Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day . They are ready to break any international Law/rules at their will , if it suits them. Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.
They are sensitive to Taiwan but never try to respect India's sensitivity on Arunachal .
Chinese have also created Dummy Threats to world in the form of  North Korea  and Pakistan . North Korea is there  to  threat & contain , Democratic countries  of South China Sea region . Pakistan is there  to contain & pose threat to another democratic country India and to train & harbor terrorists in their land so as to export them to south west Asia & to whole world , to destabilize the countries to their gains.

In order to check mate China ,United States-president elect Donald Trump is likely to follow the positive vibes with India in line with Obama & move closer to India  and  other democratic countries of the region i.e.  Japan , South Korea , Vietnam , possibly Philippines , Australia also - in a bid to counter balance China in South China Sea and Indian Ocean . !

It is most likely that  US-Indian relations will more strategically sharpened  & will become an important part of Trump's diplomacy. It will help Trump administration to balance external as well as internal situations . But how and how much India responds is million dollar question.

Because , India has its own constraints domestically and internationally. It can not go too close to America otherwise its relation with Russia will  get strained . Russia has already indicated its displeasure to India through its new found closeness with Pakistan like military exercise , talks regarding arms supply , interest shown in CEPEC. Clearly a arm twisting act. So India can only be a extra player in this US China game .

Directly or otherwise India is a power in this region , if not global . Trump will try get  India in its own side but India will most likely  shall maintain a sweet distance with US keeping in mind Russia and the dragon China .But to all indications available so far ,Trump shall maintain a good workable relation with India to balance China.

- Chinese official media began attacking US president elect  Trump after his tweets on Monday ,which questions China's currency devaluation and its claims on South China Sea.

- China is also watching very closely all moves and gestures of president elect Trump .

- China is very cautious about Trump remarks on south China Sea and on economic front and examining it's implication.

- In  their official daily , China advised Trump to be moderate in its policy.

As usual China is crying ,saying US is always using other countries against china for its benefits. The Chinese media also warned that America may have to pay dearly for its odd moves against China 

* This comments & criticism of Trump came in  Chinese official media only  after  taking a congratulatory phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing.C. China has already shown their resentment & took this matter to US foreign office

* Trump released two tweets recently  criticizing China for devaluing its currency, taxing US imports, and building military installations in the South China Sea. Trump is  critical of this selfish policy of china , who manipulated it's currency & trying to hurt US economy through unfair trade practices.

* Trump also issued veiled warning  to China through his various remarks. Trump ask ! why one China policy when US supplies military equipment's worth Billion's of dollar to Taiwan. 

* Overall,Trump is signaling tougher American policy towards China .

Trump unpredictability may unnerve both allies and adversaries. China likes predictability in their moves while dealing with other nations ,where as Trump moves are totaly unpredictable.The formal verbal exchanges has already set tone for the future game, which has already started .We  have to wait & watch for the next move , which is going to be very interesting .

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