Thursday, December 15, 2016


To days international relationships between two countries or group of countries or blocks are dependent on mutual trust & trades . More trade means more prosperity .Infact peoples were engaged in trade , way back  thousands  years ago.

Ancient history provided rich examples of it , such as the silk rout - the land water trade routes that covered more than four thousand miles and connected Mediterranean with asia .Now with  help of modern production techniques , highly advanced transportation system ,outsourcing of manufacturing and services and fast industrialization ,the international trade is growing very fast.

International trade is nothing but - is - exchanging of goods , services ,machines , Agro ,  science & technical/scientific information's e.t.c. between two  countries without hinderences .The international trade contributes a good part of a country’s gross domestic product. It is also one of important sources of revenue for a developing countries.

Infact  GDP tells the story of financial health of a country .Higher the GDP , more prosper and more developed countries are. GDP also depend upon the international trade volume .More trade means more inflow of foreign exchange ,more infra structural development ,more employment  et.c

With above concept & for betterment and prosperity of regional Asian countries , regional cooperation was envisaged between South Asian nations long back in 1985 . SAARC was formally founded in Dhaka in 1985. The HQ is based in Nepal. The objectives of the organization was to promote economic and regional  cooperation and development .

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC ) is the regional intergovernmental organisation and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia.Its members rates are : Afghanistan ,Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Nepal , Maldives , Pakistan and Srilanka .

But it is very unfortunate that , now in 21st century these type of organisation has become a show piece of politics , leave aside any developmental activities , due to self interest of some member countries , who put all efforts to derail and sabotaged the constructive & developmental activities between the member countries , instead involve themselves in dirty politics and become a tool of any super power.

This is what actually happening now , internationally , in other group of nations too , where lobbying has become the main activity  . It has come to surface in 19th SAARC summit .But due to lack of unity & lack of concern  and cooperation , for each other, the 19th SAARC summit was cancelled. It is not a hidden fact that Pakistan ,which is basically a rough state , left no stone unturned to damage SAARC regional cooperation under pressure of some lobby.

SAARC  understand very well , all moves of Pakistan . That's why SAARC countries officially  slammed Pakistan for doing  dirty work & doing huge damge to SAARC by blocking all positive regional moves & initiatives . Indian Foreign  ministery ,has clearly indicated this and said it will discuss the issue with other member nations & will look for other options like BIMSTEC.

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is an international organisation involving a group of countries in South Asia and South East Asia. These are: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and Nepal.On 6 June 1997, a new sub-regional grouping was formed in Bangkok and given the name BIST-EC (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation  .

Myanmar joined Meeting as an observer and then  joined the organisation as a full member. Thereby group name  changed to BIMST-EC.  Subsequently, full membership has been granted to Nepal and Bhutan also in February 2004.In the first Summit on 31 July 2004, leaders of the group agreed that the name of the grouping should be known as BIMSTEC or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.Bimstec Headquarters is situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh .

All member States of SAARC are well aware of Islamabad's approach towards SAARC .All countries except Pakistan , wants to go ahead with regional initiatives and cooperation.

SAARC has reaffirmed much interest in this  group and seek improvement in connectivity ,regional cooperation which shall help the entire region including Asia to progress . They condemned the recent approach by one country to block all initiatives which is  "very very  damaging".

Pakistan had earlier blocked a key regional pacts like free trade zone , joining all member states by road e.t.c. .They will not allow regional connectivity, will not allow regional motor ways, will not allow regional railways This is a very provocative stand ,taken at the behests of China , who never wants regional Asian country to develop and remain dependent on china . China is using Pakistan as negative tool in the SAARC group. 

He said bulk of the members of the SAARC want to go ahead with regional initiatives and that if SAARC does not allow & provide them an answer, they  will look at other regions group like BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic cooperation )
Some country believes in the theory of  neither we will develop nor allow this region to develop under SAARC because they are busy in developing Terror Industry.

But by jeopardizing existing regional cooperation body  by hook or crook and bringing  something new one as parallel to it  is correct ? Like the Silk Road - the medieval trade routes between Europe and Asia, in the name of the OBOR project  ,which was brought in by China in order to have more say in the region matter .It is going to be be a vast network of sea and land routes across dozens of countries. It will impact 4.4 billion people. China is said to be spending $1 trillion on it. It is not one project but six major routes which will include several railways line, roads, ports and other infrastructure. China claims these economic corridors will not only build infrastructure in countries that cannot afford to do it themselves . 

But the question  remains  , whether to make OBOR a success , killing of SAARC and other regional bodies is necessary.This needs to be thought upon .

Hope one day better sense will prevail .

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