Sunday, December 4, 2016


Since the end of world war two the world got divided politically into two sphere of power of influence.  One group was led by socialist countries namely then USSR , East Germany, Poland, Hungry, Bulgaria (East European countries) & Cuba e.t.c. Other was led by United States of America with France ,Germany , U K ,Italy e.t.c.
Initially these two blocks were busy in muscle flexing and impressing upon their superiority . Slowly & slowly it turned in to a Trade and Armed blocks. In trade block they concentrated on increasing trade by giving preference  treatments to others to built up their economy through  industrial revolution .However Armed blocks got badly locked into Arm race .

 New Tank's , Artillery, ships, fighter planes e.t.c. were developed which created virtually two power blocks. It finally just turned in to a open competition & competition in all fields I.e. science technology, space technology,missiles technology. How to become more powerful and rich was the motto  . During this competition stock piling of Nuclear Arsenals also got momentum.

Each group was engaged and busy to expand their area of power of influence. Thus the two power blocks come in to existence for long time .One Warsaw pact (Russia + eastern European countries ) led by USSR another NATO group (north Atlantic treaty organisation) includes country like France ,Germany ,Italy e.t.c led by USA.

Many times Warsaw pact countries  and  NATO were face to face but no war. 
Equilibrium was maintained between two power groups.This equilibrium is called Balance of Power .
During the Cold War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact frequently operated with a balance of power in mind, fearful that unbalancing actions would trigger greater conflicts or even nuclear war.

Vladimir Putin , now  advocates for balance of power , also spoke about the current geopolitical situation, saying that he could see it changing, as attempts to establish a uni-polar world have failed and world is moving towards  multi polar world where balance of power is a must and the balance of power in the world is gradually being restored , he said.

He said ,Russia has always held this point of view – ,while protecting own national interests, . We must respect the interests of other countries as well.  This be the the way to establish relations with other countries.

Earlier, during his recent annual address to Russian lawmakers, Putin said that Moscow is ready to cooperate with the new US administration, stressing, we have a shared responsibility to ensure international safety.

He also said that Russia is ready to participate in solving global and regional crises when necessary.We understand the extent of our responsibility and are sincerely willing to take part in solving global and regional problems, of course, where our involvement is appropriate, necessary, and in demand .

To be precise a balance of power in world is a state of stability between competing forces. In international relations, it refers to equilibrium among countries or alliances to prevent any one  from becoming too strong and, thus, gaining the ability to enforce its will upon the rest.

This is a common aspect of political realism, where self-respect is a primary guiding principle. It often leads to nations forging alliances with others due to compulsions rather than shared ideologies.

When  demand on national security is increases  , military responsibility is distributed among the alliances , so that no one state is burdened unduly and is able to defend itself easily to oppose any country  to dominate . In case of war all nations get together to counter it  with significant force . One friendly nation takes care of others in all way in the difficult time .This is alliances .

A balance of power is a state of stability between competing groups  ,camps , alliances ,forces. In international relations, it is called as equilibrium among countries or alliances to prevent any one group to dictate other .Thus, a no war status .Now war is fought virtually.

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