Friday, December 2, 2016


Year 2016 , was very eventful year internationally. If media reports are to be believed,Apprehensions  were shown of , unthinkable ,  a nuclear war . Lot of burning issues  are still hot &  are dividing the world , which is already divided in camps , alliances , treaties . Muscles flexing is going from one alliance to other.Earlier, just few years back it was thought &  accepted by the whole world that this is a unipolar world with helm of affairs controlled by USA as captain of the team. 

But slowly & slowly opposition to uni polar system was started . It has come to the surface very clearly ,visible , in 2016 .Yes the Russia , which was once USSR & broken to number of independent countries in 1990 by unqualified support of USA and western European countries . Slowly & slowly Russia become an very strong military power and started challenging USA and their allies . 

Of course In doing so China gives and giving unqualified support to Russia.So the balance of power has changed and uni polar world became multi polar world.

Team A : USA , NATO , Western allies & others
Team B : Russia ,China ,Iran , Turkey ,N Korea ,Syria

One group started  challenging the others move , resulted clashes of interests  and war like situations. 

Examples :

1.Syrian Crisis - Bombing Allepo & Stoppage of  humanitarian help
2.South China Sea - China's claim on vast area of South China .
3. Ukraine crisis & Crimea inclusion in Russian Federation .
4. Control over Black Sea .
5. Terror Strike on Indo - Pakistan border
6. North Korea - Nuclear missiles test
7. Placing missiles close to Russian border by NATO
8. Yemen civil war / ISIS/ Iraq/ Libya/ Afghanistan
9. Coup attempt in Turkey

Once again cold war like situation started between two groups. It is very common strategy to attract  members of other group , so as to weakening the other alliance.Philippines and Turkey are the latest example . Both the countries once close allies of USA , shown their annoyance to USA and drifting towards Russia .Its Russians achievement loss .

1 ) Turkish's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on survived an attempted military coup which caused clashes ,chaos  disruptions and turmoil in  whole country . President Erdagaon very clearly said that he is sure of foreign power involved in this  coup. Erdogan brutally criticized NATO for having and keeping sympathy with the coup leaders.

In Tukey people's s were forced to believe that NATO silence is in favor to coup plotter is enough evidence . The double standards of NATO surfaced &  exposed to whole world , showing , that NATO rules are not same for all its member countries for European's & one for non or near Europeans ( Turkey ). This resulted weakening of Turkey - NATO ties .Weakening of NATO-turkey ties were fully exploited &  fueled by Russia , who extended open arm to welcome Turkey. 

Now , number of projects particularly for gas and oil are being finalized which not only will cement Russia Turkey  trade ties but shall benefit both the countries immensely.So the vital question remains  , whether Turkey leaves NATO or NATO leaves Turkey.The answer probably is with Erdogan  & Vladimir Putin , whose new found  friendship is  in upswing . Russia would not have asked more than this . A win win situation for Russia having Turkey with them.

2) Philippines President Duterte held  first meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and said when it came to alliances, the United States could not be trusted. Putin is his idol.Philippines President Duterte  held talks with Putin during Asia - Pacific summit , he did not hide his hate towards present US Administration & confirmed , he is exploring the possibility of new alliance with Russia  and busy in re-aligning foreign policy away from Washington, despite his warm words to incoming U.S. president, Donald Trump.Philippines President did not stop here and further commented that US group  are  bullying small nations and  they are much hypocrites .

Russia took full advantages this sore relationships of Philippines with US and showered praises for Philippines President Duterte responded  very well & reciprocated the same . President Philippines also said Western powers particularly the United States intervening in conflicts for their own national interest and dragging others allies  to side with them. In his talk with Putin, Duterte fired United States and its Western allies for taking the lead in wars where they failed .They waged war in so many places like in Vietnam, in Afghanistan and in Iraq and failed miserably . Duterte said he is impressed with Putin's leadership.

Duterte's overtures to Russia are similar to those he made to China, who was once Philippines no 1 enemy.He is now trying to attract more Chinese investments in Philippines .Duterte expressed. his admiration for Chinese President Xi Jinping .

Philippines President further said if Russia and China decided to create a new order in the world, he would be first to join.

So USA loss is Russia's gain in the terms of new allies I.e. Turkey and , Philippines.

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