Friday, December 9, 2016


In early 80's , USSR was not ready to face any social and economic storm due to its     un-evenness prevailing in the society .But the conditions were deteriorating fast, inevitable, eminent and were about to face it, at that time.

The system prevailing were neither flexible nor adaptable to new situations. Gorbachev political capacity was not enough to push the desired reforms through. 
To be very precise Gorbachev and his policies were directly responsible and instrumental, as main reasons ,behind  the collapse of USSR .The sad breakdown of USSR happened suddenly which took everybody by surprise . A totally unexpected  chain of events happened  , simultaneously, and USSR broken to pieces of number of independent states outside the influence of Russia . In fact all these nations were waiting for this event .

It was December of 1991, the whole world watched this surprise event , spell bound. The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen separate countries. The western countries were very happy about this disintegration of their no.1 enemy and threat .The  fall of Soviet Union was taken by west as a victory over communism , totalitarianism and triumph for democracy ,freedom . 

West was overwhelm by its achievement as they along with US were instrumental in setting stage for this collapse . West further hailed this collapse as victory and superiority of capitalism over socialism. As if , the countries under USSR  influence were waiting for this golden opportunity. So immediately after the fall of communism in Europe, all satellites states of the Soviet Union decided  to join European family and NATO. 

One by one all East European countries in early 1990  applied  to join the European Union and NATO. For these countries, membership of EU & NATO was of utmost importance for freedom , prosperity , sovereignty ,growth ,pride  & securities .

All East and central European countries wanted to breath in open and free atmosphere without any fear or pressure. Their integration with EU means guarantee of freedom , growth ,better financial conditions ,better job opportunity ,as equal partners and there will not be any big brother like situation which they are fed up off.

But on the other side ,even to day ,Russians feel pain of disintegration  of USSR. Most of the Russians believe , that collapse of Soviet Union was wrong and could have been avoided. They still have strong feeling for Soviet Union. Even they don't mind it's restoration back .They still like socialist system .

In April 2005, President Vladimir Putin called the USSR’s collapse as the major geopolitical disaster of the century.However in 2015, Putin  said  Russia had no plans to create USSR again which is neither feasible not possible. 

World should believe this .Western countries  are confusing the whole world  saying modern Russia  and communist Soviets are same to create a fear psycho and imaginary threat  for arms build up and grouping countries against Russia. 

But in this fast changing world,it takes no time to events & history get itself repeated.Indications are very much there that Russia is slowly gaining the status of becoming a superpower again i.e. without Russia's agreement or participation, no peace agreement can be guaranteed in any part of world.

The recent cooperation & partnership agreement with USA regarding joint military operation in Syria may be a major step towards becoming a super power , which it lost after breakup of Soviet Union . Now  USA & Russia shall coordinate & cooperate in attacking ISIS Military bases & establishments .

If  by an agreement between Russia and USA the ceasefire works then  the UN  will be able to deliver aid to besieged people in Aleppo. US and Russia will establish a joint implementation center ,that will organise joint military  operations and American and Russian aircraft  shall operate jointly against  ISIS and Al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda .

If Russia and America stick to their plan for joint air attack operation on agreed and selected area , it will become one of the most important deal ever agreed by Powers on Syria .This was as agreed in Geneva .  If the plan goes well, it will go a long way towards boosting Russia back to the status of a superpower.

The US and Russian main aim is to combat & deal with terrorist activities .But it is difficult to see how the campaign will work though  they have agreed to work hand in gloves.Recent Russia's expansions, Realignment and Rapprochement indicates, yes,
Russia is roaring to become a super power again in unstoppable way . 

Example :

1) Syrian Crisis - Permanently stationed Russian army, air force , strategical back up forces. Already in grip of the situation.

2) Cuba Pact - After Fiedel Castro Russia signs Defense Agreement with Cuba .

3) Crimea - Annexed full Crimea peninsula to take control over strategic sea lanes of Black Sea and Black Sea wealth

4) 24 hrs. Air Patrolling by Russian Air Force over Arctic Ocean & took control over Black Sea .

5) Closeness with Turkey/ Incirlik Air base - After recent failed coup in Turkey ,and after president Erdogan blamed US & West, Trade and Defense ties with Russia  is in high swing.

Even Turkey allowed it's Air base to Russian Air Force. This will give Russian Air Force an decisive  edge &advantage in Europe.

6) Philippines relation with US has deteriorating to such an extent that President of Philippines abused Obama . Russia started filling the vacuum and assured Philippines of all help

7) China : Like EU to US similarly China has become Russians invisible allies against America.

8) Iran : In view of  sore relation with USA Iran has come close to Russia and has provided it's Air base permanently to Russian air-force for Bombing Operation in Syrian region.

9) North Korea - A Nuclear Power and long time old & puppet ally of Russia .

10) Vietnam - Strategic talks with Vietnam is on keeping eye on Japan & SCS.

The above are only glimpses of Russians recent bold moves, which will ensure Russia a top slot in super power status.

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