Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Hit hard where it pains more - True for China- A Trump way of doing with rivals .In general term it can be called as TIT FOR TAT policy. Probably China understand this language only.The Chinese political character & behavior is very complicated.

Chinese expansionist move is becoming a real Danger for whole world, day by day .They are ready to break any international Law at their will , if it suits them . Are real jealous and hypocrites. Follow one set of rules for themselves and another for rest of the world.Their only strategy is ,how to expand their area of influence.  South China sea  maritime disputes  with littoral states are the latest.

Chinese open support to North Korea  and Pakistan  is direct  threat to Democratic countries like India ,Japan, South Korea and other south Asian countries like Vietnam , Laos ,Cambodia ,Thailand ,Myanmar ,Malysia , Indonesia , Philippines , Brunei ,Coco- Christmas islands . Pakistan on the other hand gives terrorisits threat to contain & pose threat to another democratic country  and to train & harbour terrorists in their land so as to export them later to whole asia and  whole world , to destabilise the countries for their gains

Southeast Asian littorals are a litmus test for international maritime law. In the aftermath of the Hague Tribunal’s verdict on the South China Sea, New Delhi feels obligated to take a principled stand on the issue of freedom of navigation and commercial access as elaborated in UNCLOS. Beijing must know that regardless of the guarantees it seeks from India about staying neutral on the SCS, New Delhi cannot be seen to be condoning the aggression of armed Chinese naval ships, aircraft and submarines in the region.

No doubt China is a powerful country but but at the same time unpredictable also in nature .Probably US  President elect knows better , how to deal with RED. President-elect Donald Trump has taken a fresh Dig at China just after a controversial phone call to Taiwan's president that changed decades of diplomatic protocol.

Trump, in two tweets late Sunday, accused China of keeping its currency artificially low and of military posturing in the South China Sea - which leads to a tense territorial dispute.Trump nicely quoted by saying ,did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency , heavily tax US products going into their country , build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea.Trump asked when china doesn't follow international protocol,why they expect others to follow.

Beijing regards Taiwan -- an officially the Republic of China -- also as a breakaway province and has said it will use military force against the island if necessary. The two sides split in 1949 after Communist victory in the civil war. But after Trump 10-minute call , it could change the whole history of world , so the China's pulpatations is high.

The 10-minute conversation with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, which Trump described as a congratulatory call, was the first time a US president has spoken to Taiwan's leader since Washington established diplomatic relations with Beijing in 1979.

It's not clear how china will behave after Trump's latest comments .only time has the answer .China is already on the toes after this call of Trump , and they will not take it lightly .Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday it was a petty gambit and China has lodged an official complaint. 

Through  People's Daily, the Communist Party's official mouthpiece china said the call set a bad precedent. Chinese are just avoiding to give any comments on this rather said it all depends what policy Trump finally follows.It is clear that that Trump comment will have huge earing on international relations and matters.

China on the other hand is very hopeful about their relation with USA and said ,we hope President-elect Donald Trump, who will very assume White House shortly , will handle matter with respect, accountability and responsibility and become a force for  peace and stability rather than making whimsical  remarks aimed at surprising the world, China said said.

Trump's remarks on China's currency aren't dramatically different from what he made during his election campaign , however, it's only the second time that Trump has wreaked it up along with other issue like  South China Sea dispute.

Tensions have already picked up in the south china sea  waters, which is a major shipping route, as China has conducted massive  operations to reclaim land around territory it controls, turning sandbars into islands which it  equipped with airfields, ports and lighthouses. Hopelessly ,China has also warned US warships and military aircraft to stay away from these islands .

Trump , no doubt , taking risks by playing Taiwan & SCS game with china with care Well it can be taken as definite shift in US Policy ! Positioning  and posturing and lecturing  of both countries are  not clear .we will have to wait for the time to speak. Hope peace will prevail.

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