Thursday, December 1, 2016


The US and Russia relations are at it's lowest ebb . The main reasons behind this are - Syrian Crisis , attempted coup  In Turkey , Crimea's inclusion in Russian Federation , Trade embargo on Russia by western world , alleged Russian interference in just concluded US election , fight against ISIS , bombing of Aleppo  by Russia and many others mess up factors.
In nut shell US wants supremacy on whole world , which is now being challenged by Russia along with China.But Moscow hopes that President-elect Donald Trump would help to repair the bilateral relations.Putin Called on Trump to offers  his congratulations on winning a historic Presidential election. The two leaders probably discussed issues including shared threats, strategic economic issues and the historical US-Russia relationship as reported.

The two leaders also spoke about ,working to normalize relations between the two countries and evolve a mechanism for creating a formidable base for betterment of future relations . Mr. Putin is very much optimistic about the new era of friendship and cooperation between Russia and USA after this changed regime .

This sentiments of Putin was clearly reflected in his annual state of nation address . This speech was a reflection  of Russian foreign policy that would be , in the coming days in handling Russo - United States  relations . 

Russian President outlined followings :

-We are open & ready for cooperation with new American  Govt.
-Speech was on conciliatory note.
-Shall not compromise with Russian set of foreign policy.
-Shall not allow any nation or power to meddle in Russia's internal matters.
-We will not allow any infringement on the interests of the Russian Federation and we will manage our own destiny  and shall not accept unsolicited advises ,the Russian leader said:
Fight with real enemy not the invented one .

He further said that Russia is ready to participate in solving global and regional crises when necessary .We are sincerely willing to take part in solving global and regional problems, of course, where our involvement is appropriate, necessary, and in demand, the president stated

He further said that though Russia is committed to a friendly relations on equal dialogue  basis  but the relation with EU and NATO has touched a new bottom line. It reflects cold war like situation though cold war does not exists .Upholding the principles of justice and mutual respect in international affairs , we are ready for serious discussions on the creation of a stable system , for international relations in coming days .He said that Russia stands for the safety and for respect for international law and the diversity of the world.

The president also said that Russia’s policy in the Middle East isn’t opportunistic or a response to the deterioration in US-relations, but based on Russia’s plans for long-term develop.We hope to work with the United States in the fighting  international terrorism. Russian President also emphasized strengthening non-proliferation regimes . Any attempts to upset the strategic balance are extremely dangerous and could lead to a global catastrophe.”

Both Russia and USA has joint responsibility to maintain peace , tranquility , healthy trade relations between all nations under UN , ensuring non proliferation , curbing international terrorism. All steps should be taken to avoid nuclear war like situations between nations , as ,today, unfortunately sufficient reasons exist indicating the worst.

Both countries have to leave High & Mighty attitude for betterment of world  . Both must realize that this is not a uni polar world .A new attitude has developed in 21st century to topple or Overthrow the  Governments in other countries like Afghanistan ,Libya , Iraq ,Yugoslavia , Yemen , Syria  e.t.c. which are not of their choice . It is a dangerous game which has taken millions of human life's  & created havoc  internationally.Turkey is the latest example where a coup attempt was made to replace the democratically elected Government which failed.

Let's hope for the better future .

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