Friday, December 9, 2016


Syrian civil war, probably the biggest crisis of human race , after  2nd  world war. It is a creation of  super powers  rivalry  to establish supremacy , to meet own self interest &  to disturb existing balance of  power .They together used Syria as a play ground of their politics , used it as a place to testing of their new weapons, to boost their arms industries ,increase their order book  for their factories  to run and to create employment at a huge cost of human life.
Millions dead and displaced , disappeared .  Families were were destroyed , made crippled , economy shattered and what not  , a height of destruction's  and losses .But why ?  Simple ,They wanted  a puppet government of their choice. Its a shame on human race , on UN & on super powers. UN has also become a show piece.

After Syrian crises , one natural question arises Where is UN --What UN is doing , What is the use of UN at all .Whether the super powers are just using UN .So called humanitarian people  and Human Right champions are sleeping .These champions are the real hypocrites .They can cry against other countries about human right violation but they exempt themselves from this , irrespective of even their barbaric & heinous crimes .

The Syrian Civil War started practically in 2011 after peaceful protests against government got quickly escalated  and after its  violent crackdown, by government an armed opposition groups comes into existence who began fighting back.These rebels start getting arms & support from States.

President Bashar al-Assad's government brutally repressed the protests calling for his removal. After five years , still Syrian civil war is  on and is in a State of Emergency.Those who are opposing the government , formed a organization i.e. Free Syrian Army and many Syrians took  arms to join this opposition movement against government. The Divisions between secular and religious fighters, between ethnic groups, further complicated the on going civil war badly.

Syria’s civil war has created the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Half the country’s population either killed or forced to flee their homes.After five years of war since it began, has killed over 250,000 people . Bombings  by allies countries had worsened the situation further .Bombing destroyed big crowded cities with heavy casualties and families were forced to leave their homes in search of safety. Grave human rights violations are  visible every where. 

But UN is hopelessly helpless. Syrian youths have lost almost five years of their career.
They are fully confused and uncertain about their future.

The situation in Syria becoming worst as two Super powers USA & Russia  began launching heavy airstrikes in support of their respective side since late of 2015. Russia is fighting with and for President Assad & America and their Allies are with the group opposing President Assad.

Families are either fighting to survive In Syria or  settling in their new home in neighboring countries as refuges. Others are  fleeing  to Europe at the cost of their life to a very  uncertain future . Extreme weather, whether it is summer or winter making the life of refugees  a hell .Basic necessities like food and medical care are scare .Syrian

Refugees are fleeing to Jordan , Lebanon and other neighboring countries . The condition of refugees are very bad .They don't have enough clean water , meals ,medical facilities , sanitation to meet their day to day needs.

Many Syrians for  better life trying to teach Europe, through making dangerous trip across the Mediterranean Sea from Turkey to Greece. Not all of them able to reach alive .Those reaches  Europe faces challenges of  discrimination and resources  crunch.Thousands of Syrians flee their country every day.

Aleppo was once Syria's largest city and its commercial and industrial hub. Now fierce fighting is going on , which started since Feb 2016 between goverment forces and rebels. Syrian troops now winning the ground with the help of Iranian-backed militias and with the help of Russian air strike . Syria's government forces and their allies have seized at least 75% of eastern parts of the city Allepo from rebels in recent weeks.The war is still on .

Hope better sense shall prevail and super power shall stop over throwing governments which are not of their choice .


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