanged ) 

As per forecast , in GDP(Nominal) ranking, 3rd ranked Japan and 4th ranked Germany will remain at same position in 2020.So they are the roboust economy of theworld . Forecast of 2030  GDP (Nominal) Ranking-1.China 2.USA 3.India 4.Japan 5.Germany 6.UK 7.Korea 8.Brazil 9.France 10.Canada

Indians must be very happy with above details. Good Luck .

Monday, December 19, 2016


 India–Japan relations are age old and have been traditionally strong. Since long time peoples of India and Japan were knitted through common cultural bond i.e. Buddhism, which spread from India to Japan, via China . India and Japan have common cultural traditions including that of Buddhism, and both share the values of democracy, tolerance,forgiveness , pluralism and open culture which accommodates evey one , i.e. Live & Let live policy.

Though officially , India(under British Raj) and Japan were enemies in World War II, but Japanese were otherwise helping india in their freedom struggle against British colony through our great leader Shubhas Chandra Bose .The political relations between the two nations however remained reasonable since India's independence & progressed slowly.

In 80's & 90's Japanese electronic & auto Industries  like Sony, Toyota, and Honda, have set up manufacturing facilities in India,  this  has contributed in India's industrial and Economic growth  .Now  India has become a big market for Japanese economy . Japanese firms took the lead & infact were among the  first firms to invest in India. The most prominent Japanese company who have made an mark in Indian market is automobiles . Now Suzuki has become very popular and common brand name in Indian market , which is in partnership with Indian automobiles company Maruti , has became the largest car manufacturer in the Indian market .

Defence and security cooperation between India and Japan were almost negligible at the beginning , as Japan constitution does not permit Japan ,  either to share offensive defence technology or  to sell offensive defence equipment's . But with the passage of time it progressed steadily  & over the years now it constitutes a strong pillar of  our bilateral relationship. There has been an increasing defence reviews , exchanges in wide range of areas with entire spectrum. India  views Japan as a main source of investment , which can boost and open many partnership opportunities in India , which in turn  shall help to deepen its relations with East Asian countries , under Look East & Act East Policy.

The  recent visit of Prime Minister Abe to India and prior visit of Prime Minister Modi to Japan has already  strengthened the roots of India-Japan relations which is of strategic significance. During the Prime Minister Abe’s visit to New Delhi & the vision statement 2025 added a qualitative depth for the evolving of strategic partnership between these  two asias big democracies and Economic power.
The recently signed  India-Japan Civilian Nuclear Deal is one of the crucial cooperation ever happened  between India-Japan  and is expected to play a significant role in future relationship . 

This is a very important strategic agreement. The civilian nuclear deal is a big  landmark in the bilateral relations.The Abe administration has now accepted India as a important partner. As he rightly said India and Japan are like Confluence of two big Seas I.e. the Indian Ocean with the Pacific.

This agreement further signifies the willingness of the Japanese government to provide unconditional support to India’s economic rise. More than 70% of major nuclear power plant components and accessories are being manufactured in Japan . The recently concluded deal will provide access  for India , to huge energy resources. Further this would help India not only to maintain rapid development , but this would  further contribute to establish positive bearing on  carbon foot print in the region.

Due to recent Chinese assertive behaviour in SCS  ,this deal shall act as a counter-balance to China’s expanding activities in the Indo-Pacific region . India and Japan shares similar concerns pertaining to Chinese assertive posture and are equally concerned about the rapidly changing US-China power balance in the Indo-Pacific.Both the countries rightly and timely recognized the power vacuum developed due to certain decline of US influence in the region and filling this gap through mutual cooperation is the best option . It is especially significant at this point , when China is exporting nuclear power plants to the volatile and rough state of Pakistan.

Strengthening defence tie-ups between both the countries came together in time , with the emerging new security scenario of the Indo-Pacific region. As two of the most prominent maritime states in the Indo-Pacific region , maritime security shall remain as natural area of concern & cooperation in future .

The countries in this maritime setup would be from the Indian Ocean and also from neighbouring countries of  China . Most of whom have running territorial disputes with Beijing and are located east of the Malacca straits, a crucial shipping lane passing east of the Andaman Nicobar Islands. In light of the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands and over South China Sea territory, India has taken a firm and right stand. Thus, these discussions are considered of a great significance.
India has also identified Japan as important  partner in its flagship program of Make in India and is keen on joint development and production of defence hardware . 

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rightly  said: A strong India leads to a strong Japan, and a strong Japan leads to a strong India,” outlining the necessity of India-Japan relations for the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region. Japan also has appreciated  India’s long tradition  of democratic values and its commitment towards the freedom of navigation which makes India a suitable strategic partner of Japan. 

In the economic field Asia’s second and third largest economies are Japan and India.  Under ‘Make in India’ programme, Japan has assured invest around $US40 billion in Indian infrastructure development over the next five years.

The friendly initiative between the oldest democracies and biggest economies of Asia has set ideal conditions for making  natural partners to counter balance the Dragon . Thus, Prime Minister’s Modi’s ‘Act East’ initiative is expected to get boost of India’s quest for multi polarity and to strengthen India’s relations with its Asia-Pacific countries like Japan, South Korea, Vietnam e.t.c. which are the key players in the global affairs. This will help India to build up strategic base on global field , serving its own economic and strategic interests.

Friday, December 16, 2016


China and India share a very old history of relationship. Last centuries relationships  were really  healthy .Both Countries were the centers of spiritual and religious activities. Both countries suffered from  colonialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Culturally, it was mostly from India to China & they were close  culturally .

But the rise of India and China as two major economic and political power in this region and in global politics ,it requires seriousness ,not only in their bilateral ties but also in their regional and global pursuits.Recently , India called for a sensible and result oriented conversations between India and China on the basis of accommodating aspiration,concerns ,sensitivity to strengthen  ties.

Bare lip service & criticism shall not meet any end. The sole problem with china is , they feel that , what they feel others should also feel .  This is absurd .India  some time back told very clearly to China that if they will be sensitive to our issues , we too will be  sensitive to their  issues. If you respect our concerns we will  respect your concerns. It can not be one sided game .It should be on  give and take theory otherwise it will be Tit for Tat .

India's sensitive issues which china never respected but interfered:-

1.Arunachla Pradesh - China is in habit of poking every time on  Arunachla Pradesh activities i.e. issue of visa to state players , stapled visa , objection to visit of any VVIP or state Dignitaries , Military exercise or whatever it may be.
2 .Constant opposition to Indias NSG bid.   
3.Opposing UN sanctioning on Jaish-e-mohamd     
4 .Unauthorized construction in POK, CPEC.  
5.South china sea oil exploration with Vietnam
6 .Supporting PAK Terrorists.                          
7.Opposing India's bid in UN for permanent seat   
8 SCS & Malacca straight

Where as , China always preached India that they should not speak and interfere  in their followings internal issues as these are their sensitive issues.

Chinese set guidelines  for India :
1.Don't talk about  Taiwan & Tibet.
2. Don't give aid to Magnolia .                
3. Don't allow DALAI Lamas state visit to India
4 Don't allow Uighur Separatist leader visit to India.
5.Don't come to south china sea because it is their back yard.                  


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.Example , South China sea EEZ and maritime disputes

It appears that Chinese have decided an strategy to surround Indian from all sides through its allies and partners to balance India's growth and influence in the region. India shares vast  border with China in the north. China is using Pakistan to check India in the west.The present government of Sri Lanka has better understandings with Indian administration than its predecessors. The Colombo port city project is the front line of India and China's geopolitical showdown in the region. After India raised it's concern over this project, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil assured India that there  is no question of security problem. The Indian security issues have been addressed by them.

As china did in case of Sri Lanka & Bangladesh ,India too has found a new friend next to China and it is Mongolia , with whom lately china has developed a sore relationships . Mangolia is paying the price of hosting the Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama . China  has imposed sanctions on Mongolia which is a land locked country. India is sympathetic to the problems faced by Mangolia.  India then decided to help Mongolia and gave $1 billion financial assistance  to overcome the Chinese economic sanctions.

On recent visit of Tibetan Spiritual leader Dalai Lama to India and meeting with Indian President  ,China strongly protested to India and also warn India .India raised objection for mixing  bilateral relations while dealing with fundamentalist terrorism and with other very sensitive issues. In fact in pluralistic societies, we both face threats from fundamentalist terrorism. Yet, we do not able to cooperate as effectively we should do at international level .

Indian trade and economic linkages in the Pacific area becoming stronger and deeper under "Act East" policy . With growing dependence on the Malacca Strait for the flow of goods and services, SCS is becoming , increasingly a important factor in India’s Pacific policy. China must be aware that , SCS threaten the future Trade of India’s economic development and may create  an unacceptable problems for regional trade and commerce.

China not supporting India's bid for permanent membership of the UNSC is not understood . We have a commitment to a more democratic world order, our actions in respect of the reform of the UN Security Council is a must and is for  more equitable international economic order through multilateral institutions.

India seek greater understanding  between the two sides in dealing with various regional and global issues and that both should not see each other as a competitor.We need not to do trade like bargaining on mutual issues of mutual concerns like -  China wants concessions from India on SCS in China 's favor to agree to India's point on POK,CPEC,NSG,UNSeat , Taiwan,Tibet e.t.c which is ridiculous.

In this time of changes, we should obviously pay great attention to strategic communication. This could help avoid misunderstanding and promote greater trust ,understanding  and cooperation .

It is very unfortunate that both countries have always been on distant from each other , which was successfully created by western powers , which is not in our interest .When super powers fight with each other at almost all  international forums but simultaneously they get agree on their mutual point of interest . So when super powers can decide mutually their fishing area of interest why can't India and China can do it.

Let's hope for better future.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


To days international relationships between two countries or group of countries or blocks are dependent on mutual trust & trades . More trade means more prosperity .Infact peoples were engaged in trade , way back  thousands  years ago.

Ancient history provided rich examples of it , such as the silk rout - the land water trade routes that covered more than four thousand miles and connected Mediterranean with asia .Now with  help of modern production techniques , highly advanced transportation system ,outsourcing of manufacturing and services and fast industrialization ,the international trade is growing very fast.

International trade is nothing but - is - exchanging of goods , services ,machines , Agro ,  science & technical/scientific information's e.t.c. between two  countries without hinderences .The international trade contributes a good part of a country’s gross domestic product. It is also one of important sources of revenue for a developing countries.

Infact  GDP tells the story of financial health of a country .Higher the GDP , more prosper and more developed countries are. GDP also depend upon the international trade volume .More trade means more inflow of foreign exchange ,more infra structural development ,more employment  et.c

With above concept & for betterment and prosperity of regional Asian countries , regional cooperation was envisaged between South Asian nations long back in 1985 . SAARC was formally founded in Dhaka in 1985. The HQ is based in Nepal. The objectives of the organization was to promote economic and regional  cooperation and development .

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC ) is the regional intergovernmental organisation and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia.Its members rates are : Afghanistan ,Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Nepal , Maldives , Pakistan and Srilanka .

But it is very unfortunate that , now in 21st century these type of organisation has become a show piece of politics , leave aside any developmental activities , due to self interest of some member countries , who put all efforts to derail and sabotaged the constructive & developmental activities between the member countries , instead involve themselves in dirty politics and become a tool of any super power.

This is what actually happening now , internationally , in other group of nations too , where lobbying has become the main activity  . It has come to surface in 19th SAARC summit .But due to lack of unity & lack of concern  and cooperation , for each other, the 19th SAARC summit was cancelled. It is not a hidden fact that Pakistan ,which is basically a rough state , left no stone unturned to damage SAARC regional cooperation under pressure of some lobby.

SAARC  understand very well , all moves of Pakistan . That's why SAARC countries officially  slammed Pakistan for doing  dirty work & doing huge damge to SAARC by blocking all positive regional moves & initiatives . Indian Foreign  ministery ,has clearly indicated this and said it will discuss the issue with other member nations & will look for other options like BIMSTEC.

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is an international organisation involving a group of countries in South Asia and South East Asia. These are: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and Nepal.On 6 June 1997, a new sub-regional grouping was formed in Bangkok and given the name BIST-EC (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation  .

Myanmar joined Meeting as an observer and then  joined the organisation as a full member. Thereby group name  changed to BIMST-EC.  Subsequently, full membership has been granted to Nepal and Bhutan also in February 2004.In the first Summit on 31 July 2004, leaders of the group agreed that the name of the grouping should be known as BIMSTEC or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.Bimstec Headquarters is situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh .

All member States of SAARC are well aware of Islamabad's approach towards SAARC .All countries except Pakistan , wants to go ahead with regional initiatives and cooperation.

SAARC has reaffirmed much interest in this  group and seek improvement in connectivity ,regional cooperation which shall help the entire region including Asia to progress . They condemned the recent approach by one country to block all initiatives which is  "very very  damaging".

Pakistan had earlier blocked a key regional pacts like free trade zone , joining all member states by road e.t.c. .They will not allow regional connectivity, will not allow regional motor ways, will not allow regional railways This is a very provocative stand ,taken at the behests of China , who never wants regional Asian country to develop and remain dependent on china . China is using Pakistan as negative tool in the SAARC group. 

He said bulk of the members of the SAARC want to go ahead with regional initiatives and that if SAARC does not allow & provide them an answer, they  will look at other regions group like BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic cooperation )
Some country believes in the theory of  neither we will develop nor allow this region to develop under SAARC because they are busy in developing Terror Industry.

But by jeopardizing existing regional cooperation body  by hook or crook and bringing  something new one as parallel to it  is correct ? Like the Silk Road - the medieval trade routes between Europe and Asia, in the name of the OBOR project  ,which was brought in by China in order to have more say in the region matter .It is going to be be a vast network of sea and land routes across dozens of countries. It will impact 4.4 billion people. China is said to be spending $1 trillion on it. It is not one project but six major routes which will include several railways line, roads, ports and other infrastructure. China claims these economic corridors will not only build infrastructure in countries that cannot afford to do it themselves . 

But the question  remains  , whether to make OBOR a success , killing of SAARC and other regional bodies is necessary.This needs to be thought upon .

Hope one day better sense will prevail .


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence. 

Example : Indo - Himalayan border, South China sea SEZ and related maritime disputes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Whenever we talk about refugee,Syrian refugee blunder of international community shall definitely come to our mind .It is probably the worst after second world war and Bangladesh  crisis . Syrian refugee crisis is one of the worst to happen in this modern digital world. It is  probably the biggest crisis of human race after 2nd  world war, which took millions of life .

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


India's Look East Policy was necessitated by economic and political requirements and consideration  ,whereas India’s ‘Act East ‘Policy was a strategic requirement to counter assertive Chinese moves in South china sea .

Monday, December 12, 2016


Peoples republic of China , seems to be in great hurry for the Super Power Status .It is well understood that , when a economical  powerful country , is in such a frame of mind, it is bound to create ripples in inter national policies by taking and making abrupt decisions , breaking international rules to their favor .China is also afraid that, what decision president elect USA shall take towards China.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


Wars , no matter in what form, is a curse on human race .War is synonymous to loss and destruction which are enormous. It is just beyond human capacity to evaluate these losses. Wars are man made. We create wars , we fight ,we die ,we destroy nature ,we destroy human race and what not.In to days modern world  ,war too have their category , may be in different form i.e.

1.Biological Warfare

2. Nuclear Warfare

3.Chemical Warfare

4.Cyber Warfare

Friday, December 9, 2016


In early 80's , USSR was not ready to face any social and economic storm due to its     un-evenness prevailing in the society .But the conditions were deteriorating fast, inevitable, eminent and were about to face it, at that time.

The system prevailing were neither flexible nor adaptable to new situations. Gorbachev political capacity was not enough to push the desired reforms through. 


Syrian civil war, probably the biggest crisis of human race , after  2nd  world war. It is a creation of  super powers  rivalry  to establish supremacy , to meet own self interest &  to disturb existing balance of  power .They together used Syria as a play ground of their politics , used it as a place to testing of their new weapons, to boost their arms industries ,increase their order book  for their factories  to run and to create employment at a huge cost of human life.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


The Black  Sea is located between far-southeastern Europe and the far-western boundary of Asia and Turkey. It's bordered by Turkey, and by Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. It connects to the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosporus Strait.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day . They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them. Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.

Monday, December 5, 2016


The European Union was formed  for sole objective of establishing peace , tranquility, development in  badly torn,shattered & divided Europe  after world war II . Unprecedented destruction ruined the whole continent  forced  France and Germany , who fought bitter war , to come together , so as to ensure healthy relations between the two countries for the betterment's of their people  and not to indulged in war like activities again in future .

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Since the end of world war two the world got divided politically into two sphere of power of influence.  One group was led by socialist countries namely then USSR , East Germany, Poland, Hungry, Bulgaria (East European countries) & Cuba e.t.c. Other was led by United States of America with France ,Germany , U K ,Italy e.t.c.

Friday, December 2, 2016


VLADIMIR  PUTIN , the President of Russia , is one of the  most charismatic , intelligent , bold , shrewd , sharp , richest political leader in the world to day . Probably he is one of the few powerful men who can do any thing he likes to do for his country & and he did so repeatedly.


Year 2016 , was very eventful year internationally. If media reports are to be believed,Apprehensions  were shown of , unthinkable ,  a nuclear war . Lot of burning issues  are still hot &  are dividing the world , which is already divided in camps , alliances , treaties . Muscles flexing is going from one alliance to other.Earlier, just few years back it was thought &  accepted by the whole world that this is a unipolar world with helm of affairs controlled by USA as captain of the team. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


The US and Russia relations are at it's lowest ebb . The main reasons behind this are - Syrian Crisis , attempted coup  In Turkey , Crimea's inclusion in Russian Federation , Trade embargo on Russia by western world , alleged Russian interference in just concluded US election , fight against ISIS , bombing of Aleppo  by Russia and many others mess up factors.