Monday, December 5, 2016


The European Union was formed  for sole objective of establishing peace , tranquility, development in  badly torn,shattered & divided Europe  after world war II . Unprecedented destruction ruined the whole continent  forced  France and Germany , who fought bitter war , to come together , so as to ensure healthy relations between the two countries for the betterment's of their people  and not to indulged in war like activities again in future .
 The immediate requirement was to re establish the faith ,trust on each other and to live as  good neighbor . They vowed that they will take all measures and shall ensure that under no conditions they will ever go to war . The main objective was  trade , movement of goods and services within the member countries - which also includes  reducing regional inequalities, preserving the environment, promoting human rights and investing in education and research.

This move was later shared by other neighboring countries , resulted in to an agreement and deal was signed by six nations  to pool their resources like coal, steel , Food , Fuel e.t.c in 1950. Seven years later a treaty was signed in Rome to enhance the area of cooperation which was named as the European Economic Community (EEC)- i.e. European Union  EU as we know it to day. Looking at it's benefits and security , other countries started joining this group . England ( UK )  with other countries  joined  in 1973.

Today the EU  strength has gone up to 28 member states with a total population of more than 500 million .The process of joining by new countries continued  i.e. in 1995 ,2004 , 2007 till 2013 .

Member states are : Finland ,Sweden ,Estonia ,Latvia , Lithuania ,Poland ,Czech Republic ,Slovakia ,Austria, Hungry ,Slovenia ,Romania ,Croatia ,France ,Italy , Greece , Cyprus ,Germany ,France ,Denmark ,Netherlands ,Belgium ,UK , Luxembourg ,Malta ,Ireland , ,Spain , Portugal , Bulgaria.

The four institutions which helps to run EU under defined set rules and system without any controversies are- the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the Court of Justice.It's a biggest Politico- economic Union of  28 countries.

The EU is U K biggest trading partner. British citizens are free to work in any EU country and EU funding is spent on supporting farmers, boosting jobs in the UK,   research & developments. Other social benefits are also available to UK citizens .Subsidies are being given to farmers which resulted over supply of some crops . Thus Agro policy of EU casing problems to UK .

Common British people are of the opinion that EU has under it's control most of the power as compared to U K. EU moves are costlier for UK economy  which is Ultimately harming UK .Further  its regulations are also costlier.  Britain could have easily gone to trade agreements with growing economy like India ,China but E U does not permits. A strong opinion prevails that EU is wasting UK taxpayers money .

So there was enough hurdles , grievances , costlier moves by EU ,forced the British people to rethink it's membership with EU. Other controversies are - British have lost their sovereignty and control over its national borders.In view of mass public opinion , mood & disparity against EU , British government decided to go for national referendum by before 2017 . There have been growing  pressure  for a vote on whether to stay or leave the union, and demand was growing  more powerful day by day.Earlier too , UK has opted out of some key EU decisions, like the single currency or euro and the border Treaty, which relaxed border controls.

British believes , Britain  gets little in return for the money it pays and would be better to leave EU and take back control of its borders . Disparity in  gain : contributed value  vs returned  value .
The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, also known as the EU referendum and the Brexit referendum, took place on 23 June 2016

The result was announced on the morning of 24 June ,2016: 51.9% voted in favour of leaving the European Union and 48.1% voted in favour of remaining a member of the European Union.

This was a big set back to EU as UK is a very important member of EU besides being economic and nuclear power & permanent member of UN.

Europe is very nervous as Italy way  too heads to the polls for critical referendum. Result declared & Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's  defeated . This defeat threatens survival of the euro .

Italy could stay in the euro if it were prepared to pay the price of virtually zero growth .

40.9%    YES - with PM who wanted to change the constitution
59.1%    No  - Don't want any change in constitution , against PM's move.

Italy's PM has resigned .It is in air that Italy too wants referendum to get out of EU.
This list is going to increase probably with Scotland, Greenland , Northern Ireland. Also Greece , France , Spain are also not comfortable with EU.

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