Tuesday, December 13, 2016


India's Look East Policy was necessitated by economic and political requirements and consideration  ,whereas India’s ‘Act East ‘Policy was a strategic requirement to counter assertive Chinese moves in South china sea .
India’s late Prime Minister P V Narasimha initiated the ‘Look East’ Policy in early 90's.  However India’s ‘Act East’ Policy come in to existence during Modi's era . Act East Policy  is a outcome  of strategic need & also on requests from SCS states & Indo Pacific countries , asking India to play an important role by virtue of India's strategic position  in Asia.

To day,  the scenario of South China Sea  has since changed  totally which compelled India to act on ‘Look East’ and ‘Act East’ policy together keeping in line with its emerging power status. However India cannot be complacent.

China looks very uneasy ,with  India’s ‘Act East’ Policy  because China believes that South East Asia and the  Pacific area are China’s backyard and India has no business to do into this region. China is worried about India’s growing influence especially in Pacific littoral countries like Indonesia, Laos and Cambodia and possibly Thailand also.

India under Prime Minister Modi is marching ahead strongly  by entering  in to Partnership with Japan and strategic partnerships with South Korea and the Philippines. India also has a strong and Special Strategic traditional Strategic Partnership with Vietnam , where defense and security relationships are being substantially being reinforced  besides joint oil and gas exploration.

A Sufficient cause of worry for china . Because under India’s ‘Act East’ Policy , strengthening of defense and security tie & relationships  with littoral countries , under US strategic planning, serves as  first line of joint defense against china .

In Indo - Pacific Asia region , a growing , strategic amalgamation of ties between India, the United States, Japan, Vietnam and Australia , is not exactly a military alliance of like-minded democratic countries but It gives strong indications that , despite the absence of a formal military alliance , there exists a strategic military framework  which can be used as strategic counterweight  to China .

In  Pacific Asia, India is likely to play a significant role , upholding the security and stability of the region along with US.   To play  this important role , India may  have to pay , by standing firmly upto China  & to face the consequences of  China-India military confrontation . No option, India will have to stand up to Indo Pacific nations expectations for  overall security and stability of Indo Pacific Asia. This will be main outcome of  ‘Act East’ Policy. Of course India's stature as Asian Power will automatically improve .

Mr. Modi's govt. put special emphasis on look East & Act East Policy together in words and deeds. Yes , Japan to Indonesia , great warm up exercise to strengthen the mutual friendship has begun  . Frequent mutual visits ,meetings,greetings are already there . Even after so much promises , efforts , agreements  the mutual relationship has not attained the required height. Still it needs follow ups ,summit meeting e.t.c.

In line with this ,Indonesian President is on visit to India  to further nourish the existing  bilateral relations. Indonesia is located in the middle of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. A very strategic location .India and Indonesia are great democratic neighbors. India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Indonesia along the Andaman Sea. The Indian-Indonesian relationship is very old & stretch back  almost two millennia.Probably now ‘Look West & Act East’ policy will benefit both nations , in changed scenario.

In light of disagreement between Asian's countries, Indonesia and India truly  can come together  to built strategic relationship.This is the need of the hour.Perhaps no two nations share as many commonalities as India & Indonesia. , They are two biggest Asian democracies of large multicultural societies, driven by the principle philosophy of Unity in Diversity .They can become leading maritime players and major emerging economies in the Indo-Pacific region. They  should be best friends and the closest  allies .

Unfortunately as on date lot more is still required to do to get the benefits of close friendship.Indonesian President, Jokowi’s is determined to accelerate his country’s development for which he needs FDI & china is too eager to provide. Here there is a caution for India .Stronger ties , for mutual interest  has become a necessity in view of worsening geopolitical environment in SCS, both nations are required to come even closure .

Nine-Dash Line theory of china already violates Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the waters off Nathuna Island, which has been rejected as illegal by Jakarta. But, to overcome its sense of insecurity, Indonesia needs reliable friends in the region like India. From above facts it's clear that ,without a very strong relationship with Indonesia, India’s Act East Policy can not be effective.

Need of the hour is - A multi-polar Asia  which can be common bond for India - Indonesia  relations. Hopefully in ongoing meeting between PM Modi and President Widodo, broad spectrum of issues of strategic interest  must have been discussed. They should also work out joint mechanism for regular summit meetings and review of  progress of all agreements made like Trade volume, sharing of strategic information's, FDI's, Defence requirements. e.t.c.

To make relation between the countries lasting people to people contact ,exchange of students , cultural cooperation ,friendly tourism , linking cities of both the country e.t.c should be worked out.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Indonesian President Joko Widodo in their meeting on Monday 12/12/16 already emphasized the importance of further consolidating security and defense cooperation and to fight terrorism jointly. Both the leaders condemned terrorism in all forms and call all countries to work towards eliminating terrorist safe havens and stop cross-border terror, smuggling, Cyber crime.

On the economic front, "the leaders expressed satisfaction at the growth in trade and investment ties between India and Indonesia  which need to be increased further.The issue of South China Sea was also discussed prominently and a message well sent to Beijing, stating that, all sides  must resolve their issue's through peaceful means as per international rule & law without resorting to threat or use of force.

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