Wednesday, December 28, 2016


China has started  well intended ,well planned military muscle flexing acts in South China sea like placement of military personnel's , missiles launchers & aggressive patrolling .China is hell bent to prove to the US that it is just their normal activities & want good bilateral relations with all its neighbours.

 In this process , in a very calculative and well thought manner it has started  showcasing the most modern weaponry of its air and naval  forces. China's only  (second hand) aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, already conducted its first military drill in South China Sea. It  recently tested a new prototype stealth fighter, an improved version of the earlier one.

When the whole issue of  south china sea was on volcano after the decision of international tribunal , sending  an  aircraft carrier by china in the Pacific along with newly upgraded combat aircraft speaks for itself.   China's military is in hurry for showing off its new acquire military equipments visa vis power . It seems China's hurry for such show offs are for better bargaining only.

These are the one of few steps in the recent years- of long build-up by China's military, as Beijing seeks greater global power status to match its economic might and asserts itself more aggressively in its own backyard  i.e. Pacific area.

Irrespective of what world thinks ,China's stand on Taiwan is still same that ,it's a  part of its territory awaiting unification, , even though the two sides split in 1949 .

Taiwan is badly alarmed by various provocative instances and show of strength by china and put it's force on alerts .Taiwan said , that , time to time provocative measures taken by China increases  tension in the whole south china sea and  which is increasing day by day . Show of strength has always been an integral part of Chinese diplomacy and they are quite habitual of this , so  it is all intended one . Keeping this in view America recently announced sell of defence equipments worth 1.2 bn dollars.

China is well aware that America is far superior to china , whether it's  technology or equipment  and at no point of time it can claim military superiority over Taiwan's main protector Washington, which has 10 aircraft carriers in service and a network of naval bases all around the globe. So probably for China, its going to be bargaining tool and nothing else . The presence of the Liaoning is above all "symbolic" and this second hand Soviet built  Aircraft carrier is Lioning is of no strategic importance simply  a pressure tool.

Although the US spending on military is far more than China , but Beijing's growing assertiveness in strategic regions like the South China Sea is a cause of concern.But the uncertainty surrounding Trump's policies has set off waves among Washington's allies in Asia.

In recent years Beijing has strengthened its claims on the South China Sea one sidededly and fuelled regional tensions by expanding tiny reefs and islets into artificial islands providing with military facilities. But It is  Opposed by all littoral states -Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan , who  have not accepted Beijing's claims ,while Washington has repeatedly called on China to uphold freedom of navigation, sending ships and aircraft to pass close to their nose.

China in order to manage &  dramatizing the whole situation in South china sea is doing everything. New in this chapter is fly of nuclear-capable bomber in South China Sea .By hooks or crooks China wants to pose and act as a big brother in this area .

The dramatic show of force was meant to send a message  that china is a force to be reckoned with .Even more concern for the Washington is , China has started to ship advance missiles i.e. surface-to-air missiles to disputed  islands in the South China Sea.

China's unlawful, forcible one sided deployment of advanced surface-to-air missile system in desputed island is a very aggressive posture. The disputed   island in the Paracel Island chain in the South China Sea, also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam. In last  October, a US Navy destroyer sailed close to Woody Island as freedom of navigation operation where as chinese called it as "provocative."  It was the fourth such operation by the U.S. Navy in the past year. Now this year too  in July 2017 US repeated it.

China has cooly constructed over 3,000 acres of land atop reefs in the South China Sea in the past few years. It now has three runways and has sent bombers and fighter jets to a number of them. World is like a silent spectators and this exactly what china wants .

China is a typical country which is habitual of not following any international norms , regulations , But very sweetly & swiftly issuing threats to any body & every body they choose . Chinese  move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready  to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them . Chinese are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is , to expand their area of influence .South China sea is one.

It's really very unfortunate that in this part of world , the saying "might is right" is fully applicable , where all international rule/law fails. UN should step in boldly in a deceive way , otherwise it will be too late .

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