Sunday, December 25, 2016


To day's overall situation in the world is very alarming , probably in transition phase. A new world order is emerging and a new set of Equilibrium is required i.e.Balance Of Power.  Balance of power between two or more groups , is , practically a state of equilibrium  between the competing forces.

 In international relations, it refers to , holdings among countries or alliances to prevent any one group, from becoming too strong to force , enforce it's wishes upon the other group to take undue advantages , gains ,favours and dominate , at its will . This is however the most dangerous condition, which every body wants to avoid . Because , when other group start resisting it , war flares up , which may put whole world in danger .

The present crisis like Syria , Yeman ,Libya, South China Sea , Ukraine ,Crimea , Trade war are very disturbing which is neither good for world economy nor for the human being at large .As it happened in Syria ,millions of families were destroyed and displaced , millions of homeless people had to flee from there houses as refugee .People's were killed  irrespective of  whether they are child like Kurdi , wemen or old aged people . Hopelessly in the terrorists camp of  ISIS  women were sold like , as if not human .

These are blots on human face & on humanity . Situation is so tense that because of any misunderstandings war can escalate any time  . Recently there were exchange of threats between Israel and Pakistan , here both are nuclear ststes. In most part of the world tension exists in different forms like in Europe & Black Sea area .

 In Eastern Ukraine  , NATO and RUSSIA are fighting a proxy war which may flare up at any time .One country in order to contain others imposing Trade sanctions on others , which creates an uneasy Trade climate , whose chain reaction may cause further damages . Recent coup in Turkey is a current  example of this power game. Recent UN resolution on unauthorised settlements by Israel  in Palestinian area , may transform into a new battle area.To add further , Putin's frustrations over U.S. support to NATO and European Union expansion to East Europe , which threatened Russia..

In these disturbing scenario only human and humanity , nature are the sufferers and defeated .which gives rise to Global recessions like situation like in 2008 -10 .So we need to get off of these things and must learn to live and prosper together , without  eating others shares & area .

To have this we need a very good understanding between two super Power groups i.e. US & Russia.

Recently Russia said  they have modified their nuclear Arsenals & now new President elect Trump also said USA will pay full attention towards  modernization and improving  their nuclear Arsenals .Where it will leads to  and where we stand .Are we sitting on volcano .We should discuss and work out , where we wants to lead the world.

In changed scenario of 2017 , we need to have perfect understandings between two power groups i.e. Trump and Putin , to see a happy and prosper world  - having trade boom ,development , ecological balance, controlled carbon signatures,  improved enviroment and this can happen with mutual trusts of both the countries only.

It is expected that  global growth next year will accelerate up to 3% . But this will depend on positive impulse from healthy financial conditions in the Trump led US and other parts of the emerging world like India ,Indonesia ,China , Japan ,UK ,Russia e.t.c US economy-is expected to grow  by 3.5 % . Probably US economy will lead the world to prosperity .

US ,INDIA ,CHINA ,JAPAN ,GERMANY  economy are just like powerful Engines ,which will give momentum to world economy .RUSSIAN economy - too  is returning to growth trend  after the recession . The Russian President also stressed that Russia has no intention to isolate itself from rest of  the world and shall be part of the global economy.

The fall in oil prices and the subsequent ruble crisis pushed the economy of the world’s largest energy exporter into the longest recession in two decades. With 38 percent of the budget revenue coming from energy, the government has based the 2017-2019 budget plans on oil at $40 per barrel.Russia’s Urals export blend has traded above $50 since the OPEC agreement .If the oil prices remain at this level, country's budget will get an extra boost .

So the world is watching with curiosity ,how the Trump & Putin  relations shall work.More positive vibes between them , means better world order ,less war , better environment ,no recessions ,trade booms , arms control , no arm race - which leads to better happy healthy world.

Russia has started giving goodwill gestures to new US administration &   said , we face serious global and regional challenges, which  countries  will have to face in coming years, so the relations between two super powers i.e. Russia and the U.S. will remain as an important factor in ensuring world peace ,stability and security of the modern world .

Russia  hopes , that  new President of the United States of America ,  will choose a positive path by acting in a constructive way &  to take positive steps to restore bilateral cooperation in different areas . Also level of collaboration on the international scenes  shall also improve .Putin further  recently said to US in a message to Trump “Please accept my sincere wishes to you and your family of sound health, happiness,  well being, success and all the best.”

Trump too returned good will gestures to Russia. Trump indicated  his longstanding goal of warmer ties between the two Cold War countries. The most important thing for Trump is international equilibrium.

As we know  , view of new US government shall be very important in dealing with world affairs . The Signals emitting  & remark available so far from  Trump camp are very positive in nature,  as far as Russia is concerned .As per Trumps aides , the long-term interests of both countries calls for a world of new equilibrium which is increasingly  going towards multi-polar and globalized world .

Trump camp increasingly  believes Russia as an essential element of any new global equilibrium, not primarily as a threat to the United States. This is great .Further  Ukraine needs to be embedded in the structure of European and international security architecture in such a way that it serves as a bridge between Russia and the West, rather than as an outpost of either side. Similar feelings goes for Middle East and  elsewhere.

Overall , the Trump side feels , to have larger gains , we need to be prepared to accept the ground realities  in Syria, Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine, then only we can have a better relationship in the interest of whole world.

Regarding China, Trump intend to change the existing trend of Chinese dictatorial attitude i.e Taiwan ,Tibet ,South China Sea , Trade imbalance e.t.c. so Trump need to maintain a strong NATO, though he is not convinced about it's usefulness . But Trump's desire for warmer ties with Russia has been one of the more consistent stances he's taken, and he could find a nice alignment in the nice letter of Putin.

So olive green gestures are already there for the new US government , rest time will itself speak.

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